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Chapter 543 He Really Has a Problem

Chapter 543 He really has a problem

"My nephew really has a problem with his head. When he was a child, he had a fever and his brain was burned out. He could eat a hundred steamed buns in one meal." Lin Yu told the police seriously.

Boom... the crowd of onlookers laughed in unison. They all thought that Lin Yu was teasing this woman. It's understandable if you say that his head is broken, but if you say that he can eat a hundred steamed buns in one meal, this

It's just a bit over the top.

"Are you talking about Wangzi steamed buns?" The policeman wanted to laugh, but due to his professional reasons, he still kept a straight face and did not let himself laugh.

"No, it's just those big steamed buns, several in twos." Lin Yu turned around and saw a steamed bun shop behind him and said, "He can eat a hundred steamed buns of this size. Do you think he can be normal?"


"Fart, bullshit, you let him eat a hundred steamed buns and show me. If he can finish them, I will not pursue today's matter and my money will be refunded to you." The woman did not believe in the steamed buns at all.

So edible, she screamed.

"In order to evade responsibility, he called the bastard a psycho. Now all fools know that psychos are against the law and can be irresponsible."

"If you don't believe it, we can demonstrate it live." Lin Yu spread his hands and said, "Give me half an hour, and I can prove that my nephew is indeed a fool."

"Are you serious?" the policeman asked dubiously.

"Of course it's true. If he can't do it, I will bear all the responsibilities." Lin Yu said.

"Okay, then I will trust you once. You go and eat steamed buns. If you can really eat a hundred steamed buns, I will pay for the steamed buns, and I will make the decision not to hold him criminally responsible." The policeman said.

The police also didn't believe that the man could eat a hundred steamed buns at a time. Let alone a hundred, even eating only half of them would be enough to prove that this person is really abnormal.

"Okay." Lin Yu nodded. He picked up the steamed buns and walked to the steamed bun shop. He directly ordered three large steamers. Generally, the steamers in steamed bun shops are very large. With three steamers, a hundred steamed buns would only be too much.

, no less.

"Uncle, what are you doing?" As soon as the steamed bun saw the steaming white steamed bun, he started to drool uncontrollably.

"I know you haven't eaten. Eat now. You're welcome." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Really?" Mantou's eyes lit up, and then he looked at Lin Yu with some disbelief and said: "Uncle, you are not lying to me, are you? You used to think that I ate too much, but this time you will care about me eating enough.

Not full?"

"Of course, I am your uncle. I don't care about you, who cares about you? Do you want to eat? If not, I will go back." Lin Yu threatened.

"Eat, eat, of course I'll eat it." The head of the steamed bun was nodding like a chicken pecking at rice. Without saying a word, he picked up the still hot steamed bun and stuffed it into his mouth.

He had been on the road for so long, and he was so hungry that he was already hungry. However, he was not full yet at Qinglin Hall. The half pot of rice was just something between his teeth.

Show mercy and let him have a big meal. Is there any reason why he shouldn't eat well?

From the very beginning of the steamed buns, everyone was shocked. This guy's steamed buns can't be described as eating, he can simply be described as swallowing.

I stuffed a seemingly huge steamed bun into my mouth and swallowed it without even chewing a few times. Within ten minutes, I had eaten a large basket of steamed buns.

"Oh my god, it's really edible. There must be at least dozens of steamed buns in this basket, and he actually ate them all."

"A great person, a really great person. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to eat even half of it."

"Come on, although prices have risen sharply now, and the portions of steamed buns are smaller than before, they are still quite substantial. It's good if you can eat two. How about half of it?"

"Don't talk. He hasn't eaten enough. He can still eat. Oh my god, is he still a human being?"

The onlookers were dumbfounded as they stared at the horrifying scene in front of them. They had only one thought... Is this still a human being? Can normal people really eat so many steamed buns in one meal?

Under the stunned expressions of everyone, the steamed buns wiped out the second steamed buns, and then the third steamed buns also bottomed out... In less than half an hour, he swallowed the three large steamed buns.

There was silence all around, and everyone's expressions looking at the buns changed a bit. The conflict that the scene just now brought to them was too intense.

"Uncle, are there any more? I'd like to eat some more," said the steamed bun, somewhat unfinished.

"There is a time to eat...you have to eat in quantity." Lin Yu said to the steamed bun speechlessly: "Have you forgotten what your master usually taught you? How full are you now?"

"Eight points." Steamed Bun said a little aggrievedly.

"Eight points? Eight points is enough. You can only eat eight points to be full from now on." Lin Yu scolded the steamed buns, and then he said to the policeman who had an obviously frightened expression: "Look, I'm not wrong, this guy's brain is

There is something wrong, he is not a normal person."

