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Chapter 2559 I don't need you to teach me

"I don't need you to teach me whether I know how to be a human being." Tang Jia said coldly: "You scream, you can scream if you want, haha, I don't believe you can survive it.


"When I call him, it's my grandson." Tang Cheng twisted his face and smiled.

"Actually, there is no need for this to happen between the two of us. As long as you cooperate a little, it will be less painful. We are siblings after all, and I don't want this." Tang Jia stared at Tang Cheng, but she was a little less aggressive.

There is no relief.

"Actually, I'm more inclined to let you go. Unfortunately, I didn't get what I wanted, so I can't let you go now. Tang Cheng, wouldn't it be better for you to cooperate and suffer less?" Tang Jia said.

"Haha, thank you so much for being so considerate of me." Tang Cheng smiled, his face already a little pale, he gritted his teeth and said, "But, I don't need it."

"If you don't eat the toast, you'll have to drink as a penalty." Murderous intent flashed through Tang Jia's eyes. She frowned and was about to kill him. Her patience had reached its limit and she didn't want to spend any more time with Tang Cheng.

"Stop." The door opened and Li Yan walked in.

As soon as Tang Jia let go of his hand, Tang Cheng fell to the ground with a plop. He was panting heavily, and his clothes were soaked with cold sweat. The feeling just now was nothing like the feeling of walking away from the gate of hell.


"If I really don't come in, are you really going to kill him?" Li Yan stared at Tang Jiadao.

"Even if we kill him, what will happen?" Tang Jia said disdainfully: "He is just an insect. I don't think killing an insect will have any impact on us."

"What we need is his super gene seed. He is the bait. Without him, how could your father willingly hand over the super gene seed to us? Haha, I just thought you had no brains before, but I never thought of you

To be so brainless."

"Do I, Tang Jia, need to explain to you what I am doing?" Tang Jia's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and she said coldly: "Li Yan, don't take you too seriously. I am already here.

I’m giving you face. If you think that I, Dali, am getting in your way, I’ll just leave at the worst."

"Heaven has spent so much on you, are you going to leave just now? How can anything in this world be so cheap?" Li Yan sneered and said: "Tang Jia, whatever you do in the future, you must obey the arrangements, understand.


"You want to control me?" Tang Jia turned around and smiled: "Your paradise has suffered losses more than once at the hands of Lin Yu, and what about him? He was unscathed. If I hadn't made a comeback, you guys

There’s no room for Asia’s face, what qualifications do you have to command me here?”

"Haha, I never thought of controlling you." Li Yan smiled: "But, your whole person belongs to heaven. We can make you successful, and we can destroy you. Keeping in mind our past friendship,

I don’t have any plans with you, but don’t go too far.”

"My life is yours? What a joke. My life, Tang Jia's, is mine. It's up to me, not God. Who do you think you are? You want to control me just because of you?"

As soon as Tang Jia finished speaking, she suddenly felt a numbness on her back. Then, an arc-like brilliance lit up her body. She suddenly felt that her skin and muscles seemed to be sucked away by something. Her whole body

It seems that everyone is facing disintegration.

"Ah...hey, what's going on, what's going on?" Tang Jia fell to the ground, her eyes looked a little blurry, she raised a hand, she looked at her in disbelief.

One hand.

Disintegration is not a feeling, but a real existence. She is indeed facing disintegration. On her hands, small molecules are constantly floating upwards. She feels as if her body is melting into the air.

"What's going on? Tell me, what's going on?" Tang Jia screamed in horror, and she hissed: "Li Yan, what did you do to me? Tell me, what did you do to me?"


"I didn't do anything." Li Yan said slowly: "I told you before that the god-like gene is not very stable, and this is the first time we have successfully used the god-like gene on a person."

"Although your body is perfectly integrated with god-like genes, it is not without some flaws. In a word, you don't seem to be too perfect, so we need further transformation." wavv

"Your current situation is caused by a problem with the molecular structure of the god-like gene. There are hundreds of millions of molecules in the gene. As long as one error occurs, you are doomed." Li Yan approached Tang Jia and sneered: "

As long as you inject the god-like gene again, this problem will be solved."

"Give me...give me an injection..." Tang Jia screamed like crazy: ""You can't do this, I have done so many things for you, you can't just ignore me, you can't watch me disappear like this


"I said, we have made you successful, but we can also destroy you." Li Yan sneered and said: "To be honest, people like you are really annoying, because you are too self-righteous.

, you take yourself too seriously."

"Help...save me..." Tang Jia spoke intermittently. She felt that she could hardly breathe. Now her so-called dignity of God has long been forgotten. She was like a fish out of water.

Generally, it will dry up and die immediately.

"Ask me, if you beg me, I will save you." Li Yan smiled slightly, leaned down and said, "Aren't you a god? Don't you think you are very powerful? Please beg me, as long as you beg me, I will save you."

save you."

"I beg you..." Tang Jia grabbed Li Yan's clothes and said with difficulty: "Please help me, from now on... I will listen to you on everything from now on."

"Are you telling the truth?" Li Yan stared at Tang Jia and said with a smile, "Can you really do it?"

"I can do it... I will definitely be able to do it." Tang Jia said with difficulty, "Hurry... I, I am dying."

Li Yan conveniently dropped a blue injection. Tang Jia felt like she had found a treasure. She quickly injected the injection into her body. As the liquid disappeared, the dissipation in her body disappeared, and she spit out a long

My breath feels like I've been reborn, it's so good.

"It turned out to be a useless thing. I was wondering why the god-like gene was successful in a person like you? You don't have any backbone. Compared to your brother, you are far behind." Li Yan said coldly.

Tang Jia just kept breathing. The feeling just now was too terrible. She felt like she had walked away from the gate of hell. She didn't hear Li Yan's cynicism at all. She just wanted to live, even if it was humble.


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