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Chapter 69 Don't you plan to find a man?

"Do you...all have stories?" Lin Yu hesitated and asked.

"We all have it, not just us, every woman who works in Jiangnan Club has it. Every family has their own problems that are difficult to memorize. The difference between my club and other places is that they make money, but I want to help others."


"I don't engage in pornography, gambling or drugs, and I have set rules in the club. If a guest violates the rules, no matter who he is, I will throw him out."

"What is your purpose for doing this?" Lin Yu asked.

"There is no purpose, I just want to help some people, to prevent some women from crawling into other people's beds because of temporary difficulties, and to provide them with a place where they can make money cleanly. Because I have been helpless." Xia Qingxue said.

"You are a good person." Lin Yu said. It turns out that the black widow, who has been criticized in the circle, actually has such an unknown side.

"Haha, sister, I am not a good person. Don't say that I am a good person in the future, because I will feel that you are insulting me." Xia Qingxue said with a sweet smile.

"You are indeed a good person." Lin Yu said sincerely.

Xia Qingxue smiled and said nothing. After a moment of silence, she said, "I never heard you mention the situation at home."

"I have no family. My master is my only relative. I grew up in a Taoist temple." Lin Yu smiled.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Xia Qingxue was slightly stunned.

"It's okay. I don't know what my parents look like, so I don't feel sad at all when mentioning them. Because I have no feelings for them." Lin Yu said indifferently.

"That's because you haven't met them." Xia Qingxue said with a trace of bitterness on her lips: "I have no relatives. My seven sisters are my relatives. We kind of share the same problem."

"You...really don't plan to find a man in the future?" Lin Yu suddenly asked, and he didn't know why he asked this question inexplicably.

"Why are you looking for a man? To kill him? Haha, I was born to be lonely." Xia Qingxue laughed.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe in fate or not," Lin Yu said.

"Yeah, actually I don't believe that if there is another man, I will kill him, but I am a little disappointed in men. My sister only likes you, or... you can be my sister's lover." Xia Qingxue said teasingly.

"Come again..." Lin Yu blushed.

"Gee, you're kidding, get out of the car. Do you see the girl waiting for you at the door of the Eighth Clinic?" Xia Qingxue stopped the car and pointed outward.

Lin Yu was startled, and then he realized that he had arrived at the clinic at some point. Sure enough, there was a white figure sitting there at the door. If he looked carefully, the white figure turned out to be Yang Xinyan.

It's getting late now. Yang Xinyan always goes to bed at ten o'clock and is unstoppable. Is she here today... is she waiting for her?

Lin Yu quickly got out of the car, waved goodbye to Xia Qingxue, and ran to the door of the Eighth Clinic.

"You, why aren't you sleeping yet?" Lin Yu ran to the door and asked in surprise.

"It's none of your business to enjoy the cool air at the door? You still know how to come back." Seeing Lin Yu come back safely, Yang Xinyan breathed a sigh of relief.

But when she saw Xia Qingxue who had just rolled down the window and backed away, she felt an inexplicable surge of anger in her heart.

"It's not hot today." Lin Yu felt even more strange. This woman was obviously waiting for him, but she still didn't admit it.

"I'm afraid that if I don't leave the door open for you, you bastard will climb over the wall again. Don't come back so late again. You can sleep on the street." Yang Xinyan glanced at Lin Yu, and then went back to the room angrily.

This bastard, when he left at noon, he was a girl, but when he came back after going out to fool around, he was a very charming young woman. She was very good, she was very capable of tossing, and she had the potential to be a pretty girl.

She didn't understand why she was so angry. She just felt uncomfortable seeing Lin Yu with other women, quite unhappy.

After a night of silence, Lin Yu got up early the next morning as usual. Then he made a strange posture and closed his eyes slightly towards the east. His breathing was very strange. He inhaled for a while and then exhaled.

Yang Kaiji only woke up ten minutes later than Lin Yu. The two of them got up at the same time.

After saying hello to Lin Yu, Yang Kaiji began to practice Tai Chi.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"I'm going to take a look." Yang Kaiji said as he took out the key. He was a little confused. The clinic never opened so early. Could it be that someone was suffering from an emergency?

As soon as he opened the door, Yang Kaiji was startled by the scene in front of him. He saw twenty or thirty young people in front of him. They were uniformly dressed in casual clothes. If possible, they would simply get a white one to practice kung fu and wait at the door.

"You...what are you doing?" Yang Kaiji was stunned.

"Hello, we are looking for Teacher Lin. Is Teacher Lin here?" a student asked.

"Teacher Lin? There is only Teacher Yang here." Yang Kaiji was a little confused.

"Look, Teacher Lin is there, Teacher Lin..." A sharp-eyed student saw Lin Yu and immediately ran in excitedly.

As a result, these students rushed to the courtyard. There were dozens of people standing in the courtyard, which was not too small, and it immediately seemed a bit crowded.

