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Volume 8: Danfang Rebellion _ Chapter 2316 Minor Injuries

"It's just that I made you suffer this time." Li Ran looked at the Ghost King with some distress, and blood was still flowing from the Ghost King's chest.

"It's okay. This injury is considered a minor injury. I've long been used to it." The Ghost King said with a slight smile.

"Why can't the bleeding stop?" Li Ran said with some distress as he sprinkled golden sore medicine on the Ghost King's wound.

"How could Shangguan Wu's venomous snake tail be stopped so easily?" The Ghost King shook his head and said, "It's okay, I can't die from this injury. Let's go back and wait for Mr. Lin to help me stop the bleeding."

"Okay, let's go back first." Li Ran nodded, she supported the Ghost King, turned around and left.

In the laboratory.

Li Lingjun was still locked in that room. Apart from giving her some water and food, no one showed up. Not even Fu Jingchen came to see her.

The lighting in the room is a little soft, and in this place where there is no time, people's patience is most tested.

Li Lingjun didn't know what time it was, and she didn't know how long she had been here. She only knew that she came in and pulled out people. These people just put down their food and water, and then left without saying a word.

The space in this room is not too small, but there is nothing else except a bed. If you stay in this kind of room for a long time, you will really go crazy.

Li Lingjun is a little different. She knows that this method is specially designed to sharpen people's will. She has received training in this area.

This is a method specifically targeted at foreign spies. Although it is introductory, it is also a great consideration for ordinary people.

A place with no time and no one to talk to will cause endless fear to surge into people's hearts. When you are dominated by these fears, your will will become extremely weak.

And when your will collapses, you will easily fall into the trap of others. People, sometimes, are really fragile.

Li Lingjun was already a little anxious, but her heart was clear. She knew that she really couldn't go on like this. She took a deep breath and looked around.

This house was square and square, with nothing else but a bed. On her bedside, there were water and food that had just been delivered. She didn't know how long it had been since she had eaten. When she saw the food

, her stomach began to protest, even though the food was only some bread, milk, and water, which she usually did not eat.

But there is no way, the current situation is a special situation, even if she has a million unwillingnesses in her heart, she must eat. Only after eating can she have the strength to find a way to leave here.

Thinking of this, Li Lingjun grabbed the bread on the bed and started to gnaw it. The bread was a bit dry, so she drank water while eating. Soon, she was half full.

She put down what she was holding, lay down on the bed, and closed her eyes. After a while, she fell asleep.

In the monitoring room, some people were watching everything in the room intently through the surveillance camera in the corner. They saw that Li Lingjun actually went to sleep after eating and drinking. This made the people monitoring her very puzzled.

After all this time, this girl is still in the mood to eat, drink and sleep. I have to say, she has a really big heart.

"You haven't given in yet?" The bearded man came over. He saw Li Lingjun sleeping soundly on the monitor, and he couldn't help but get furious.

"Is this what you call hypnosis? Is this what you call psychological tactics? NO, this is just a bunch of shit, no, it's not even as good as a Xiang."

"Sir, we are working hard. This is a psychological offensive. It takes time. Originally, five hours was enough for us. Unfortunately, she is different from ordinary people." One person was trying to explain.

"Don't make excuses for me, all I want is the results." Big Beard said angrily: "Our experiment has now encountered a bottleneck, and I need someone like her to work for me and solve it."

"Haha, don't be so anxious, I'll enlighten her." Fu Jingchen came over, he still looked calm.

"You? Thank God you didn't mess this up. I don't believe you can do this better." The bearded man stared at Fu Jingchen.

"I captured this person. I already know her weaknesses, so now I have the confidence to make her surrender. Just wait." Fu Jingchen smiled and walked out.

Li Lingjun had just slept for a while when someone knocked on the door. She turned over and continued sleeping, not wanting to pay attention to the people outside.

But the knock on the door outside was still persistent. Li Lingjun sat up angrily, but she rolled her eyes and lay down again. This time, she put the quilt over her head and wrapped it from head to toe.

She knew that this was the enemy's psychological offensive. The enemy just couldn't bear to see her stay quiet for a while. She just lay down when someone came to trouble her.

But this time, the other party didn't seem to want to give up. As soon as she lay down, someone pushed open the door and entered, and this person was none other than Fu Jingchen, whom she hated.

"What are you doing here?" Li Lingjun couldn't help but get angry. Although she knew that once she got angry, the enemy might find her weakness, she still couldn't help getting angry because this guy's face was really annoying.


"I just came to have a chat with you." Fu Jingchen smiled slightly and said, "Don't you feel bored staying here alone?"

"I'm not bored. Let's talk about it. What does it matter to you whether I'm bored or not?" Li Lingjun stared at Fu Jingchen and said coldly: "If you have something to say, just say it. If you have something to say, just fart. If it's okay, get out right away."

"Haha, it seems that the psychological offensive they used has no effect on you." Fu Jingchen smiled slightly and sat next to Li Lingjun.

"Stay away from me." Li Lingjun frowned. She instinctively hated this guy. She didn't know why she always felt that there was something about this guy that she couldn't accept.

Apart from anything else, the feeling that I am the best in the world, that I can do anything, and that any woman has to submit to me, makes Li Lingjun very annoying.

She instinctively felt that this guy was a bastard and a scumbag. She didn't know why, but this was her impression of him.

"Oh, okay, don't get excited. We can keep a little distance. Don't worry, I won't touch you." Fu Jingchen comforted and moved a little to the other side.

Li Lingjun's tense expression relaxed, and she turned her head away, not wanting to look at this guy.

"It's quite boring to be here alone," Fu Jingchen said with a smile.

"It's good to have food and drinks." Li Lingjun sneered, but she still looked like she was refusing to let anyone in.

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