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Chapter 1141 Mingmei: Policewoman, long time no see!~

Cupido Town.

The rain had been falling for nearly two hours, and finally it subsided, and the slightest drizzle hit the ground, making a "rustling" sound.

In an alley near the abandoned dock, gin, vodka, Chianti, Cologne, and Calvados were walking on the road in the rain, and a group of people were all silent.

Suddenly, the phone rang in the alley, and then Vodka took out his mobile phone from his pocket. After saying "Uh-huh" a few times, he turned to look at Gin and said, "Brother, it's Kusuda calling. He said Ji."

That guy Gang Changren secretly drove out of his home, and his destination seemed to be the abandoned dock, and he would be there soon..."

"Masahito Yoshioka? Didn't we tell him to change the time?" Gin smiled sinisterly, "This fat sheep doesn't seem to be very honest..."

Gin paused for a moment, and then seemed to have thought of something, and said: "...Tell Kusutian not to worry about that guy. In addition, since he is near here, let him help a little boy by the way."

Busy. You ask him to find a safe place and observe the FBI rats from a distance to see when they will leave... This kind of small thing was originally planned for you to do. Now that he is here, let him do it.

Let him..."

"...Also, let him be careful not to be discovered. Shuichi Akai has a very good nose."

"Okay, big brother!"

10:45 p.m., Cupido Town.

On the street outside the abandoned dock, Miike Naeko was wearing a raincoat and set up a roadblock at the intersection. She listened to her colleagues on the communicator exchanging information. A police officer also introduced the car and the "prisoner": "...

...All in all, the prisoner driving that car is a brutal criminal who dared to hurt police officers in the Metropolitan Police Department. Colleagues must take care to protect themselves after discovering the target."

"With no colleagues around to help, I would rather let the prisoner's car escape than take the risk! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" A series of responses came from the communicator, and then someone suddenly asked: "By the way, sir, I heard the colleague who found the brown car said that the driver was a ghost. Is this true?


"Ghost?!" Miike Naozi was stunned when he heard this, and then remembered his previous encounters, and couldn't help but tremble -

Speaking of driving ghosts, she seemed to have encountered one before.

She remembered that it was also a rainy night...

Miike Naeko suddenly felt a chill in her body and couldn't help but glance around. In the communicator, the police officer who reported the case immediately replied:

"Idiot! There are no ghosts! Colleagues from the Metropolitan Police Department analyzed the witnesses' testimonies and speculated that when the criminal took away the vehicle with the license plate number 'Xingxiu 300せ34-58', in order to avoid being seen by the witnesses, he pressed his body

He got under the driver's seat and drove away. The witness did not see the prisoner driving the car at that time, so he mistakenly thought it was a ghost driving the car!"

"Ah? So that's it!" Miike Naoko felt relieved after hearing this explanation——

As long as it's not a ghost, it's fine. If you encounter a ghost again... it would be terrible!~

Miike Naoko was muttering in her heart. Suddenly, another voice came from the contact: "Report! This is Xiang Dao. I just saw a vehicle with the license plate number Xingxu 300せ34-58, heading towards the abandoned terminal from us.

Drive in that direction!"

"Have you found him? You drive immediately and keep an eye on the car. You must not let the prisoner escape again!"

"Also, colleagues near the abandoned dock, please be careful and be vigilant and try to stop that car!"

Aipido Town, on a street leading to the abandoned dock.

Inside the car, Mingmei controlled the steering wheel and the speed was very fast.

In the back seat of the car, Luo Liai hung up the call from Xiaolan, while Shu Yunwen turned to look out the window and curled his lips and said, "Okay! This is almost over, and someone discovered it again..."

Mingmei smiled slightly when she heard the words, floated to Shu Yunwen and gestured: "It's okay, Mr. Yunwen, their speed is much slower than ours, they can't catch up with us. In addition, as soon as you pass the intersection in front, drive a little further

The distance is just to the pier..."

As soon as Mingmei finished speaking, Loli glanced at the intersection in front of her and said faintly: "There seems to be a policewoman blocking the intersection there!~"

"Well...it's true!" Mingmei squinted and smiled, "She seems to have seen us...There is no other way but to break through the roadblock and rush over..."

As Mingmei spoke, she floated back to the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator, bypassed Miike Naeko, and rushed forward.

Seeing this, Miike Naoko had no choice but to dodge to the side. Just as the car was about to rush towards the intersection, suddenly, a wild dog jumped out of the road next to it and rushed in front of the car.

Seeing the wild dog, Miyano Akemi quickly stepped on the brakes. Amidst the harsh "squeaking" sound, the car rushed forward for more than ten meters, knocked down several roadblocks, and then stopped.

In front of the car, the wild dog that had narrowly escaped death let out a "woof" and slipped away with its tail between its legs. In the back seat of the car, Shu Yunwen and Loli Ai were so stunned that they complained speechlessly: "Miss Mingmei,

Don’t brake so suddenly, okay?!”

"Uh... I can't help it. A wild dog suddenly appeared in front of me. If I don't step on the brakes, I will hit it..."

Mingmei gestured to answer, and at this moment, the sound of "DuangDuang" knocking on the window suddenly sounded: "Prisoners in the car, listen, all the intersections near here have been surrounded by our police, you have no way out.

Escaped! Get out of the car and surrender!"

"Uh..." Shu Yunwen casually arranged the next [Illusion] and said, "Is that female traffic policeman here? Mingmei, leave her alone and drive away quickly!"

"Well, okay." Mingmei nodded, then frowned, "...but this female traffic policeman is holding the handle of the car. If we drive, we may hurt her...Forget it, let's scare her and let her

Let go of your hands..."

As Mingmei spoke, she used the Yin Insect Amber to condense the Yin Qi beads into a solid ghost body, then stretched her head out of the car window, and a weird female voice sounded: "This police lady, can you please let me leave?

I'm in a hurry now..."

Miike Naeko looked at the "human head" that suddenly appeared in front of her. After being stunned for a few seconds, she screamed "Ah", let go of the handlebar, and said with a look of horror: "Yes, it's you?!"

Mingmei was stunned when she heard this, then looked at Miike Miaozi carefully, and suddenly remembered their previous "encounter": "It turns out to be you, Miss Policewoman, long time no see!~ I have something to do now, let's meet again when we have time.

Chat, bye!"

After Mingmei finished speaking, she restarted the car and drove forward.

Miike Naeko watched the car leave, and after a while she stood up from the car, her expression still horrified——

Damn it! What bastard came up with the theory that the driver hid his body under the driver’s seat while driving?

This is so irresponsible, right? This is obviously a ghost car!

Also, when the female ghost lady just said "we'll talk when we have time later", is she pestering me? Should I find a "master" to see?

Hmm... I heard from the seniors at the Metropolitan Police Department that there is a "Keqin Spiritual Exorcist Firm" where the masters are very powerful, and if you go to the police, you can get discounts...

This chapter has been completed!
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