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Chapter 343 Treatment

Chapter 343 Treatment

"Haha, that's good. No wonder Lian Lao keeps praising your medical skills. You are indeed a person with a lot of skills." Yan Lao said with renewed energy.

"Yan Lao, your stomach is not good. If you have any health problems in the future, it is best to see a Chinese medicine doctor, because Chinese medicine generally does not damage the liver and kidneys, and does not irritate the stomach that much." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Haha, if I feel uncomfortable in the future, I will go to you directly instead of running to the health center." Mr. Yan laughed.

"If you take good care of your health in old age, it may be difficult to see a doctor in the future," Lin Yu said.

"Oh, do you have a magic formula for keeping healthy?" Yan Lao looked at Lin Yu in surprise.

"I don't dare to tell you about the wonderful methods, they are just some ordinary health-preserving methods. I am now a substitute teacher at Jiangnan University. What I teach is health-preserving. If Mr. Yan is interested, I will bring you a piece of information later. As long as you stick to it, I guarantee that you will live a long life.

Years old, your health is getting better and better." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Haha, if you are so kind, you can get me a copy later and explain it to me. Anyway, I am just idle all day long. It is good to maintain my health and improve my physical fitness." Yan Lao said with a smile.

At this moment, he frowned slightly, looking a little uncomfortable, but he still endured it.

"Grandpa, your head hurts again?" Yan Kangping was surprised: "Just wait, I'll call a doctor for you."

Just when Yan Kangping was about to leave, the door to the ward opened, and a doctor wearing black-rimmed glasses, two nurses, and a group of white coats walked in.

"Dr. Feng, I was just about to go find you. My grandfather has a headache again. Do you want to stop the pain first?" Yan Kangping said.

"I want to relieve the pain. Let's get some painkillers." Doctor Feng ordered a nurse.

"Okay Doctor Feng." The nurse nodded, turned and left.

"Take that medicine again?" Yan Lao frowned and said, "I feel that after taking that medicine, I feel bad and drowsy. I just need to get over it."

"Lao Yan, don't worry, that medicine is the latest powerful painkiller developed in China and is not harmful to the human body at all." Doctor Feng said with a smile.

"In addition, these are your old examination results." Dr. Feng took out a stack of information and a brain CT scan. He pointed at the CT and said: "Mr. Yan, there are two pieces of shrapnel in your old head, far from the cerebellum.

Very close.”

"This is the reason why you often have headaches. If you forcefully remove these two shrapnel fragments, you will need surgery, but this kind of surgery is extremely risky. If you are not careful, there will be greater risks."

"But the recent examination results show that the two pieces of shrapnel on your head have begun to rust. This situation is extremely harmful to the brain. If it is not taken out in time, I am afraid that it may take up to half a year or at least half a month."

, you may fall into a coma."

"What happened when you fell into a coma?" Yan Kangping was surprised.

"Major Yan, this is the latest result of our expert team's discussion." Dr. Feng said: "To fall into a coma, to be precise...become a vegetative state."

"Impossible, my grandpa is obviously fine." Yan Kangping was taken aback and said excitedly: "Before he was hospitalized this time, his health was always very good. How could he say he was in a vegetative state and became a vegetative state?


"We are speaking based on the test results, Major Yan. I, Feng Liang, was the director of the brain specialist at the Jiangnan Military Region General Hospital, and I also studied in foreign medical schools. Do you think what I say is not authoritative?"

Feng Liang's tone left no room for doubt.

"Then is there any other way?" Yan Kangping was silent for a moment and asked.

"Surgery is the only way now." Feng Liang said: "Although there are risks, I will be the surgeon. I have done no less than ten risky surgeries. I am sure that the risk can be minimized. So surgery is the only way now.


"Even if the risk is minimized, there is still risk." Yan Kangping hesitated: "Is there a way to have the best of both worlds?"

"As long as it is an operation, there are risks." Feng Liang explained: "Now the two shrapnel outside Yan Lao's cerebellum have begun to rust. If they are not taken out, severe coma will be the best result. If

More seriously...I'm afraid..."

Feng Liang did not continue, but his meaning was already obvious. If he wanted to cure the disease, he would need surgery. There were still risks in surgery, but he would minimize the risks.

"I have organized an expert group. These experts are all authorities in the field of brain science. We will work out the most reliable method and try to minimize the risk. Don't worry, we will not destroy the health center's sign.

, now you and Yan Lao, discuss it."

"Grandpa, look..." Yan Kangping really hesitated, he didn't know what to do.

Surgery is risky; without surgery, you will become a vegetative state.

"Haha, there is nothing to hesitate about. It can be done or not. Anyway, this shrapnel has been in my head for decades. I have earned it by living for so long."

