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Chapter 257 Tea Immortal

Chapter 257 Tea Fairy

"I don't dare to be a fairy, I'm just a vulgar girl in the mortal world." Yi Mingxue smiled slightly and walked to the table.

"Oh my god, it's Yi Mingxue, have you seen it? This is Yi Mingxue who is famous all over the country and who lives in Linjiang Teahouse in the south of the Yangtze River."

"So beautiful, really beautiful. I wish I were a man. I can't help but chase her."

There is no doubt that Yi Mingxue's appearance caused another sensation at the scene. Everyone present, whether they were men or women, were impressed by Yi Mingxue, who was wearing a bright red cheongsam.

Sagawa Maki is also wearing a pink kimono. Although she looks very exotic, to be honest, in terms of appearance and temperament, she is far behind Yi Mingxue.

Lin Yu feels that during a competition, one person's aura suppresses the opponent's aura in an overwhelming manner, so there is actually no suspense in this competition.

Moreover, the name of Tea Fairy Yi Mingxue did not come from nothing. Although this Oriental woman seems to have two skills, to be honest, compared with Yi Mingxue, she is not on the same level.

"We provide a variety of water here for both parties to choose from. This is the mountain spring taken from Qingquan Mountain in the morning, this is Baisui Mountain, and this is ordinary tap water." Li Hua stepped forward and did something with the water in front of them.

Out of the introduction.

"In addition, there are a variety of teas. Please choose by yourself, but the teas you choose need to be the same, because different teas may have different tastes, which may cause the referee to be unable to judge."

"I choose mountain spring, West Lake and Mingqian Longjing."

Sagawa Maki's voice is very soft and she speaks Chinese very well. If you don't listen carefully, you will think that her Mandarin is very standard, and you can't even tell the difference between her and Chinese people.

"Then let's go to West Lake Mingqian Longjing. As for water." Yi Mingxue paused for a moment and said, "I think tap water will be fine."

Yi Mingxue's words moved everyone present, because the tea ceremony is a very particular process. A pot of tea, whether it is tea leaves, tea sets, or water, is very particular. The tea brewed from water of different geology is also different.


When it comes to tea, the best choice is of course mountain spring water, because this water comes from nature and has a lightness to it, making the tea that tastes the best.

It is well known that tap water is mixed with bleaching powder. It is impossible to make good tea from water mixed with industrial raw materials. Yi Mingxue's choice is a bit unpredictable.

"The most important thing for a good pot of tea is the quality of the tea leaves and the source of the water. It would be unwise for you to choose tap water." Sagawa Maki was slightly surprised, and she glanced at Yi Mingxue in confusion.

"Of course I know this, but my tea is different from others. I don't need mountain springs or fine tea leaves, and I can still make a pot of clear tea." Yi Mingxue smiled slightly.

"May I ask your name?" Sagawa Maki was slightly startled by the other party's strong self-confidence.

She is also a famous figure in Japan and the tea ceremony world. It can be said that in the entire East, there are only a handful of people who can compare with her in tea ceremony. She does not understand where this beautiful and shameless Chinese woman came from to be so powerful.


"Yi Mingxue."

"No wonder, it turns out to be the tea fairy Yi Mingxue who is popular in most of China. I have admired the name for a long time." Sagawa Maki suddenly realized that she had heard of Yi Mingxue.

This is a proud woman and an amazing woman. She has long wanted to compete in tea ceremony with her, but even she did not expect that today she would have the opportunity to compete in tea ceremony with someone she has admired for a long time.

"I am Sagawa Maki."

"Sorry, I haven't heard of it. What we are fighting for is tea, not reputation." Yi Mingxue smiled slightly and slapped the other party unceremoniously.

Everyone present applauded secretly. Ever since the Japanese came in, their arrogance made most of the people present extremely unhappy.

But out of etiquette, everyone resisted the urge to yell.

But the tea fairy is the tea fairy, and there is a domineering spirit in his bones that people can't help but look up to. These words directly made the other party's face turn red and purple.

"I hope your tea ceremony is as good as your mouth." Sagawa Maki sneered, turned around and walked back to her table.

There is a small copper stove with charcoal burning on the table, and a set of purple clay teapots next to it.

If you want to make a good pot of tea, you must pay attention to the requirements of water quality, water temperature, tea leaves and tea sets.

Except for the water quality, the two equipments are basically the same.

The two of them each demonstrated tea art, warming cups, serving tea, setting tea, etc. in an orderly manner.

Almost at the same time, the two of them lifted the kettle and poured it into the water cup. Yi Mingxue nodded her head three times. She tilted the kettle down and lifted it up three times. She used the momentum of the water to stir the tea leaves and tea water up and down, making the tea soup a little denser.


