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Chapter 1772 Absence

Everyone knows that Qiu Ruoying is a very punctual person. She will have meetings at the time she says she will. She is never late or absent.

But today, such a rigorous and punctual person was absent, which made everyone feel that something was a little unusual.

Everyone has heard more or less about the Qiu family. Everyone is also aware of the relationship between the Qiu family and the Qiu family. Everyone knows the circumstances under which Qiu Ruoying took charge of the Qiu family.

, and what is the situation of the Qiu family now?

From an endangered group to becoming the number one in China today, Qiu Ruoying played an indispensable role. However, as the Qiu family became stronger, the Qiu family became a little unhappy, because the roots of the Qiu group were in Qiu.

Now that the Qiu family has fallen into the hands of a woman, the people of the Qiu family will definitely have some thoughts, but now they want to take back the Qiu Group, which may be a bit difficult.

Qiu Ruoying has worked hard for more than 20 years, how can you take it away with just a disagreement? Talk about family ties? Haha, when you pushed her to be a scapegoat, why didn't you think about family ties?

After waiting for a full hour, some people in the conference room were already impatient. If today's meeting wasn't so important, less than half of the people would have walked away by now.

No one knows what kind of medicine Qiu Ruoying sells in the gourd. The information she revealed yesterday was about changes in equity and senior management, so no one dares to be absent because this matter is very important and affects the company's senior management and equity.

No one dares to be careless about changes. Even if Qiu Ruoying asked them to wait here all day, they would have to grit their teeth and wait here.

After a full hour and a half, Qiu Ruoying arrived late. She walked like the wind and sat directly on the president's chair. She glanced around and said, "Everyone who is supposed to come is here, so let's have a meeting today."

As soon as Qiu Ruoying finished speaking, her assistant distributed documents one by one to the shareholders and management.

"The content of today's meeting is all here. After everyone has read it, just sign it." Qiu Ruoying said calmly.

After taking the document, most people couldn't wait to read it. They only glanced at it a few times, and their expressions became weird. Some were furious, some were looking at it cautiously, and some were showing off.

Comes with a gloating expression.

Because what has just been handed out to everyone is a personnel appointment and removal letter and an equity change letter. Most of the equity changes and people appointed and removed are from the Qiu family.

Everyone is not a fool. Everyone knows that Qiu Ruoying is going to target the Qiu family this time. Think about it, the Qiu family has created a lot of trouble for Qiu Ruoying in order to seize power over the years. Qiu Ruoying

If I can endure it until today, I am considered patient.

"Everyone has finished reading." After waiting for more than ten minutes, there was a lot of discussion in the conference room. Qiu Ruoying finally knocked on the table and said lightly: "I think everyone has finished reading. I think I

There is no need to repeat it again. If you have no objection, just sign it."

"Of course I have objections." The Qiu Lingyan who stood up was Qiu Ruoying's second uncle. After he stood up, almost all the direct descendants of the Qiu family stood up. More than 20 people accounted for one-third of the top shareholders.


"If you have any questions, Vice President Qiu, please tell me." Qiu Ruoying smiled faintly. Instead of calling him "Second Uncle" directly, she directly addressed him as Vice President Qiu. This made Qiu Lingyan's face instantly look ugly.

Qiu Lingyan also knew that Qiu Ruoying and the Qiu family had completely broken up. He also knew that Qiu Ruoying would definitely cause trouble at the meeting this time, but he did not expect that Qiu Ruoying would be so blatant.

As the only senior member of the Qiu family to enter the Qiu Group, Qiu Lingyan can be said to be the person with the highest position in the Qiu family against Qiu Ruoying. He is the vice president and is in charge of purchasing, foreign trade, real estate and other major industries.

In the Qiu Group, he is the representative of the Qiu family. Although Qiu Ruoying had considered changing his position before, she had not yet implemented it.

Because Qiu Ruoying knew that if Qiu Lingyan was touched, it would touch the sensitive nerves of the Qiu family, so touching a person like him must be done with caution.

But then again, Qiu Ruoying had a delicate relationship with the Qiu family before. Although she strongly opposed the Qiu family's entry into the Qiu family, because of Qiu Lingyan's existence, the Qiu family's

There are still many people arranged in the Qiu Group. Although not all of them hold important positions, the status and status of people in Qiu Lingyan's group are not low.

This is also why after breaking up with the Qiu family, the first person Qiu Ruoying took action against was Qiu Lingyue, because if Qiu Lingyue was taken down, it would mean that half of the Qiu family's power in the Qiu Group had collapsed.

Think about it, Qiu Ruoying is also strong. She is in charge of the Qiu family. Although she cannot completely prevent any of the Qiu family members from entering the management, her brothers and sisters do not have any say in the Qiu family. Even if they do, they have no right to speak.

Vacant duty.

But Qiu Lingyan is different. This guy is an old fox. If he is here for a day, the Qiu Group will not be able to completely control everything. Therefore, before you attack the Qiu family, you must first attack this guy.

"Of course I have questions." Qiu Lingyan threw the document in his hand heavily on the table. He pointed at the document and said, "I dare to ask Mr. Qiu who made these personnel changes and equity changes."

"Of course it's me." Qiu Ruoying smiled faintly. She leaned on the president's chair, glanced at Qiu Lingyan and said: "If Vice President Qiu has any problems, raise them now. After all, Qiu's Group is a big group.

, we can’t be dictatorial by one person, right?”

"Yes, we can't be a dictatorship by one person." Qiu Ling smiled sternly: "I don't agree with the plan you proposed. First of all, in terms of personnel changes, I am doing a good job in my position now, why do you want to transfer it to someone else?

In his position? You don’t know that the Xinghu and Luoxiangshan projects have just started. If the coach is changed now, people’s hearts will be upset.”

"Vice President Qiu, since I have made such a decision, I must have my considerations." Qiu Ruoying said with a faint smile: "You are old and have made a lot of contributions to the company. Now

Projects such as real estate are relatively hard, so they are not suitable for you, so I decided to move you to a less stressful department, isn't that okay?"

Of course this won't work. It's fake that you, Qiu Ruoying, care about me. It's your real purpose to take the power out of my hands. I'm not a three-year-old child. Do you think I can't see your intentions?


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