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Chapter 498 Tradition

Chapter 498 Tradition

Before the chief came here, Lin Yu had asked Li Ying to inquire about the chief's usual hobbies in front of Mrs. Li, and Li Ying did not disappoint Lin Yu. She found out from Mrs. Li that the chief liked traditional folk music, especially calligraphy.

one type.

So Lin Yu asked Wang Erzhu to find some well-written calligraphy for decoration. However, because time was too tight, it would be unrealistic to find some authentic calligraphy, so he only found some calligraphy copied by later generations to hang here for fun.


Lin Yu didn't know much about these paintings before. Now when he looked at this painting, he probably acted on the spot.

"If I just rely on my first impression, I think this painting was copied by later generations." Lin Yu looked at the painting and said.

"Yes, Xiao Li and I both feel the same way." Chief Yuan nodded slightly.

"But chief, in your opinion, when was the approximate time this painting appeared?" Lin Yu said.

"It's hard to say, but judging from the quality of this paper, it must be a long time ago. Although it is not an authentic work, it can be considered an old painting and has great collection value." The chief looked at it and said.

"Yes, this painting appeared a long time ago. If it is correct, it should be from the same period as Wang Xizhi." Lin Yu said with a smile: "It's just in my humble opinion that this person did not deliberately imitate the handwriting of the master.

Because I feel that the handwriting is vigorous and straight, and has his own style. Perhaps his method of practicing calligraphy is the same as Wang Xizhi's, and this is his own style."

"Is there such a thing?" Assistant Wang looked at the painting up and down. After looking at it for a long time, he thought deeply: "After you mentioned it, I really feel this way. This painting has the preface of Orchid Pavilion."

There is a strong sense of heroism between the words and the words. If you copy other people's works, you cannot imitate this kind of heroism."

"Yes, when the ancients painted, they looked at their mood. If they were in a good mood and the artistic conception was there, then the works they wrote would be very artistic. This is their own style. We can call the style the soul of the book. Every name written

Every word has its own soul, which cannot be imitated." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Book soul, this word is used well and hits the nail on the head." Chief Yuan nodded thoughtfully. After Lin Yu's short comment, he did see some differences in it.

"Of course, this is just my humble opinion." Lin Yu smiled.

"No, this is not a humble opinion. Your comments hit the nail on the head. After you mentioned it, I also feel that the owner of this calligraphy did not copy anyone, but his own style." Chief Yuan laughed and said: "

Xiao Lin, I didn’t expect you to have such a deep understanding of calligraphy. Haha, I think your calligraphy must be good. How about you and Xiao Li compete with each other?"

"No, no, my level is average. I can only talk on paper." Lin Yu shook his head repeatedly. He felt that this was not good. Although Assistant Wang was only an assistant, he was a person trusted by Chief Yuan.

Lin Yu has absolute confidence in his medical skills and his calligraphy. Although Assistant Wang also has some attainments in calligraphy, compared with Lin Yu, he is still somewhat lacking.

"Haha, don't push me. The boss never misjudges people. He said that your level is good. You must have something special. Come on, let's compare notes and write a few words."

When the chief mentioned this, Assistant Wang also became interested.

"Then... let's just write a few for fun." Lin Yu felt that if he continued to push it, it would be hypocritical. Just be modest. If you are too modest, it would be bad. Otherwise, who would know your talent?


"Come here, the four treasures in the upper room." Lin Yu called the waiter.

Chief Yuan came here to eat, which was related to the success of the promotion of new dishes, so Wang Erzhu made complete preparations here. After Lin Yu's order, someone immediately brought Fang Sibao, followed by a clever waitress.

Study ink here.

"Assistant Wang, how many years are you older than me? You are the elder. You go first." Lin Yu handed over a pen to laugh at the birth extension.

"Okay, then I'll come first." Assistant Wang laughed, picked up the brush, and then dipped it in ink. He praised: "This is a good one, a good Shanlianhu brush."

"Haha, yes, the workmanship and materials are excellent." Chief Yuan also smiled.

"I'm going to show off my shame first." With a flourish of his pen, Assistant Wang began to write on a piece of rice paper that had been laid out. When he started writing, he wrote several big characters almost in one go.

"Jiangnan is good." Assistant Wang put down the pen in his hand, and then blew the wet ink on it. He was very satisfied with his words, especially now that he was in a good mood, so his performance was at an excellent level.

"Good calligraphy, good calligraphy." Chief Yuan and Lin Yu applauded in unison. The words "Assistant Wang" are indeed good. They have their own style and are very beautiful. From the words, it can be seen that Assistant Wang is a good person.


