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Chapter 1625 Pathogens

There are more and more patients bitten by cryptid, and most of them come from a mountain village in the northeast, where the climate is humid, the transportation is backward, and the awareness of hygiene is not that good.

But since the number of people increased, the local provincial hospital immediately set up an investigation team to look for the pathogen in that place, but it has not been found yet.

However, the intensive care unit is obviously not enough. Fortunately, the central hospital has a biochemistry laboratory, and several rooms have been isolated in that place, where new patients are all located.

Now Li Mingzao no longer looks high-spirited when standing in front of the media. On the contrary, now he has a sad face and is constantly working on data and observing patients.

Because since Lin Yu arrived in the morning, most of the patients' conditions have obviously worsened.

A serious patient, the ulcers on his body have further expanded, and more importantly, the color of the ulcers on his body has changed from red to black, and the patient's high fever has not subsided, no matter what kind of antipyretic drugs are used.

After using it, his high fever just wouldn't go away.

"Dr. Li, patient No. 3 is in a serious condition now. I suggest you issue a critical illness notification to the patient." An assistant came in and said hurriedly.

"How serious is it?" Li Ming turned around and asked.

"It's... almost dying. We are making last-ditch efforts in the emergency room, and most of the patients have developed ulcers. It seems that your herbal medicine is no longer very effective."

"Send a critical illness notice." Li Ming said decisively.

"But I need you to communicate with the patient." The assistant said with a guilty conscience. The patient's family members are very excited now. If he sends a critical illness notice at this time, he will bear all the patient's anger.

"Then what do you do? Believe it or not, I fired you?" Li Ming was furious. He was already annoyed enough. He was not in the mood to communicate with patients at all.

Besides, who is he? He is Li Ming. Only the family members of patients have always begged him for help. He has never talked down to the family members of patients. If he is allowed to go now, won't he lose his worth?

"We have already communicated with the patient's family, but he didn't listen. He insisted on you giving him an explanation. And most of the patients now know that their family member's condition has worsened, so they gathered around..."

"So... in order to prevent emergencies from happening, we suggest that you go and have a look yourself. The family members trust you more, and it may be better for you to work for the family members, the assistant said."

"Continue to monitor the data." Li Ming threw away the things in his hands and walked out angrily. When he walked outside, he saw a group of people excitedly confronting the security guard.

These are the family members of Patient No. 2, the patient who is about to receive a critical illness notice.


"What happened? What happened?" Li Ming said angrily.

Reporters from the media were also paying attention to the development of the situation, and some media were conducting live broadcasts. As soon as Li Ming came out, all the media swarmed up and pointed their microphones at him.

"Dr. Li, didn't you say that the condition is under control? But as far as we know, the patient's condition has worsened. What's going on?"

"Dr. Li, some people say that you were not the one who cured those three patients at all. You stole other people's achievements. Is that true now?"

"Doctor Li, Dr. Li, now the patients are waiting for the answer."

A group of people surrounded the place, and Li Ming said anxiously: "Wait a minute, everyone, I will answer your questions one by one."

"Doctor Li, tell me, my father had the mildest symptoms when he was sent here. Why are we suddenly given a critical illness notice now?" The woman who spoke grabbed Li Ming's shoulder and shouted.

"This, this is because patients have different physiques and different resistances, so..." Li Ming tried to use his little professional knowledge to explain to the patient.

"You're talking nonsense. My father's resistance is very good. He is usually in good health. He was bitten by a poisonous snake and was fine. How could a mere cryptid beetle hurt him?" The woman became excited.

"This is difficult to explain medically," Li Ming said.

"What explanation is there? Dr. Lin said some things that might have happened in the morning, but you kicked them out. Now I wonder if you are using other people's results to brag here. The doctor who cured the patient first,

Not you at all."

"Yes, where is the dean, where are the leaders of your hospital, we need to find out what this matter is about." The patients became confused again.

Li Ming still wanted to quibble. At this moment, several doctors came out of the emergency room. They said sadly: "Where are the patient's family members? I'm really sorry. We tried our best, but the patient...has died now."

"Dad..." The woman rolled her eyes and fainted, and everyone at the scene started to make a fuss. They now believed that Li Ming was a fake, and that the person who could really cure cryptopterosis was not him at all.

"Everyone give way." At this moment, Lin Yu and a group of people walked in.

"What is the truth? I have made it very clear this morning." Lin Weiwei glanced at the patient's family members and said, "But you were only willing to believe this person and not us. If Dr. Lin had come earlier, maybe you wouldn't have

Something like this happened.”

"Lin Yu, what are you doing here?" Li Ming roared angrily.

"Li Ming." Several people in uniforms came over: "From the Ministry of Health, please explain your problem. You are pretending to be someone else's medical achievements and are not equipped to deal with this time's cryptopterosis, which has caused unforeseen consequences.

Recovering losses and consequences.”

"I'm not pretending. These achievements are really mine. Where is Dean Yang? I want to see Dean Yang." Li Ming panicked.

"Dean Yang is at the police station. If you go early, you two might be able to chat in the prison." A policeman said with a wave, and a group of people came up and dragged Dean Yang away.

"Weiwei, come here and be my assistant. I'm checking on the patient's condition." Lin Yu ignored the family members. Although they showed friendly expressions now, Lin Yu was like this. He wanted to take revenge.

, repay injustice for injustice.

They were afraid that people who had been bitten by the cryptid would be cross-infected, so everyone who went in put on chemical protective clothing. Lin Yu didn't wear any. He is naturally resistant to most poisons. He is immune to all poisons.

Someone like him.

Now the two of them are looking at one of the two people who is currently the most seriously ill. His body is a little charred, and the ulcers on his body are getting worse.

This chapter has been completed!
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