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Chapter 1270

Mr. Chu filled it with Lin Yu personally. Lin Yu took the glass and said with a smile: "Mr. Chu, you are too polite. You have a good body. Otherwise, you wouldn't have recovered so quickly. It's just a little effort from me."

"Haha, your little effort has helped me a lot." Mr. Chu laughed loudly, and he raised his head and drank the wine.

"Grandpa, drink less alcohol. It's not good for your health. During your last physical examination, the doctor said you have moderate fatty liver. He asked you to eat more light meals and drink less alcohol."

After only one drink, Chu Shiqing snatched away Mr. Chu's wine glass. She took some food to Mr. Chu and said, "You, you'd better eat more of the food I cook. Most people really can't eat it."

"That's right, Lin Yu, you should eat more. Not just anyone can eat the food cooked by my granddaughter, not even her parents, but it's my fault." Mr. Chu picked up the chopsticks.


"Haha, then I will follow Mr. Chu to get some glory." Lin Yu also picked up the chopsticks.

Chu Shiqing's cooking is indeed good. Although it cannot match the chefs of star-rated hotels, in terms of the quality of the dishes, it can be considered as comparable to those cooked by first-class chefs. It is a pity that she has become a policeman. Otherwise, it would be great to marry her.


"Lin Yu, I call you Lin Yu directly, don't mind." Lin Shiqing said.

"It's okay. You have a straightforward personality. If you call me Dr. Lin politely, I won't be used to it." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"I'm really sorry for what happened that day. I thought you were going to do something bad to my grandfather, so I fired in a hurry. Fortunately, I didn't hurt you, otherwise I would really regret it to death." Chu Shiqing raised a glass of wine.

He said: "Here, I'd like to toast you with this cup. Thank you for curing my grandfather's old problem for many years, and thank you for disregarding the past grudges."

"Thank you in advance." Lin Yu smiled, he also picked up the cup, clinked a cup with Chu Shiqing, and the two drank it down.

"Shiqing, if you work in the future, don't bring it home. You finally had a day's rest. When you get home, you don't have a good rest. You still have to look over these files. Are you bothered? Girl, be a little bit more.

In a girl's life circle, shopping and shopping are what you should do."

"No way, I'm used to it. If the case is not solved, I won't be able to sleep." Chu Shiqing said as she picked up a case file, which was Yu Qing's case.

After she picked up the case report, she asked Lin Yu intentionally or unintentionally: "Lin Yu, are you interested in solving the case?"

"I'm interested in traditional Chinese medicine." Lin Yu smiled, but there was an uneasy feeling in his heart. It seemed that this woman was still suspicious. When he was helping to collect information, Lin Yu accidentally saw Yu Qing's face.

Case Zong, his expression changed.

But Chu Shiqing was a police officer. When Lin Yu's expression changed, she immediately saw that something was wrong. If she asked Lin Yu this question now, she might be testing Lin Yu's background.

"Look at you, you are always talking about your profession." Mr. Chu said unhappily: "We are having dinner, what case are we discussing? We are discussing after dinner, and Lin Yu is a doctor, you can't just talk about what you are interested in

Yes, go ask someone else."

"No, I just have some minor questions and I want to ask Lin Yu for advice. He is not a doctor, and I think he is different from ordinary doctors. He may be able to solve my doubts." Chu Shiqing said with a smile.ql11

"Do you have any questions?" Lin Yu smiled and said, "If you have any, just ask. If I know, I will definitely satisfy you."

"The deceased in this case is named Yu Qing. He can be considered a gang member, but he is related to a drug trafficking case we are watching." Yu Shiqing picked up the information and said: "Unfortunately, he died, and he died suddenly."

"We have been watching Yu Qing for a long time. He has always been in good health and has no hidden diseases at all. If it is said that he died suddenly, the explanation will inevitably be unconvincing."

"Oh, so you suspect that he died of murder?" Lin Yu took her information, looked at it a few times and said, "You just said that he was a member of a gang. There are too many grievances between their gangs.

If there are too many, maybe his competitors did it."

"It's unlikely, because Yu Qing's stance is very neutral, and if it was his competitor who did it, there's no way we wouldn't be able to find any clues." Chu Shiqing shook her head and said, "I have reason to believe that he

He died of murder."

"Because I found some unique substances at the scene of his death."

"What unique substance?" Lin Yu was slightly stunned.

"We have sent an anesthetic that I have never seen before to the research institute. This anesthetic is not a Western medicine, but a Chinese patent medicine. We have not fully understood its effects, but there is one thing.

That’s for sure.”

"What can you be sure of?" Lin Yu's heart was filled with turmoil. It seems that Liu Qiang still left clues when he started. Ordinary people might not notice it, but this woman is different from ordinary people.

"It can give people general anesthesia, rendering them in a state of deadlock, unable to move at all. But after five minutes, this anesthesia will disappear without a trace, and we have not found any residue in the body of the deceased.

, so I concluded that this was homicide, and this was not a vendetta, but had other motives for killing." Chu Shiqing said.

"Oh, it is written above that the deceased died in the Foot Bath City. Where is the person who gave him a foot massage? Have you found him?" Lin Yu looked at the record on the case and asked.

"We found it and interrogated it, but we didn't get any results from the interrogation. The woman had no criminal record and she acted very calmly, so we think it has nothing to do with her."

"The topic is a little off topic." Chu Shiqing smiled slightly and said: "I just want to ask you, is there any Chinese patent medicine that can make the whole body stiff and have no ability to fight back?"

"In Chinese patent medicines, there are countless kinds of medicines that can achieve this effect." Lin Yu smiled and said: "According to what you said, people fall into a state of death, unable to move at all, and after five minutes

, I can count seventeen kinds of medicine for you that will make this state disappear."

"So many?" Chu Shiqing was slightly startled. She stared at the expression on Lin Yu's face and said, "Lin Yu, do you know Yu Qing?"

"I don't know. I'm just an ordinary doctor. You just said that Yu Qing is a gang member. I'm just a law-abiding citizen. How could there be any intersection between me and him?" Lin Yu smiled.

Laugh, he said without blinking.

"Oh, but I don't think you are an ordinary person. How could an ordinary person have such good skills like you? How could an ordinary person have such profound medical skills?" Chu Shiqing stared at Lin Yu and said with burning eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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