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Chapter 567

Chapter 567 Water Nature

Lin Yu's water quality is quite good. There is a waterfall in the back mountain of their Taoist temple, and there is a very deep Hantan under the waterfall. The reason why it is called Hantan is because the water in that place is cold no matter spring or summer.


Because of the Taixuan Heart Sutra, Lin Yu's body was alternately hot and cold. Before he was ten years old, he would go to Hantan to take a dip almost every day, practicing Sanjiu in winter and Sanfu in summer. It was precisely because of Liufujue

This is why Lin Yu has a body of copper skin and iron bones.

Although it was winter and the water was a little cold, this was nothing to Lin Yu. He swam extremely fast in the water, and in less than two minutes, he swam to the herring.

The lake water was very clear. Lin Yu could clearly see the fish's body under the water's surface, and every scale could be seen clearly.

Huh... the big fish suddenly rushed towards Lin Yu. Under the water, its head looked a little ferocious and terrifying. Lin Yu didn't say anything, he rushed forward and hugged the fish body, even though the fish's scales were

It looked a little smooth, but Lin Yu held it tightly.

As soon as he touched the fish's body, the fish began to twist violently. Under the water, there is a world of this kind of creature. Its huge and heavy body is much stronger than that of a human. Several times, Lin Yu

They were all thrown away by this guy.

People on the water surface could not see the fighting situation underwater. They could only see two black figures twisting and turning underwater, and some splashes would rise from time to time on the water surface. This scene made those who watched it a little frightened.

"It's been five minutes, hasn't he come up to take a breath?" Mr. Zhang asked Mr. Wu in surprise.

"Don't worry, this guy is no ordinary person." Mr. Wu smiled.

Indeed, because he has practiced the Taixuan Heart Sutra since he was a child, Lin Yu's lung capacity is much larger than that of ordinary people. Even if he cannot breathe in the water for more than ten minutes, he will not have any problems.

After several battles, Lin Yu could not do anything about this fish. However, this fish seemed to be at odds with Lin Yu today. He was swimming around here and refused to leave, quite provoking Lin Yu.

the meaning of.

Lin Yu was furious. He thought to himself that there was nothing he could do about the fish. He pumped his right hand on his waist, a splash of water rose up, and the incomplete body appeared in his hand. He flipped his right hand, and the incomplete body streaked across the water several times.

There was a shallow wave, followed by a splash of blood, and the fish's fin was chopped off by Lin Yu.

Once it lost its fins, the fish was like a person losing its legs. It quickly emerged from the water with its white belly turned over.

"Look, look, the fish is coming up, holy shit, it's so big."

"This weighs more than a hundred kilograms, my dear. It's as tall as a young man and a half."

"Where's the boat? Where's the boat? Get it up quickly."

The people on the shore became excited. This was the first time they saw such a big fish in the Suhang Villa. They all became excited in unison.

Immediately, someone swam over in a boat, and everyone worked together to get the fish up.

Only then did the true appearance of this herring appear before everyone's eyes. This guy's size had already been measured, and it was as long as one and a half meters. He had a huge head, and was a full-sized wild herring. He was also ferocious in nature, and generally

It is very difficult to catch.

"It's amazing. I caught this fish before when I was young. Although it's not as big as the one you caught this time, it almost capsized the boat. You just went into the water and fucked it. I admire you."

An old man looked at the size of the fish, and he couldn't help but give Lin Yu a thumbs up.

Anyone who is familiar with fish knows that this big herring belongs to a very ferocious fish. Logically speaking, there would be no such fish in this artificial lake. It may have come from somewhere, but

Judging from its size, it must be quite old.

After Lin Yu caught the fish, he seemed very excited. He had determined that Danyang Jinfang had warned him that there must be something unknown in the fish's body, so he shouted: "

Come on, get some knives, there might be something in this fish."

"Why don't you go change some clothes first?" Mr. Wu advised Lin Yu after seeing how wet and dirty he was.

"No need, Mr. Wu, I'm fine. There may be something in this fish's body." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"What can be in a fish's body?" Mr. Wu was a little confused.

"Maybe it is something like bezoar and dog treasure. I don't know the details. Anyway, this fish is a bit old and may produce some things in the body. These things are best used as medicine." Lin

Yu smiled.

"That's it." Mr. Wu suddenly realized.

Soon, a foreign chef came over after hearing the news. He held a knife in his hand and began to dismember the fish on the spot. While dissecting the fish, the chef praised: "This guy is a good size, the stew must be very good."

Yes, wild things are good."

I have to say that the chef's knife skills here are quite good. The chef killed the fish and decomposed it in three strokes. The meat of this herring was quite good. The chef put it away while decomposing it. He planned to eat it today.

