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Chapter 199 Ignore

Chapter 199 Ignore

Yan Daihe started to get a little nervous. She felt that she had overlooked a very important opponent.

"Yes, I'll go now." Lin Hu nodded, turned around and left.

"Wait." Yan Daihe suddenly shouted.

"Madam, do you have any other instructions?" Lin Hu quickly turned around and asked.

"Accompany me to the company first. I want to see Xue Lang and Lin Yu." Yan Daihe stood up.

"I'm afraid they have left." Lin Hu said in surprise.

"No, they will wait for me there. If I don't go, they won't leave." Yan Daihe sneered.

A long time has passed, and Wang Liang is still standing in the office.

His nose has been bleeding out. Although the amount is not much, the water is flowing steadily. The blood loss for such a long time has almost exceeded his limit. In the luxurious office, there is a pool of thick blood where he stands.

, which was formed by solidification after his blood flowed down.

Chen Yunzhu had no intention of letting him go, and Xue Lang stood at the door blocking his way.

Moreover, Lin Yu's hands were very dark. His nose is still bleeding downwards at a very even speed. No matter what plug he uses, he can't stop it. And after so long, he has not seen these people let go.

He meant to leave.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Wang Liang finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked through gritted teeth.

"Let's make a bet." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"What are you betting on?" Wang Liang felt his anger rising outward...

Damn, there must be a time for this bet. Didn’t you see that I’m still bleeding? Didn’t you see that I’m already shaking? Only now do I have the mood to make a bet with you. It’s important to save my life now.

Ah, okay.

"Just bet on whether the person behind you will come to you or not." Chen Yunzhu said calmly.

"Miss, what do you mean?" Wang Liang said angrily. Because his teeth were smashed by Lin Yu's punch before, his words are still leaky now.

"You know what I mean better than anyone else," Chen Yunzhu said leisurely: "If you think your blood can continue to flow out, then just stand here and wait."

"I..." Wang Liang felt aggrieved. He really wanted to kneel on the ground and beg Chen Yunzhu to forgive him.

But thinking about his own position and the unlimited benefits that woman promised him, he gritted his teeth and persisted. He believed that he would be able to get over it soon, and he did not believe that Chen Yunzhu really dared to let him die of excessive blood loss like this.


Another ten minutes passed, and Wang Liang felt a little cold. He couldn't help but wrap up his clothes. The blood under his feet where he stood had solidified into a dark brown scab, and the wound on his nose

, always maintained that speed from beginning to end, bleeding not at all fast, not at all slow.

Although the amount of bleeding was not very large, he had already reached the limit. Wang Liang's face turned pale, and his eyesight turned black. He was sure that he was about to reach the limit. If he continued to hold on, he would definitely not


"Can we... be quiet?" Wang Liang's voice was trembling as he spoke.

"Have you figured it out?" Chen Yunzhu glanced at him.

"I...I figured it out. Wang Liang gritted his teeth.

"It's boring. I'm betting with him on how long you can last." Xue Lang said somewhat boringly.

"It's a pity that I don't want to talk about it now." Chen Yunzhu said lightly: "You have no use value to her anymore, and you have no use value to me either. Why should I talk to you?"

"I..." Wang Liang took a breath. Only then did he realize that Chen Yunzhu was right. He was indeed not qualified to talk to the other party now because he had no use value at all.

He knew that woman's methods, and he also knew that this performance would make him directly out of the game. But now, he was really not qualified to talk to Chen Yunzhu.

"Please..." Wang Liang fell to his knees on the ground with a bang. This movement alone made stars gleam in his eyes.

At this moment, the door was opened from the outside, and Yan Daihe, who had a frosty face, walked in from the door, followed by Lin Hu, who had a bruised nose and face.

Seeing this scene in front of her, Yan Daihe's face turned pale. Her eyes swept over Wang Liang's body, and then stared at Chen Yunzhu.

Chen Yunzhu's face was neither sad nor happy, and there was no expression at all. She stared back with her cold eyes, and their eyes collided in mid-air, sparks rising.

Wang Liang only felt waves of chills all over his body. He wanted to stand up, but he gritted his teeth and decided to keep this posture.

Because he belongs to Yan Daihe, and as the head of the Security Department, it is obvious that Yan Daihe trusts him. But now that he is kneeling in front of Chen Yunzhu, he has lost Yan Daihe's face and is weak.

It is Yan Daihe's momentum.

Now that he has seen it, Wang Liang feels that he can only go to the dark side in one way. He only hopes that Chen Yunzhu is not as sinister as her stepmother.

"Okay, very good." Yan Daihe's expression was cold, and she stared at Chen Yunzhu coldly.

Her words seemed to be addressed to Chen Yunzhu, but they also seemed to be addressed to Wang Liang. Wang Liang's body trembled slightly, but he still managed to hold on and prevent himself from falling.

"Auntie, if you have nothing to do, please don't come to the company. The company's surname is Chen." Chen Yunzhu said nonchalantly. Her words were tantamount to directly declaring war on Yan Daihe.

Yan Daihe's eyes were sharp, almost spitting out fire, but she remained silent without saying a word. She turned around, glanced at Xue Lang, then looked at Lin Yu and said, "You are Lin Yu."

"We have met before." Lin Yu said with a slight smile.

"Very good." Yan Daihe nodded slightly, then turned and left.

Seeing Yan Daihe leave without looking back, Wang Liang knew that he would never be able to gain her trust in the future, but for some reason, he felt relieved.

He subconsciously looked at Chen Yunzhu, showing a look of begging. His position was already very clear. He knew that Chen Yunzhu did this to declare war on Yan Daihe and frustrate the other party's spirit.

It was undeniable that she was very successful. Only then did Wang Liang realize that this woman was not simple. Although she was very young, her skills were very sophisticated. Thinking that he had just dared to confront this woman face to face, he was shocked.

of cold sweat.

He is not a shareholder of the company, nor is he an important leader. He has no say at all in the behemoth Chen Group. He should not be involved in the above confrontations. He only needs to curry favor with his current boss.

"Go to the hospital." Chen Yunzhu said calmly.

This chapter has been completed!
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