"But if you want me to lie on the bed like a dead person, it's really better to give me a good time." Yan Lao laughed and said: "Let's be more direct, I am doing surgery, it doesn't matter whether the risk is risky or not, I am not afraid of risks."

"But grandpa, I'll discuss it with Xueping again. After all, this matter is not a trivial matter." Yan Kangping hesitated.

"What's not a trivial matter? How big is it? Xueping's work is quite busy, and she works so hard. Don't bother her with these trivial matters. I'll sign it personally when the surgery is done." Yan Lao didn't take this matter seriously at all.

Take it seriously, he said carelessly.

"But grandpa, this matter really needs to be discussed carefully." Yan Kangping still did not dare to take risks.

"I said there's no need to discuss it." Yan Lao's temper rose, and he glared: "I can't decide my own life anymore?"

At this moment, Yan Lao frowned and pressed his forehead. His face turned sallow for a moment. His headache came back and large beads of cold sweat fell down on his forehead.

It was obvious that he was suffering great pain. If he hadn't been tough by nature, he would have screamed out in pain by now.

"Yan Lao, you'd better lie down first, and I'll show you." Lin Yu quickly helped Yan Lao lie down, and his right hand rested on Lian Lao's wrist for a moment.

"Here comes the painkiller injection." The nurse just now returned, pushing a trolley in her hand. There was a syringe on the trolley, as well as a light blue injection packaged in an independent freezer tube.

"Inject Yan Lao quickly, his migraines have started to attack again." Feng Liang said.

The nurse skillfully opened the freezing cylinder and sucked the injection into the syringe. She walked to the bedside and was about to inject Yan Lao.

"This medicine can no longer be injected." Lin Yu frowned and said, "The properties of this medicine damage the brain nerves and have side effects. If used carelessly, it will cause Alzheimer's disease."

Lin Yu's words made Feng Liang's expression completely change. He said coldly: "This medicine is certified by the State Food and Drug Administration. It has now been put on the European and American markets. People in dozens of countries use this medicine."

medicine, and no side effects were found.”

"Haha, but you accused this medicine of having side effects when you first came up. So let me ask you, what are the side effects of this medicine?"

"Is the imported stuff necessarily good?" Lin Yu glanced at Feng Liang lightly and said, "This medicine has been classified as a drug to be used with caution in China. The content of each dose cannot exceed five milliliters.

And it can only be used when the patient is extremely unwell."

"Because its side effects are so obvious. Mr. Yan just said that you will feel drowsy after taking this medicine. This is the side effect of this medicine. As a doctor, can't you see it at all?

"?" Lin Yu said lightly.

"You're just talking nonsense, I'm an authority in brain science, don't I know how to take medicine? Who are you, and why did you appear in Baojian Hospital? Can just anyone come in here?" Feng Liang said angrily.


"Dr. Feng, this is Dr. Lin. I invited him to treat my grandfather." Yan Kang said calmly.

"Major Yan, you also know the situation of Mr. Yan. It cannot be seen by just any intern doctor." Feng Liang stared at Lin Yu and said lukewarmly: "Besides, I advise you to go home and take a rest."

Study medicine in a down-to-earth manner for a few years, and then show off after the internship period."

"Sorry, I'm a Chinese medicine doctor." Lin Yu smiled.

"Traditional Chinese medicine?" Feng Liang laughed, "Haha, this is simply the biggest joke I've seen this year. You, a young man in his early twenties, have studied Chinese medicine for a few days and yet you dare to talk nonsense here. You treat others like

Are you all stupid?"

"Haha, Dr. Feng is right. Can Chinese medicine cure diseases? Even if it can cure diseases, they are just minor problems such as headache and fever. Can Chinese medicine intervene in serious diseases like this?"

"Yes, can your Chinese medicine doctors do surgery? Haha, tell me how it is done. Have you ever used a scalpel?"

"That's right, this guy is a charlatan, kick him out, and don't disturb us here to discuss his illness. It has delayed Yan Lao's illness. Can he bear this responsibility?"

For a moment, the group of people behind Feng Liang all rushed towards Lin Yu with flattering sounds, accusations, and sarcastic words.

"Why are you still standing there? Give Yan Lao an injection quickly. Didn't you see that Yan Lao is in so much pain that he can't speak?"

Feng Liang angrily yelled at the nurse. He thought Lin Yu was a fool. If it weren't for the fact that Lin Yu was invited by Yan Kangping, he would have kicked him out long ago.

The people present are all authorities in brain science. Who's words are not more important than this young boy? And you don't even look at where this place is? This is a health center, okay? You are a young person, why are you pretending to be so big here?

Tailed hawk?

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