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Chapter 208 It's Stupid

Chapter 208 So stupid

"Haha, to be honest, you are the stupidest person I have ever seen." Lin Yu laughed and shook his head: "You still haven't figured out what the Chen family is facing? You haven't either.

Realizing that handing over Chen to your daughter is Chen’s only way out. I just want to send you a message now, you idiot."

Lin Yu really felt a huge pain in his balls. How low must this guy's IQ be?

The power of the Chen family is completely eclipsed by other surnames. All it takes is an opportunity for the Yan family to completely take the power of the Chen family into their hands. At that time, the Chen family will no longer have the surname Chen, and Chen Ping, as the direct descendant of the Chen family

, but he hasn’t seen the situation clearly yet. It seems that Mr. Chen was right to hand over the power to Chen Yunzhu. The second brother is so stupid, and the boss must not be much smarter either.

If the Chen family is really handed over to the hands of the two brothers, then I am afraid that death is really not far away. But Lin Yu still has to admire Yan as a person. How deep is her scheming? She is in the Chen family

He turned his hand to become a cloud, turned his hand to become a rain, and even managed to keep Chen Ping tidy up.

"You don't need to worry about what our Chen family is facing." Chen Ping stared at Lin Yu coldly and shouted in a deep voice.

"I don't plan to care." Lin Yu shrugged.

"I hope what you say can be true. Also, stay away from Junzhu."

"I'm afraid I can't do this." Lin Yu thought for a moment and said, "As you know, I'm still single now. It would be best if I could find a wife."

"Don't even think about it." Chen Ping snorted coldly: "Because you don't deserve it."

"This doesn't seem to be your decision." Lin Yu smiled and said.

"Lin Yu, you are a smart man." Chen Ping suddenly calmed down. He turned and stared at Lin Yu and asked, "You are doing this just for money. Please set a price."

"You want to throw money at me?" Lin Yu said in a daze.

"You can also think so, you just want money to set a price." Chen Ping sneered and took out a checkbook as he spoke.

Lin Yu was silent for a moment and said, "Did your wife ask you to come?"

"Nonsense, I came here on my own. There is no way you, a scumbag, are worthy of my daughter. Say the price and I will write you a check, but in the future, please stay away from my daughter. The further away the better.


Chen Ping suddenly jumped up and screamed like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. Lin Yu seemed to have touched his heart.

"Don't be ridiculous." Lin Yu smiled: "You know how much the Chen family is worth, and you want me to leave Junzhu, so the price you offer is not an ordinary price. And although you are a direct descendant of the Chen family, you have great power.

If it's not in your hands, you won't be able to get much money out... I'm afraid it's your current wife's intention to come here to find me."

"You..." Chen Ping was silent. He tried to calm down. He stared at Lin Yu and said, "None of this is important. Just make a price, then take the money and leave."

"I won't open it." Lin Yu shook his head and said, "You can't afford the price I offer, so give up."

"Lin Yu, you have to know what you are doing. If you go against the Chen family, you will not end well." Chen Ping said coldly.

"Oh, really? Then I want to see if I have a good ending." Lin Yu smiled slightly. He ignored Chen Ping and turned to leave.

"Asshole..." Chen Ping looked at Lin Yu's back, and he suddenly threw the checkbook in his hand to the ground in anger.

Jiangnan Club.

People in the Jiangnan circle usually come to places like the Jiangnan Club to gather. Those who talk about business talk about business, and those who flirt with others chat with each other.

Lian Feng continued to play antiques upstairs, but Lin Yu really wasn't interested in that, so he sat in the bar and drank alone.

Lin Yu felt that his drinking ability was getting better and better. In the past, he would fall to the ground and twitch after drinking a few more drinks. Now he has become an alcoholic who can drink a few drinks and be fine.

And he can drink it in different ways, white wine, cocktails, and red wine.

"Lin Yu, do you want to try my latest cocktail?" Seeing Lin Yu coming over, Liu Qian couldn't help teasing her again.

"No... I won't try. Sister, if you really want to buy me a drink, then make me a drink in a serious manner. I really can't afford your mustard cocktail." Lin Yu refused quickly.

Thinking of the mustard cocktail last time, Lin Yu still had lingering fears.

"It's boring..." Liu Qian rolled her eyes at Lin Yu, then ran behind the bar and took out a few bottles of red wine. The bottles flew up and down with her jade hands, and the people watching were a little confused.

After a while, a colorful cocktail was placed in front of Lin Yu.

"Thank you, Sister Qian." Lin Yu then took the cocktail with a smile and tasted it carefully.

Liu Qian only mixes three cocktails a day, and each cocktail is priced astronomically. Each cocktail is auctioned on the spot, so the place is often full during cocktail auction time.

But since Lin Yu fell in love with her cocktails, she only kept one cup every day, and the other one was reserved for Lin Yu, regardless of whether he came to drink it or not.

Perhaps in the minds of these women, Lin Yu would sleep in Xia Qingxue's bed sooner or later, and he would not be able to escape, so they did not regard him as an outsider subconsciously.

"Yes, the cocktail you made is very delicious. I have always been curious about how you did it?" Lin Yu took a gentle sip.

"This probably has something to do with talent. It's like your golden needle. I've never seen anyone administer the needle so fast." Liu Qian said with a smile.

"It's a pity that there is only one cup every day." Lin Yu said regretfully.

"If you go to Sister Qing's bed, I will make it for you every day so that you can drink enough." Liu Qian gave an ambiguous smile.

"Uh..." Lin Yu blushed.

"Giggles, you're so rude, aren't you a bit of a rogue?" Seeing Lin Yu like this, Liu Qian laughed.

"Ms. Liu, it's almost time for the best cocktails, haha, there's no auction tonight, I'll take care of it."

As a familiar voice came, a guy sat down in front of Lin Yu carelessly, but it was Ling San who had offended Lian Lao not long ago and was severely beaten by him with a whip.

"Sorry, Mr. Ling, the three cups have been sold out today." Liu Qian put on a smile and said, "I'll take pictures early tomorrow."

"Today's cocktail auction has only been two, are you kidding me?" Ling San was unhappy.

"Here, the last drink is here." Liu Qian pointed to Lin Yu, and Lin Yu picked up the cocktail and drank it in one gulp.

As the cow chewed the peony, Liu Qian glared at Lin Yu. Every cocktail she made was exquisite, but Lin Yu just drank it in one gulp and really didn't know how to taste.

This chapter has been completed!
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