"Lin Yu, please write a few too." Chief Yuan said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll give it a try too." Lin Yu nodded. He picked up a pen again, then sucked up the ink in the inkstone. He held the pen in one hand and closed his eyes slightly.

He was looking for a feeling. After a while, he opened his eyes, waved his pen with his hand, and saw a few words written in one go.

"Integrity and dedication to the public." Each of Lin Yu's words is as big as an ink fountain. The few big characters are vigorous and straight, and they have a somewhat overwhelming momentum.

That feeling is like the Five Mountains of Mount Tai. Just a few words can make people feel a surge of pride in their chests.

"Good words..." When the big words were completed, Chief Yuan was the first to applaud. It can be said that these words Lin Yu won his heart.

There is no doubt that Chief Yuan is a good official. Since he took office, he has always been iron and selfless. Moreover, he is very close to the people. It can be said that his reputation among the people is the same as that of him in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Compared to the leader in the position.

These words almost indirectly express his inner feelings, because during the anti-corruption campaign a few years ago, the chief made great determination. He said at a conference: "If you don't make decisions for the people as an official, it's better to go home."

Selling sweet potatoes.”

On the same day of the meeting, he personally wrote a large character "Integrity and Honesty" and hung it in the hall as a warning to all officials.

Over the past few years, great achievements have been made in anti-corruption. Now Lin Yu has written these words again, which makes Chief Yuan feel a little emotional, and at the same time he feels a little proud.

"Good words, really good words, I am ashamed of myself, I am ashamed of myself." Looking at the few words written by Lin Yu, Assistant Wang was also amazed. When he saw these words, he did not feel like Chief Yuan.

But he could see the gap between himself and Lin Yu. These words were written very well.

"It's embarrassing." Lin Yu smiled.

"Not ugly, not ugly at all. These words are written very well. Haha, Xiaolin, I have a cruel favor." Chief Yuan said with a smile.

"Boss, please tell me." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"You have to give this calligraphy to me. I'll hang it up in my office later." Chief Yuan said with a smile.

"It's no problem at all. If the chief doesn't think the words are ugly, just take it." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"It's not ugly. The word is that word, and the word is a good word. It serves as a warning to me and all the officials who come to my office." Chief Yuan said with a smile.

A guard came in and put the painting away, and then the waiter took away the four treasures of the house.

"Boss, it's time to eat. Let's get started." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Okay, now that you tell me I'm really hungry, let's get started." The chief smiled.

"Serve." Lin Yu turned around and ordered the waiter.

After a while, a table full of dishes was brought out. This dish was the Henan cuisine that Wang Erzhu introduced from other places.

When it comes to Henan cuisine, most people may feel unfamiliar, because Henan cuisine does not exist at all among the eight major cuisines, and due to various reasons, it is difficult to promote Henan cuisine.

Wang Erzhu went to Henan to attend a conference and saw the Henan cuisine there. He thought it was good, so he introduced it. However, due to the difference in taste and the bland taste of Henan cuisine, it has not been promoted.

But if the chief enjoys his meal here today, it is equivalent to a movable type sign.

"The taste of this fish... is quite good." The chief took a piece of sweet and sour fish and nodded in praise: "Although the taste is bland and not as exciting as Sichuan cuisine, this fish tastes delicious. Xiao Lin, I

I want to know if this is the taste of the fish itself or the taste of the chef’s cooking skills.”

The chief put down his chopsticks, closed his eyes and tasted it for a moment, then said: "The taste is a little mediocre when you first eat it, but the more you chew it, the more it tastes. Moreover, the fish itself is sweet and plump, not bad, not bad."

"Haha, the leader's tongue is really the emperor's tongue." Lin Yu laughed and said: "The name of this dish is Yellow River Carp. This fish is also caught from the Yellow River in the Henan Basin. The carp in the Yellow River comes from the source.

The taste is not very good at first, but after passing through the Loess Plateau and flowing into the Yudi River Basin, the taste will be delicious."

"So that's it, it's good. The second bite feels even fresher than the first bite." The chief kept nodding.

The dishes prepared today are among the top ten famous dishes in Henan, including the Yellow River giant carp, Bianjing roast duck, fried eight pieces, Mudan agar, etc., and there are also five famous soups.

"Xiao Lin, today's food is a bit bland, but I feel that I ate very well." After the five flavors of food and three rounds of wine, the leader smiled and said: "My personal taste is relatively heavy, and the taste tends to be spicy. If

In the past, I had no taste for such light dishes, but today I feel good. What’s the reason for this?”

"The reason is the chief's stomach." Lin Yu said with a smile: "The chief's stomach is not good, but he likes spicy food, and every time he eats spicy food, his stomach will feel uncomfortable."

This chapter has been completed!
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