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Chapter 461

Chapter 461 Ruining the place

In fact, he knew that this guy was just here to cause trouble. This Kamiya Tomoe is a student in the academic exchange group of Dongyang University. Because Jiangnan University is in line with international standards, there are quotas for exchanges with foreign countries every year. Unfortunately, this exchange came here

The student seems to be a problem student, and this Kamiya Tomoe is giving the school a headache.

After he came in, he used his karate skills to run rampant in the school. Several martial arts clubs were disbanded by him. Only big clubs like Taekwondo and Wushu Club were left to compete with him.

This guy threatened that among the martial arts clubs at Jiangnan University, they were the only one doing karate. Such harsh words made people hate him so much.

However, he does have arrogant capital, and the strength of the third level of karate is quite good. In Jiangnan University, where most of the students are weak, his strength can completely go sideways.

Therefore, some showy martial arts clubs were simply disbanded after he caused trouble for them several times. No, now he has set his sights on the most powerful martial arts club at Jiangnan University. He strives to become famous in one battle.

, making their Eastern martial arts popular throughout Jiangnan University.

However, ideals are very full and reality is very skinny. Although today's college students pursue romanticism and throw aside Chinese traditionalism, they are not something that these Japanese people can bully.

"I'm here to teach you China's tricks." Kamiya Tomoe bowed politely.

Although this guy looked polite, his tone was murderous, and he looked at Yang Yue on the stage with a sneer on his face, and sneered: "I wonder if President Yang dares to challenge me?"


"There is nothing you dare not do." Jiang Yue sneered and said, "Today I will let you experience what real Chinese martial arts is."

"I hope you can still look cool when you get to the stage." Kamiya Tomoe sneered. He quickly took a few steps forward, then suddenly slammed his feet on the ground, and his whole body soared into the air in an extremely beautiful posture.

And rise.

As he jumped up, the wooden clogs under his feet fell off on their own, and he landed firmly on the stage, standing opposite Yang Yue.

"When I came to China, my teacher told me that China is a place where great people come out in large numbers. But to be honest, I think this statement is seriously inconsistent with reality. I have not met a real person in China.

A master." Kamiya Tomoe stared at Yang Yue and said: "To be honest, although your martial arts are all just showy, it is undeniable that your strength is the strongest I have seen since I came to China."

"That's because the Chinese masters always like to live in seclusion. They are not like you Asians, who just learn a few things and then show off their strength everywhere." Lin Yu said lightly.

The students at the scene laughed loudly, and someone immediately shouted: "President Yang, beat this grandson. As long as you defeat him, I will withdraw all the teams and join your martial arts club."

"Yes, so do we. As long as you knock this Japanese out of power, we will support you from now on."

"We must win glory for China."

"We must let the arrogance of the Japanese people get the blow it deserves..."

The students at the scene were all stunned, and they almost unanimously supported Yang Yue. Although some people now worship foreigners, and even though the way Kamiya Tomoe appeared was really handsome.

But he ignored one thing. The people present were all Chinese. He, an Oriental, came to China's territory to act arrogantly. He was originally looking for trouble, so everyone supported Yang Yue.

"Thank you everyone, I won't let you down." Yang Yue bowed several times facing down.

"Haha, a bunch of ignorant Chinese people. I will let you know what real strength is. It is undeniable that you Chinese netizens are very powerful, but you are just talking on the Internet. I pity you.


Kamiya Tomoe sneered, he stood up straight, then bowed to Yang Yueyi and said: "Kamiya Tomoe, please teach me karate."

The moment he bowed, his expression instantly became serious. Although most people have a bad impression of Japanese people, it is undeniable that they are indeed very polite sometimes, especially in martial arts. They think martial arts

Learning is a very serious matter, even if they don't think highly of their opponents, they will respect their opponents.

"Piguaquan, Yang Yue."

When warriors fight against each other, no matter what the opponent is like, no matter how much you ignore the opponent, you must show a certain amount of respect to your opponent. This is the rule and habit of warriors, but Yang Yue will definitely not bow.

The opponent clasped his fists, then slightly bent his arms, opened and closed his arms wide, and spread them to both sides.

Kamiya Tomoe's expression turned cold at this moment. He suddenly took a big step forward, shouted at the same time, and then punched Yang Yue in the face.

This guy is very passionate about his moves. He can basically master all karate routines. Karate moves are nothing more than fast, accurate, and ruthless. This guy's third-degree black belt should not be underestimated.

If it were Yang Yue in the past, it would be really difficult to win against a third-degree black belt in karate. However, Lin Yu has been training him from time to time in the past few months, so now Yang Yue's strength has greatly increased, and he can win against a black belt.

