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Chapter 2399 Liberation

He thinks about how to establish a stronghold in China every day. He also thinks about how Lin Yu and others will deal with it every day. These things weigh on his heart and make him breathless.

But it was okay now, because he was about to die, and those things that he worried about and made him anxious all day no longer existed. He suddenly felt a sense of relief, which was unprecedented.

"Jiu Mu...wait for me." Fu Jingchen murmured, and he closed his eyes with a smile. Perhaps he didn't realize until now that death was actually a destination for him, and he was looking forward to this destination very much.

After death, there may be another world, but that world is definitely not heaven, Fu Jingchen thought. Although he was very obsessed with heaven, he knew that heaven did not exist. It was just... an organization to deceive the world.

It's just a technique.

He never believed in any heaven, and he did not dare to expect to enter heaven after death, because he felt that people in this world were extravagant and lustful, and no matter where they went, they were full of greed and corruption, even if there were real people.

Heaven, heaven will not accept them.

Because humans are not worthy, they only deserve to go to hell and be tortured by the evil spirits in hell.

This world is no longer the world it once was. Fu Jingchen feels a little tired. He doesn't want to get involved in those disputes, and he doesn't want to get involved in those intrigues.

Slowly closing his eyes, Fu Jingchen waited for his end to come. In the hazy state, he felt someone walking in front of him.

"Haha, if you want to do it, just do it. Lin Yu, I have nothing to say, and I'm not afraid of you." Fu Jingchen closed his eyes and smiled. He felt that this was his destiny. Now, he wanted to go back.


"Are you really not afraid of death?" A cold voice came, and Fu Jingchen couldn't help but shudder. This was not Lin Yu's voice. He opened his eyes suddenly and saw that the person standing in front of him was...

Shangguan dance.

The heavy rain came in waves, washing the earth, and the blood on her face was washed away. Her originally beautiful face was now covered with scars. Those scars were scattered and crisscrossed, and they were clearly visible in the thunderstorm night.

It was extremely terrifying. However, her face now looked very ordinary to Fu Jingchen. He did not feel scared. On the contrary, he felt a touch of warmth. Oh, this woman who is obsessed with him has been thinking of a way.

She got his heart, but she deceived him again and again and used her again and again.

"It's you..." Fu Jingchen stood up and took two steps forward slowly. Suddenly, he opened his arms and embraced her.

"I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid of dying unwillingly." Fu Jingchen gritted his teeth and said, "Why can Lin Yu push me to this point? Why is he the winner?"

"Do you have no place for women at all in your heart?" Shangguan Wu asked.

"What a man should have is a career." Fu Jingchen let go of Shangguan Wu and shouted: "A real man, a career-minded man, cannot be entangled in love and love. Everything he has should be a career."

"I want to have a place in heaven, I want to be a high-level person in heaven, I want to have supreme rights and status, then I must learn to give up, so don't think that I am using you, even if it is Jiu Mu, I will still be like this

Made it." Fu Jingchen shouted.

"Jiu Mu..." Shangguan Wu murmured and repeated the name: "Jiu Mu... Haha, she has been gone for so long, but she has always lived in your heart. And I, such a living person, stand in front of you, but you choose to ignore me.

, my life is actually worse than a dead person."

"And there is always someone in your heart. Even though you don't want to admit it, she is always there." Shangguan Wu smiled, her smile was a little crazy and heartbreaking.

Suddenly, Shangguan Wu grabbed Fu Jingchen's collar and said coldly: "It's just that it's not that easy for you to die. I don't believe that I will lose to Jiumu. Fu Jingchen, I hope you can express your feelings before you die."

For your sake, I will save you this time."

"What are you going to do?" Fu Jingchen was startled. In his opinion, Shangguan Wu was a little crazy, and now she was not normal at all.

"If you don't want to die, go." Shangguan Wu let go of Fu Jingchen, then turned and walked forward. Fu Jingchen was stunned for a moment, and he followed her away.

"Where are you taking me?" Fu Jingchen was a little confused. Now everyone is trapped in a tight siege. The last forces around Fu Jingchen should have been uprooted, and the siege around him is not so easy to break out. Shangguan Wu can

Leave with him?

"Of course we are escaping. They have laid a tight siege around the area. Almost half of the imperial capital's police were dispatched tonight. It's difficult to escape, but you can from here." Shangguan Wu led Fu Jingchen to a small river.

It is said to be a small river, but it is actually a sewage river caused by severe industrialization today. Heavy rains have caused the sewage in the river to surge. However, there are more debris in the river, including garbage, industrial water, and even a mixture of sewers mixed together.

"Shall we get out of here?" Fu Jingchen asked.

"Besides, do you have any better way?" Shangguan Wu asked.

"Haha, I'd rather die." Fu Jingchen laughed. He was a mysophobic person. He usually wouldn't use things that others had used. Now that he was asked to escape from here, he was really willing to die.

"If you want to die, I won't stop you, but if you are really caught by Lin Yu, it will not be as simple as death." Shangguan Wu stared at Fu Jingchen, and she said quietly: "If you are caught by Lin Yu,

The best outcome for you is life worse than death."

Fu Jingchen was silent. To be honest, he really had a hard time making a choice. If he didn't want to die, he would have to go into the ditch. And as a man with a natural mysophobia, it would be more uncomfortable to treat him like this than to kill him.

"As long as you live, there is still hope, right?" Fu Jingchen smiled and said it doesn't matter. History is always written for the victors. If he dies like this, then he will be a complete loser. For a failure

As a reporter, he has no qualifications to speak out.

So he had to endure the humiliation and bear the burden. Although the small ditch in front of him was a little disgusting, as long as he lived, there was still hope for everything.

He took off his soaked clothes and planned to sneak in, but at this moment, a cold voice came: "How can it be so easy to die?"

Lin Yu appeared. He brought a group of people, a group of his own forces, such as Furong, Li Ying, etc. He must have known where he would go, so he brought people here.

This chapter has been completed!
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