Lin Yu was also startled. He looked at these dozens of uninvited guests with some confusion, and for a while he couldn't turn his head around.

"Teacher Lin, didn't you teach us the art of keeping healthy and breathing? Do you want to start now?" someone said.

Lin Yu suddenly realized it. He slapped his head and then remembered the class he taught at Jiangnan University yesterday afternoon. He said that he lived here and if you wanted to learn, you could come to him. He didn't expect how many people came today.

ten people.

"Of course, but this place is too small, let's move to another place." Lin Yu said with a smile.

After a while, the group of people came to a small park on the other side of the Eighth Clinic. There was a square inside. Usually in the morning, there were a few elderly people exercising here, including square dancing and Tai Chi.

However, this morning as usual was broken today.

A group of students stood in an open space in the square, two meters apart, listening carefully to what a young man was saying.

This is Lin Yu and this group of students. He began to teach these students health-preserving skills. Health-preserving skills are about cultivating the body and mind. Lin Yu explained the general content, then spread his hands and raised them above his head.

He explained while demonstrating: "What I do is a health-preserving exercise. It has the same principles as Tai Chi, but it is different from Tai Chi."

"The starting position of Tai Chi includes clouds, the two rituals of Tai Chi, the yin and yang of heaven and earth, opening and closing movement and stillness, softness and hardness."

"The starting posture of this health-preserving skill is almost the same as that of Tai Chi. The difference lies in the key point of the mind, which requires the firmness and softness of the strength, the virtual and solid strength of the fists, the speed and slowness of the movements, and the throughput of the body. Now everyone

Follow what I do, and at the same time calm your mind and reach a state of selflessness and emptiness."

This group of students also opened their hands, raised them high above their heads, and then took a deep breath to calm themselves down.

After practicing several times, these students have roughly mastered the movements and state of mind, as well as the secret between exhalation and inhalation. As they become more and more familiar with this health-preserving skill, the students' movements become more and more smooth.

"What is this? It looks like Tai Chi, but a little bit different." An old man asked.

"I don't know, but from what the young man said, it seems to be a health-preserving skill, very mysterious."

"Hey, look, isn't that young man the one who came back to life and saved the child?" Someone had a sharp eye and recognized Lin Yu's identity at a glance.

"Yes, that's him."

"Then why are you still standing there? This is a miracle doctor. What he teaches must be real health-preserving skills. Let's learn from it."

The group of elderly people in the square lined up neatly in response to the call, and began to practice this health-preserving skill with Lin Yu.

For a time, there were nearly a hundred people in the entire square who followed Lin Yu and started practicing the health-preserving skills.

Following Lin Yu's explanation, everyone reached a state of emptiness and selflessness. The state of mind also improved independently, and gradually reached a state of selflessness.

However, this realm was quickly broken by a burst of noise, and a group of young people with colorful hair were seen running over on motorcycles with stereos and other equipment.

"Go away, go out of the way, our brothers are here to practice hip-hop today." A yellow guy said while twisting the motorcycle's accelerator.

His motorcycle equipped with a large exhaust pipe made a violent noise, and the atmosphere of the entire square was instantly destroyed by this uninvited guest.

These gangsters moved quickly. After waiting for someone to clear a clearing, they quickly set up high-power speakers. The loud and explosive sound was deafening. The gangsters gathered together and started twisting and screaming.

"Did you hear that? Why don't you leave? This place is now owned by us, so get out of here right away." Huang Mao saw that everyone at the scene was staring at him with angry eyes, and he arrogantly showed everyone a middle finger.

"It seems like we came here first, why should we give it to you?" one student said.

"That's right, we old people exercise and do Tai Chi here every morning. Since when has it become your venue? This park is an activity place built by the government for us old people."

This group of elderly people did not show weakness either.

"Fuck, a bunch of old guys, they are getting impatient. You can try to talk nonsense again." These gangsters were not happy, and they swarmed up and confronted them aggressively. Some even pushed forward violently.


An old man was caught off guard and was pushed by a gangster. He staggered and fell backwards with a cry of surprise. The floor at this time was hard cement. If the old man fell, the consequences would be disastrous.

At this moment, Lin Yu quickly jumped forward and held up his hands to prevent the old man from falling.

"Old man, are you okay?" Lin Yu said, helping the old man up.

"No, it's okay. Thank you Dr. Xiaolin." The old man broke into a cold sweat and thanked him repeatedly.

"You're welcome." Lin Yu stepped forward and stopped a few impulsive students who wanted to take action. He said, "Leave it to me to handle it."

"Boy, you look strange, you're new here. Do you understand the rules?" Huang Mao glanced at Lin Yu. Lin Yu was teaching health skills just now, so he decided that Lin Yu was the organizer of this group of people.

"What rules?" Lin Yu smiled faintly and said, "I only know the first-come, first-served rule. We come first, you come later. So we can't give this place to you, it's that simple. We practice our skills, and you practice yours."

dance without interfering with each other."

This chapter has been completed!
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