"Of course he is not a normal person..." The policeman shook his head and then came back to his senses: "A normal person can't eat this many steamed buns. It's so cruel. He really ate more than a hundred. Okay, I admit defeat."


As the policeman spoke, he took out his wallet and paid for the steamed bun meal, but the shop owner, whose legs were trembling with fright, refused quickly: "No, no, no, this meal is my treat."

Pity this shopkeeper, he has been selling steamed buns for decades, and this is the first time he has seen such a ruthless character like steamed buns eating more than a hundred steamed buns at one time...

"Now, the situation has been determined. He does have a brain problem." The policeman turned to the frightened woman and said, "If you want to continue, you have to go to the police station with me to make a record."

"He really tore off my clothes..." The woman who came back to her senses screamed: "Isn't this considered indecent?"

"Then we can only talk about it when we get to the police station." The policeman spread his hands, indicating that there was nothing he could do: "His mind is not normal. Even if he gets to the police station, he will probably be acquitted, and at most he will just apologize. If you

If you want to waste time, I don't care."

"This..." The woman is really dumb and unable to complain. She really didn't expect that she would encounter the best steamed buns today. She felt that she simply couldn't stay here any longer.

Because she is still using someone else's coat to barely cover the important parts of her body. The longer she stands here, the more embarrassed she becomes.

Moreover, she was at a disadvantage because the clothes sold at a local stall were said to cost more than 2,000 yuan, which was obviously an element of extortion. So even if she wanted to say something, she couldn't say it now, so she had to leave in despair.

"He has a brain problem. If there is a conflict in the future, keep him away. Otherwise, the consequences will be more serious."

The police persuaded and educated Lin Yu before letting him go...

Suhang Villa...

Suhang Villa is a garden-style villa. Generally speaking, it is the largest sanatorium in Jiangnan.

In fact, there are such sanatoriums in several places in China, and most sanatoriums are not open to ordinary people. People who can recuperate here must at least be retired or sick ministers.


In front of a green pond, Mr. Wu rolled up his sleeves and legs. He separated the small pond with mud, pumped out the water inside until it was very shallow, and then used his hands to catch fish in it.

Mr. Wu likes to eat fish, but he doesn't like fishing because he has a hot temper, so he can't stand the suffering of fishing.

In comparison, he felt that catching fish would be more enjoyable.

The water in the pond is very shallow, and the fish in it are all raised by Mr. Wu. Now that the New Year is approaching, the fish here have grown fat, and it is a good time to harvest.

Although the fish inside were slippery, Wu Laoyi caught them accurately.

The caught fish was taken to the kitchen and made into meals. Of course, everyone in the sanatorium had a share.

"Mr. Wu, the weather is cold, you'd better stay here for a while." Mr. Wu's doctor stood on the shore with some worry.

He knows Mr. Wu's health better than anyone else. Mr. Wu's health was not very good before, but since he came back from Jiangnan, his health is getting better and better.

Despite this, Dr. Baojian was still afraid that something would go wrong. After all, it was winter now. Although the weather in Suzhou and Hangzhou was not as cold as in the north, and on the contrary had a strong sense of spring, he was still afraid that the old man would catch a cold.

"It's okay, Xiao Li, I know it well, haha. I keep fish, not that I really like eating fish, but I really like the process of catching fish. It's a pity that my cooking skills are not good, and my wife is no longer here, otherwise she would stew it by herself.

A pot of fish soup is the most delicious." Mr. Wu said with a smile.

The old people had very stubborn tempers, and Baojian doctor Xiao Li was also very speechless. He could only watch worriedly from the shore. As soon as Mr. Wu showed signs of fatigue, he would immediately call Mr. Wu up. He would not

Come up and drag it up.

But now that Mr. Wu is in a mood, he doesn't dare to disturb him, because the tempers of these old men are worse than the last. If his mood is disturbed and he really gets angry, he still can't afford to offend him.

"Old man, why are you still soaking in the water? Come out if you're okay..."

Wu Bin walked over from one side. When he saw Mr. Wu still catching fish, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. The old man in his family knew in his heart that he didn't like anything else but liked to catch fish in the river.

"Okay, just grab this handful and you'll be out." Mr. Wu smiled, then pounced forward, and as the water rippled, a fish over two feet long was caught.

He threw the fish into the bucket and then walked up.

After walking up, someone brought some water. Mr. Wu washed his hands, put on his shoes, and then stood up.

"Haha, the fish are selling well this year." Mr. Wu said with a smile as he became more and more satisfied with the fish he raised.

"Haha, the old man can now become a full-time farmer." Wu Bin laughed loudly.

This chapter has been completed!
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