It's not difficult to get a third-level rank.

Yang Yue also shouted loudly. He suddenly jumped forward and at the same time slashed his right arm forward to meet Kamiya Tomoe's punch.

"Single split palm..."

Bang, punches and palms hit each other, and both of them took a step back. The move they just performed was completely a test of their skills. They only used this move to test each other's depth.

The strength of the two was equal, and after this test, both of them immediately stopped looking down on the other.

Kamiya Tomoe suddenly shouted loudly. He stepped forward and slashed forward with a hand sword. His hand sword was not old yet, and then he quickly took a step forward, then jumped up and kicked Yang Yue sideways.

Kick it.

This grandson used dirty tricks, and Yang Yue certainly couldn't keep up with his rhythm. Yang Yue took a big step forward, then suddenly turned sideways, fell backward, and punched out quickly with both fists.

Back to Ulay...

The two of them each performed their own special skills, attacking each other's vital parts with each move, and the moves were being executed faster and faster, making everyone present feel dazzled.

In fact, whether it is Kamiya Tomoe or Yang Yue, their moves and routines are both strong and fierce. Karate is famous for its fast speed and fierce moves. Its sharpness is actually comparable to Muay Thai.


But Pi Guaquan is not a vegetarian. Yang Yue is well versed in the art of Pi Gua, and his speed is also extremely fast. No matter how fast or how hard Kamiya Tomoe strikes, he can always keep up with the opponent's rhythm, and he will do it from time to time.

Punch back.

Compared with before, Yang Yue now is less impatient and more calm. He can control his emotions very well. No matter how urgent the opponent's offensive is or how urgent the pursuit, he can always maintain his attitude.

A calmness.

Seeing Yang Yue's calm look, Lin Yu nodded slightly. He felt that Yang Yue had no problem dealing with Kamiya Tomoe now because he was neither impatient nor impatient.

Although the situation at the scene seemed unfavorable to Yang Yue, in fact it was not the case at all.

Now in the field, I feel like Kamiya Tomoe is chasing Yang Yue, because this Japanese man's moves are very sharp. He moves one move after another, and some of them are continuous.

On the other hand, Yang Yue is neither impatient nor impatient when he attacks. No matter how cruel the opponent is, he will dodge if he can. If he can't, he will just parry lightly. It feels like he is strong and he is strong, and the breeze blows over the mountains.

This is where Yang Yue excels, because the most taboo thing for martial arts practitioners is dryness.

Although Kamiya Tomoe has good strength, he has a rather impatient temper. In order to express himself, he wants to defeat the enemy with one move, so his moves look sharp.

But doing this will only consume his own physical strength quickly, and there will always be times when he is exhausted.

But Yang Yue is different. Yang Yue is now controlling the enemy and only wants to protect himself. His physical strength can be completely preserved. Even if it is exhausted, he will consume Kamiya Tomoe to death.

Kamiya Tomoe's attacks became more and more fierce. Suddenly, he took a step forward, slammed his feet heavily on the ground, then jumped up, and attacked Yang Yue with both hands and left foot almost at the same time.

Three battles stand, this is a relatively high-level move in karate. With Kamiya Tomoe's current strength, it is quite difficult to perform it, but he did perform it successfully.

"Ah, our president is so powerful. He can actually perform moves that only high-level players can perform."

"Yes, our president will definitely win, and our karate will definitely defeat all Chinese martial arts."

Seeing Kamiya Tomoe fighting more and more fiercely on the stage, some of his club members showed admiration on their faces.

But before these guys could finish their envious words, something unexpected happened on the stage.

Facing Kamiya Tomoe's three battle stances, Jiang Yue suddenly thrust his legs forward. His body suddenly became lower, and his legs split into a straight line in front of him. After dodging Kamiya Tomoe's three battle stances, he suddenly used one hand to

Support the ground and kick your legs forward fiercely.

Bang... Kamiya Tomoe was kicked by Yang Yue, and he took a few steps back involuntarily.

Lin Yu's method of teaching people has always been to take advantage and not suffer any loss, and take advantage of his illness to kill him, so after this kick, Yang Yue quickly turned over, jumped up, and performed a beautiful spinning kick in mid-air.

There was a loud bang, hitting the right side of Kamiya Tomoe's face. Kamiya Tomoe's tall figure was directly kicked off the two-meter-high platform. He fell to the ground with a loud bang and could not get up anymore.

"President, President, are you okay..."

The members of the karate club quickly ran forward and helped Kamiya Tomie up.

This chapter has been completed!
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