The amount of water to be poured is about 70% of the total amount of the cup, which is meant to be 70% of the tea and 30% of the love. This is the common saying that the cup is full of tea, rice, and wine.

Yi Mingxue's cup of tea only makes three cups because she has different habits from others. She believes that the best tasting tea in a pot of tea is only these three cups.

She gave the first cup of tea to Lin Yu.

"I'm not commenting." Lin Yu smiled.

"I owed you a cup of tea in the teahouse before, and I will pay you back now." Yi Mingxue said with a slight smile.

"This is different." Lin Yu shook his head and said, "Unless this is your fourth pot of tea today, I don't think you are sincere."

"The rules cannot be broken unless..." Yi Mingxue said with a smile: "You can become the man who makes me willing to break my own rules and make the fourth pot of tea for you."

The conversation between the two was a bit confusing to others, but everyone felt that the relationship between Lin Yu and Yi Mingxue was definitely extraordinary.

"Okay, I'll take the cup of tea today first. The future is bright." Lin Yu gritted his teeth and took the cup of tea from Yi Mingxue.

Both sides served tea and waited for tasting.

After the Japanese and Westerners finished tasting the tea, they looked at each other and fell silent.

After tasting the tea, everyone already knew in their minds that the taste of Yi Ming Xuehe tea and Sagawa Maki's tea are actually the same.

But the important thing is that Sagawa Maki’s tea uses mountain spring water, while Yi Mingxue’s tea uses ordinary tap water.

The quality of tap water is definitely not comparable to that of mountain springs, so strictly speaking, Yi Mingxue won this tea fight.

Although the Japanese people are brave enough to admit their shortcomings, they lost both games. The psychological gap still makes them a little bit embarrassed.

"What do you think?" Sagawa Maki asked.

"The taste, color and temperature of your tea are basically the same." A member of the Oriental inspection team hesitated and said, "But..."

"But, Yi Mingxue used tap water, and I used mountain spring water, so in this tea fight, I actually lost, right?" Sagawa Maki said.

"Strictly speaking, that's the case." The other party nodded.

"Haha, since everyone is here for exchanges, let's not stick to success or failure and gains and losses." Li Hua saw that the scene was a little tense, so he walked out to smooth things over.

After all, this was an Orientalization inspection group, under the banner of cultural exchange, which made them look very unsightly and a little embarrassed.

"I lost this round." Sagawa Maki bowed to Yi Mingxue, "Tea Fairy, you are indeed worthy of your reputation. If you have the opportunity to go to Japan, we can have a good exchange of tea ceremony there."

"Secondly, I would like to know how you use ordinary tap water to make such pure green tea?"

"This is actually very simple," Yi Mingxue said calmly: "Your tea art is limited to strict movements, but I am no longer limited to these."

"What you brew is tea and what you demonstrate is the tea art, while what I brew is the realm and what you demonstrate is the tea ceremony. This is the difference between you and me. In fact, you are already very good, but you still lack a level of understanding in the tea ceremony.


"Whenever you break through this level of understanding, your tea art will improve to the next level. As long as you improve to the next level, your tea art will be sublimated into the tea ceremony."

"Haha, it turns out that I have never understood tea all this time. My tea is just art, but your tea is Tao." Sagawa Kiko bowed deeply to Yi Mingxue and said: "Thank you for your advice, I feel like it now

suddenly see the light."

Yi Mingxue also gave her a blessing, then turned around and walked away.

The goddess is a goddess, she stunned the whole audience when she came, and still attracted everyone's attention when she left. Everyone present was very excited. They felt that this trip was not in vain. At least they saw the famous tea fairy demonstrating tea art live.


"In the next third game, don't be discouraged." Songdao Yiming cheered up and said: "We are constantly growing in learning. Through today's events, we have learned about the differences between China and China. Everyone will learn more when we go back.

Work hard and strive to excel."

"In the third game, is there any need to compete?" Lin Yu said calmly.

"How do you know if you haven't competed?" Songdao Yiming was angry. For some reason, he always disliked Lin Yu.

Oh, maybe it's because this guy is more handsome than me.

"Teacher Matsushima, there is no need to compete in the third round." Kako Kawana has already spoken.

"Why?" Songdao Yiming said angrily.

"Because, I have already lost." Yoshiko Kawana said seriously: "From the moment he started inscribing the painting, I knew that I had already lost."

"But there's no competition yet, there's no competition yet, how can you admit defeat so easily? Are you worthy of your family's inheritance spirit? Are you worthy of your father who has high hopes for you?" Matsushima Yiming said angrily.

"My father will understand me. Because he is a person with a good heritage. He likes kendo, Chinese culture, and Chinese traditional medicine. The reason why he came to China with the inspection team this time is not to win or lose."

This chapter has been completed!
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