Make a stewed herring soup at noon. Oh my god, the stewed soup is enough for dozens of people.

"Stop, I'll do it here." Just when the chef was about to chop the fish head, Lin Yu stopped the chef. He felt that there must be something inside the fish head. If nothing else, the feeling Danyang Jinfang gave him was...

Let him be sure.

"Okay." The chef handed the knife in his hand to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu took the knife from the chef's hand, aimed at the bone between the fish's eyes, took a deep breath, and then slashed at its head.

Click... Lin Yu used his true energy with this knife, but what surprised him was that the fish's head was not chopped open. This guy's head must be so hard.

Lin Yu regained his strength. He raised the knife in his hand and slashed at the skull of the herring. It cracked for more than ten minutes. There was only a crisp sound. The knife in Lin Yu's hand actually curled up.


"Let me rub it, the head of this fish must be so hard." The chef looked at the curled knife in Lin Yu's hand in surprise.

This knife is a large chef's knife. It is usually very sharp for chopping and deboning. It has been used to split skulls for years, but now it can't even split the head of a fish.

Sure enough, there was a problem here. Lin Yu's right hand reached around his waist, and the fragment appeared in his hand. He raised his right hand's infuriating energy, and there was a faint dragon roar. The soft sword fragment instantly became straight. Lin Yu aimed at the fish's head, and took a deep breath.

He took a breath, then shouted loudly, and struck with a sword.

Click... This time, the extremely hard fish head was cut open by Lin Yu's sword. Inside, a piece of yellow-brown, walnut-sized object appeared in front of Lin Yu's eyes. Although this thing was a little yellow, its texture was very crystal clear.

Just like a piece of natural topaz, there is no impurity in it.

"What is this?" Everyone gathered around.

Lin Yu picked up the thing, wiped it clean, and looked at it carefully in his hand. For a moment, he didn't figure out what it was, but he vaguely felt that it looked like something mentioned in some Taoist scriptures.

What a treasure of genius.

This kind of thing has always been hard to find. Lin Yu didn't understand it for a while. He had to put it away first and check the information carefully when he got back, or ask his senior brother who was very familiar with the pharmacopoeia.

The Siku Medicine Book should have information on this thing.

At this time, Mantou called, and he said a little depressed: "Uncle, it's noon, do you still want to eat?"

"Go find something to eat. Leave me alone. I'm not going back today." After Lin Yu finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Mr. Wu wanted to treat him to dinner at noon today.

The steamed bun outside hung up the phone in frustration. He felt that Lin Yu was letting him go and took him out, but now he was left here alone.

Fortunately, the steamed buns have been found in a steamed bun shop. He is now standing outside the steamed bun shop, looking at the steamer as tall as a person in front of him. He feels that he will definitely be full at noon today.

"Hey, here are three cages of steamed buns." The steamed buns said to the girl selling steamed buns.

"Sanlong, have you finished eating?" The little girl who looked to be only in her teens rolled her eyes with disdain. She felt that the steamed buns were just for the middle of the year.

"You don't believe it?" said the steamed bun a little treacherously: "Then let's make a bet. If I finish eating three cages of steamed buns today, will you not charge me?"

"No, my sister told me that people who like gambling are not good people." The little girl obviously didn't want to eat steamed buns. She looked at the steamed buns with disdain and began to write her homework on the table.

"If you don't want to do it, then do it. Hey, are you going to sell it or not?" The steamed bun looked at the little girl with some displeasure. He was a little frustrated. His original plan to get a free steamed bun meal at noon today fell through.

"Take it yourself." The little girl said flatly, "I don't believe you can finish it. If you have the ability, you can eat it right here."

"Okay, I don't believe it today." The steamed bun got angry. He ran to the steamer and took down three cages of steamed buns, tossed a few big bills over, then picked up the steamed buns and started eating.

As soon as he took a bite, the steamed bun was stunned. He had eaten a lot of steamed buns, but this was the first time he had eaten such a chewy steamed bun. He took a bite and chewed it in his mouth. It felt very chewy. That feeling,

It cannot be expressed in words.

"How about it, are my steamed buns delicious?" the little girl said proudly.

"It's delicious, it's so delicious. This is the first time I've eaten such delicious steamed buns." The steamed buns nodded repeatedly. He was really overwhelmed by the delicious food. Oh my God, this is the first time he's eaten such delicious steamed buns.

He suddenly couldn't bear to wolf down the delicious steamed buns, so he chewed them carefully and slowly.

It is said that he chews slowly, but for others, this is still a way of eating like a wolf. Because this steamed bun is not too small, this guy finished one in three mouthfuls, and after finishing one, another one appeared immediately.

in hand.

ps: Good book recommendation: The goddess CEO is my wife, the peerless evil lord, and the goddess’s superb bodyguard

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