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Chapter 2988 Who and Who Fights

"You can't stop me. I succeeded. They are already here."

"Really? Don't you have any doubts at all? Isn't everything going so smoothly for you?" Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Indeed, it went very smoothly." Shura was slightly startled. He nodded and said, "But this is our prophet, protecting us secretly, so everything goes surprisingly smoothly."

"If your prophet really has such ability, he will not leave you alone in this world for so many years." Lin Yu sneered and said: "You have never thought about all this.

Is it too easy?"

"Lin Yu, I know that you and that boy Shangguan Hong are plotting against me all the time, but so what?" Shura sneered and said, "I already killed him, that's why I didn't kill him.

Him, that’s because I want him to watch all this."

"Haha, let him watch all this become a reality, and then the world will turn into ashes. You, the Shura clan, will dominate the world, right?" Lin Yu sneered.

"Yes, that's what I planned." Shura said with a smile: "Lin Yu, all conspiracies and tricks are in vain in the face of absolute strength."

"In front of a strong man, there is no skill at all, what do you think?"

"Yes, there is no skill at all in front of a strong man." Lin Yu smiled and said: "Your biggest reliance now is your five prophets, right?"

"Yes, our prophets are the spiritual leaders of our entire Shura clan. As long as they come to this world, there will be nothing that cannot be solved." Shura sneered and said, "What do you think?"

"It's a pity that all your efforts will be in vain, and they will not come to this world." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Hahaha, Lin Yu, look, they are already here." Shura pointed to the altar and saw five prophets who had slowly stood up. They were floating in the air with their eyes slightly closed.

These five are different from Shura. After Shura was almost wiped out by Lin Yu last time, he escaped, but because he was born in this world, he could quickly adapt to his new body.

But these five are different. They came from hundreds of millions of planes away.

Since they were teleported, the advent ceremony consumed a lot of their mental energy, so they needed some time to adapt to this world.

After they adapt to this world, they will completely control their bodies, and then all creatures in this world will completely surrender under their feet.

"Yes, they are already here." Lin Yu said with a smile: "Their five bodies, in your opinion, are the most perfect. They can fully withstand the divine power of your Shura clan when they come, right?"

"Yes, haha, thank you for bringing these five people to me, and then I will have the opportunity to let the prophet come to this world. No matter what conspiracy you have, it is not important now." Shura smiled.

"Shura, have you ever thought about why these five bodies are so perfect?" Lin Yu smiled slightly.

"I've thought about it, but I can't figure it out, but it's not important, is it?" Shura laughed and said, "What's important is that what I wanted to do has been done now, isn't it?"

"Taoism follows the way of heaven. One way is missing to make it perfect. The more perfect things in this world seem, the more powerful the dangers they contain." Lin Yu smiled and said: "It's like these five objects.

Physically, they are tall and muscular and look perfect."

"When you Shura tribe comes to this world, it will bring extremely powerful oppression. Ordinary flesh bodies cannot carry your bodies at all." Lin Yu said.

"That's right, the Shangguan clan spent a lot of effort to wake me up back then. Our bodies were too strong." Shura nodded slightly, and said with some sigh: "But fortunately, I managed to survive back then.

Come down, and then you have the arrogant Shangguan clan."

"You worked really hard to find a suitable body back then." Lin Yu smiled slightly and said, "These five bodies suddenly appeared in front of you. Don't you think it's strange?"

"What's so strange? This is God's will. We, the Shura clan, should occupy this world." Shura sneered.

"Haha, these five bodies were brought by us, have you never doubted it?" Lin Yu sneered.

"You did something?" Shura was surprised. He glanced at the five prophets.

, and then shouted with some uncertainty: "This is impossible, I have checked these five bodies, and they have the physique I want."

"Yes, they think it is the physique you want, but these days, they have been living in the training camp and have never communicated with you. You should have scanned their consciousness with your spiritual mind and found that their thoughts are almost

It’s just a blank piece of paper, right.”

"Yes, that's right." Shura said with a smile: "So these five people were given to me by God. I feel that for me, this is the best gift God has given me."

"That's wrong. Strictly speaking, these five people are not human beings at all." Lin Yu smiled slightly.

"Impossible? They have life and thoughts. I checked them carefully and they are living people." Shura's expression changed.

"The five bodies transformed using cloning technology have no souls at all. Shura, many things in this world are actually beyond your imagination. Your thoughts are incomparable to those of us humans."

Lin Yu pointed to his head and said: "Because everything in your head is just paste. You are too powerful, so you don't bother to conspire."

"We humans have been involved in various struggles since thousands of years ago. We are always fighting enemies that are more powerful than us, so we are always thinking about how to win."

"Despicable, you are so despicable, these five people are actually clones." Shura's whole body exploded.

To be honest, he used his spiritual mind to spy on these five people more than once, but he never saw any problem.

He never expected that Lin Yu would do something like this.

"Haha, your race is too powerful. You will never know that we will sacrifice everything for victory." Lin Yu smiled slightly: "These five bodies are cloned."

"It is impossible for your five prophets to completely fit with these five bodies, and if the fit reaches a certain value, they will explode and die."

"Think about it." Lin Yu said with a smile: "Their spiritual thoughts traveled through countless planes and came to this world, spending a lot of dark energy. Do you think that after the body was gone, they

How long can your consciousness survive here?"

This chapter has been completed!
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