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Chapter 1348 Cold Evil

"Cold is the dominant qi in winter. If the cold is too cold and it hurts people and causes illness, it is called cold evil. Cold evil is common in winter, when the water and ice are on the ground, most people are injured by cold, so there are many cold diseases in winter. But

Disease caused by cold evil can also be seen in other seasons, such as sudden drops in temperature, wading in the rain, sweating in the wind, and excessive cooling of the air conditioner, which are often important reasons for feeling cold evil. The disease syndrome caused by cold evil invading people is called

Syndrome of external cold. When cold attacks the skin surface and suppresses the yang of the body, it is called "typhoid fever"; when cold evil spreads directly to the inside and damages the yang energy of the organs, it is called "mid-cold"."

“Generally speaking, cold evil is divided into three types. One is cold, which is yin evil, and can easily damage Yang Qi; the other is cold stagnation; the third is cold, which causes symptoms such as fever, no sweat, nasal congestion, and runny nose;

Cold evil directly affects the spleen and stomach, and spleen yang is damaged. Symptoms such as cold and pain in the epigastrium and abdomen, vomiting, and diarrhea may be seen. If the heart and kidney yang are deficient, and cold evil directly affects Shaoyin, symptoms such as aversion to cold and coldness in the hands and feet may be seen, and dizziness may occur.

Symptoms include clear grains, clear and long urine, listlessness, and thin pulse."

The students listened carefully and took notes quickly. Lin Yu led them into a very wonderful world of traditional Chinese medicine.

During this period, no one dropped out of the class midway. This was a big class that lasted for nearly two hours, but during this period, no one even asked to go to the toilet.

Even the teachers benefited a lot from this. They were also thinking about how to teach themselves in class in the future, because through Lin Yu's class, they discovered that attending classes in a rigid manner is really not a good thing, and they need to change.

Think about your own teaching methods.

After one class, Lin Yu declined the principal's offer to treat Lin Yu to dinner. He left the large classroom. He looked around and didn't see Mu Li, so he started looking around the campus.

In fact, Mu Li is not as gentle as she looks on the surface. On the contrary, there is a ferocious beast hidden in her heart. When she is stimulated, the ferocious beast will manifest. At that time, those who provoke her will

You will find out how scary she is.

However, Lin Yu felt that since he wanted her to integrate into this society, she should adapt to the life of this society alone, so he dared to let her be alone on campus.

After walking a few steps, a soft voice came from behind: "Lin Yu."

It was a soft and steady voice, without any disturbance. Hearing the voice, he felt that this person must be an unworldly woman. Lin Yu turned around and couldn't help being stunned.

Sure enough, a pair of firm yet gentle eyes appeared in front of him. The owner of these eyes was a girl wearing a white dress. She was as pale as snow, and her black hair was draped casually behind her shoulders.

She is not very old, but there is a kind of vicissitudes in her eyes, which makes people feel that this girl who should be like a flower has experienced the ups and downs of the world.

Xu Xuejian is an alternative in the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Everyone knows her, but no one is familiar with her. It's not that she is not approachable, but that most people dare not approach her.

Because her soft eyes seem to be able to see through all your secrets, making you feel that you are unreserved in front of her. No one likes to deal with such a person, because you will not

There are no secrets at all.

Although she has always occupied the top spot in the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, no one understands her, and no one dares to muster up the courage to confess to her. This is such a terrible person.ql11

"Do we know each other?" Lin Yu looked at these eyes. He seemed to have seen the same eyes as Xu Xuejian, but he couldn't remember when he had seen these eyes.

"I know you, but you don't know me." Xu Xuejian looked at Lin Yu indifferently.

"Do you know me? When did you meet me?" Lin Yu laughed dumbly. He felt that this girl had a maturity that did not match her age.

"Just now." Xu Xuejian stared at Lin Yu and said, "Just now, I met you when you were giving a lecture."

"Oh, I'm a student here." Lin Yu smiled and said, "Then you should call me teacher."

"I can call you teacher during class, because you are my teacher at that time, but in private, I don't need to call you teacher, because privately, we may be friends." Xu Xuejian said.

"Haha, okay, you can call me Lin Yu in private, but I don't know your name yet." Lin Yu smiled.

"Xu Xuejian." Xu Xuejian said lightly. Her eyes almost never left Lin Yu's body. She looked directly into Lin Yu's eyes, seemingly without any intention of dodging Lin Yu's eyes.

"Xue Jian, what a good name." Lin Yu savored the name and said, "Xue Jian Cao is the name of a type of Chinese medicine. I think your family is related to Chinese medicine."

"Yes, my family is related to Chinese medicine. If you are familiar with it in the imperial capital, you will know how long ago the Xu family in the imperial capital existed." Xu Xuejian smiled indifferently, and her smile bloomed like a flower, which made her smile.

Several men who walked past her couldn't help but be fascinated.

Lin Yu was okay, after all, he was already a little pampered as he was at the third level of the Taixuan Heart Sutra, but the girl in front of him still aroused his interest.

"The Xu family in the imperial capital, that very powerful traditional Chinese medicine family?" Lin Yu understood instantly.

"Yes." Xu Xuejian said calmly.

"Oh, I've heard about his name for a long time." Lin Yu said in awe: "I remember that during the Anti-Japanese War, the ancestors of the Xu family did a lot of work. The entire Xu family, despite the danger of being beheaded by the enemy, secretly made sacrifices for our country's troops.

There are a lot of Chinese and Western medicines, which have saved many of our soldiers on the battlefield."

Yes, the Xu family is such a magical existence. The ancestors of the Xu family opened up several routes on the battlefield. No matter in difficult moments, they could ensure that medicines were delivered to the battlefield or where the troops needed them in a timely manner.

In fact, the children of China have never lacked enthusiasm. There are Mr. Lin who squandered all his family wealth during the country's crisis, and the ancestors of the Xu family who risked their lives in the line of fire to save the army and the people from danger.

It is these people who work silently that save China a lot of worries. It is precisely because of the Xu family's wartime actions that they saved countless soldiers. The Taizu of the Xu family passed away when Huaxia was founded. Later, Taizu personally wrote "Medical Family" as a gift.

Xu family.

It was this plaque of "Medical Family" that established the Xu family's status in the imperial capital. Now the Xu family is still a family that cooperates with the military. Most of the military's medicines, whether they are traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, come from the Xu family.


Moreover, after Xu's Pharmaceutical was established, it occupied half of the traditional Chinese medicine market. Although no one from the Xu family served in the military and political departments, no one dared to offend.

This chapter has been completed!
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