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Chapter 64 A New Era of Magic

 Garfield, who was sleeping in Tina's arms, opened his eyes and smiled from the corner of his mouth.

The magic defense I set up for Grindelwald was triggered. It seemed that the result was similar to what I expected. Grindelwald, the grand thief, was indeed lying to himself. According to the statements made by the sisters Lilith and Vivian who had just taken action, they discovered that

Grindelwald's soul hides a divided soul.

The two sisters did not think it was a big deal. They tore part of the soul of Grindelwald who was looking for trouble at the door and stuffed it into the weak soul. The purpose of pulling Grindelwald's love magic around in circles was to make the soul of Grindelwald who was looking for trouble fall asleep.

Give the person inside a chance to perform fusion recovery.

In order to confirm the reliability of this news, Garfield did not go out when Serafina came to the door. He was busy using the spells he had reserved on Grindelwald to detect Grindelwald's movements. Otherwise, according to Garfield's habits, what would he do?

Serafina must also ask for compensation for Grindelwald's escape to seek revenge on her.

It’s an advantage for her.

Above the high seas, the Thestral was still flying diligently pulling the carriage. Grindelwald, who was talking to himself, closed his mouth and fell into a coma for ten minutes before waking up again.

He rubbed his swollen head, touched the notebook in his arms, and took out the jewelry given by Garfield.

The magic power in his hand was directed towards the jewelry, and the jewelry instantly turned into a book with a golden cover and a metal frame, and a handle that turned into a sledgehammer. On the book was written a series of gilded words "The Thoughts of Old Horse - Garfield Penn"

Do Godzilla Pendragon Revised Version.

Grindelwald held the hammer-like metal book in his arms and looked in the direction of New York: "Thank you, great mentor, for saving my soul and defeating that evil existence. I will give you your loving kindness."

Thoughts spread throughout the earth"

The kind-hearted Grindelwald recalled that after the evil soul attack, a golden magic shield appeared in his soul to block the fatal Avada Kedavra, and then countless golden chains appeared to block the evil Grindel.

Wo was firmly trapped, and Garfield's shadow appeared and patted his forehead.


Garfield snapped his fingers, and the evil Grindelwald turned into dust and merged into his body amid his unwillingness and roar.

The kind-hearted Grindelwald knew that his evil soul had done too many things, especially being wanted by the United States Ministry of Magic. He could not go back and thank his great mentor in person. He could only use his actual actions to declare himself.

The thoughts of a great mentor are the greatest gift of gratitude to a mentor.

Yeqi pulling the carriage: Brother, why do I feel that the soul of the wizard in the carriage has changed? The evil one just now is much better now.

You talk a lot, can you concentrate on pulling the car?


Alas, my brother is still growing along the way. Just say something.


Cut the nonsense, save your energy, and talk about this later when we get to Hogwarts.


After a moment of silence, the younger Thestral said: Brother, do you think the food in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts is delicious? I think those spiders are okay, but they are a bit small and not chewy enough. It would be nice if they came out with some bigger ones.


The larger Thestral flying next to him suddenly drooped his ears and flew with his head held high. He chose to ignore the endless chatter about his brothers beside him.

Grindelwald didn't notice the Thestral's changes. He opened the cover of the hammer-shaped book and began to study the contents.

Serafina took the Auror Gate to treat those British Aurors who were injured by Grindelwald. The Aurors who pursued Grindelwald searched for most of the night but could not find any trace of Grindelwald. They returned without success.


Seraphina sent an urgent message to her British counterpart using a No-Maj telegram: Your escorts allowed Grindelwald to escape.

These short words are full of endless irony. The bureaucrats at the British Ministry of Magic are still worrying about how to organize Dumbledore to work in the Ministry of Magic. Now that Grindelwald has escaped, they think they have a powerful way to rebuff Dumbledore.

Excuse: Suspecting that Dumbledore is still in contact with Grindelwald.

Dumbledore laughed off this lame excuse and continued to work on himself. With his efforts, the school agreed to Garfield's proposal to be his teaching assistant, and a group of outstanding senior students passed the assessment of professors in various subjects.

On the stage of teaching.

Dumbledore could also be free to continue to contact his supporters to help him enter the British Ministry of Magic. Under Garfield's guidance, he had completely figured out that he could not complete the deal just by relying on his silent efforts behind the scenes.

This decadent and closed world can create salvation. Only by standing at a high enough height can you make your own voice and usher in the dawn of your own world.

If there is anything Dumbledore gained from being a professor at Hogwarts, it is that batch after batch of students grew up under his hands, learned, graduated, and went to work. It is worth mentioning.

It should be mentioned that 90% of all members of the British Ministry of Magic are from Hogwarts, and the rest are wild or wizards from small workshops.

Dumbledore's request to enter the Ministry of Magic was supported by many members of the Ministry of Magic. Although their status and power were not as good as those of the conservative old wizards sitting on the throne, they were better in numbers.

The British Ministry of Magic was divided into two factions within a short period of time

Support Dumbledore’s entry into the Ministry of Magic’s Young Boys

The old guard who opposed Dumbledore's entry into the Ministry of Magic

The age and status of the two groups of people are at two extremes

The wizarding world is fundamentally different from the Muggle world. You are an official and have the right to control me. However, I will make my own voice heard.

Because of the great differences between the old and new factions, the operation of the British Ministry of Magic has become somewhat sluggish. For this reason, in response to public calls, the Ministry of Magic held a referendum on whether Dumbledore could work in the Ministry of Magic.

British Magical Entrance Hall’

There is a magic ballot box placed in the center. On the left side of the ballot box is written Y and N, which represents agreement and opposition.

This ballot box has been enchanted. Every time a vote is put in, a number will be displayed on the front of the ballot box.

All members of the Ministry of Magic vote in turn according to department, and as the members of the British Ministry of Magic vote one by one, the voting ends.

The two numbers on the left and right have undergone a crushing numerical change. One is already three digits, and the other is still hovering at two digits.

The final result is obvious

"I declare that the referendum is over, and Mr. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore will become our colleague to create a better future together"

"Long live"



"We won"

Amid the cheers of young people, Dumbledore won the right to work in the Ministry of Magic with a crushing advantage.



More of a shame

Those conservative people left the scene silently. Dumbledore expressed his gratitude to the members of the Ministry of Magic who voted for him. At the same time, Grindelwald held the book and met his European followers. The wizarding world unknowingly ushered in a new era.

New era.

To be continued

This chapter has been completed!
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