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Chapter 1333 Hideaki Hosaka?! Why are you?!

On the west side of the teaching building, at the stairwell on the third floor.

Seeing Conan running downstairs, Xiaolan said "Ah", shouted "Conan", and chased after him.

Tsukamoto Shumei and Sonoko saw this and were about to catch up, but Doctor Shinde waved the two of them to stop, and then said seriously: "I don't know what happened down there. You might be in danger if you go out, so I'd better follow you and take a look.

Come on! Don’t worry, I will take good care of Mr. Maori and Conan..."

After the new doctor finished speaking, he ran directly downstairs without waiting for Tsukamoto Sumi and the others to reply. Sonoko said "ah" and pointed to the playground:

"Sister Shumei, look! Although the desk is placed in the middle of the playground, there are no footprints around it... This must be the work of ghosts! Sister Shumei, let's find Mr. Yunwen quickly!"

After Sonoko finished speaking, Tsukamoto Sumi was about to answer when suddenly she heard Shu Yunwen's voice coming from nearby: "What ghost? What happened again?"

Tsukamoto Sumi and the others were stunned when they heard this. They glanced around and saw Shu Yunwen walking down the stairs. They quickly said loudly: "Yunwen-kun, a desk suddenly appeared on the playground. It's probably Hosaka."

Yingzhang's one...Also, there are no footprints around that desk. Yuanzi said it should be the work of a ghost..."

"Huh? A ghost did it? How is that possible? Didn't I tell you that there are no ghosts in the school?" Shu Yunwen curled his lips, walked down the stairs, stood next to Shu Mei and looked under the window, and happened to see Conan.

, Xiaolan, the new doctor ran to the desk, "... wasn't it raining just now! If you ask me, someone must have moved the desk outside when it rained, and his footprints were washed away by the rain.


"Ah? Is that so?" Tsukamoto Sumi and Sonoko heard it, and they both thought it made sense.

Chengshi suddenly said: "Master Yunwen, what you said is not necessarily correct!~ I just flew to the desk and looked at it, and found that there was a white cloth with writing on it, and the white cloth was dry!

As for the content on the white cloth, there is only one sentence..."

"...I haven't had my revenge yet!"

"What? Is the white cloth made of dry cloth?" Shu Yunwen looked surprised——

By the way, the white cloth was dry, so it was placed in the middle of the playground after the rain stopped? So how did he do it? What technique did he use?

Shu Yunwen was a little strange, and Cheng Shi spoke again: "Also, Mr. Yunwen. You said there are no ghosts here, but that's not necessarily correct!~"

"Huh? What did you say?" Shu Yunwen was a little confused and quickly opened the [Yin Yang Eye] for himself. Then he glanced around and saw a not very solid phantom head protruding from the door of the art classroom.

, were looking at Shu Yunwen and the others with curiosity and surprise.

Seeing this phantom, Shu Yunwen was stunned for a moment, and then felt that this person's face was quite familiar. After thinking about it for a while, he finally remembered and said "fuck":

"Hosaka Hideaki?! Why is it you?!"

Didan High School, on the playground.

Conan, Xiaolan, and the newly-described doctor stood in front of the desk, looking at the white cloth pressed on the desk, with serious expressions: "... I haven't taken revenge yet... Sure enough, that prankster is

Are you using Hosaka Hideaki's name to scare people?"

"It should be right!" Dr. Shinide lifted up the white cloth and looked at the surface of the desk, "...Look at this signature, it is exactly the same as the signature on Hideaki Hosaka's desk in the sports warehouse... This should be Hideaki Hosaka's desk.

Table…who is playing a prank on this?”

"Must be some boring bastard!" Shu Yunwen's figure floated through Conan's mind, "...However, I have to say that his method is indeed somewhat interesting. He was able to move the desk without leaving any footprints.

In the middle of the playground, I'm a little more serious now..."

After Conan finished speaking, Xiaolan's expression was very strange. She pointed at Conan in surprise and said: "...Conan, the way you look, feel, feel..."

Conan was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing. He scratched his head and said with a cute smile, "Hahaha...I was actually imitating brother Yunwen just now! Sister Xiaolan, do you think my imitation looked like it?"

"Huh? Are you imitating classmate Yunwen?" Xiaolan smiled, tilted her head and smiled, "Let me tell you, it's not the same at all! I think you looked just like Shinichi.


"Uh hehe...really?"

Nonsense! I am Kudo Shinichi, okay?

Conan muttered in his heart, while Xiaolan looked up at the window on the third floor, squinted her eyes hard and said, "The person next to Sister Shumei is...Classmate Yunwen? Classmate Yunwen, he seems to be at the cursed staircase."

Conan, how about we go back and find classmate Yunwen to help? He is very powerful, maybe he will find something..."

"No!" Conan refused without thinking, and then gave a random reason, "...Brother Yunwen, didn't he say that he was a spiritual exterminator? So let him first investigate what I was cursed with.

Let's take the stairs! As for us, we are responsible for investigating the prankster's methods... Well, when that person moved the desks to the playground, I don't know if he was seen by anyone. If we can find witnesses..."

"Are there any witnesses? I think we might be able to ask the principal." Tomaki Shinde, who was standing next to him, suddenly suggested.


"That's right! When I was looking for books in the library, I looked down from the window and saw the principal standing in the middle of the playground holding an umbrella..."

"Really?" Conan smiled slightly, "He still likes to stand on the playground as before..."

As Conan said, he suddenly realized something was wrong. After glancing at Xiaolan, he quickly added: "...Ah...what Brother Yunwen said is indeed right!"

Conan wittily put the blame away, and the new doctor continued: "I remember that the principal was holding a staff meeting before, and I don't know if it's over now..."

"Well..." Conan scratched his head with lingering fear and laughed dryly, "What...anyway, let's go to the principal's office to take a look first!"

On the west side of the teaching building, at the stairwell on the third floor.

As Shu Yunwen finished speaking, Tsukamoto was beautiful, Loli was sad, and Sonoko all said "Ah!", followed Shu Yunwen's eyes and looked at the people in the art classroom, and asked in shock: "Hosaka Hideaki? What Hosaka Hideaki?"

"It's Hideaki Hosaka!" Shu Yunwen added in confusion. At the same time, Hideaki Hosaka, who poked out his head, stretched out a finger in surprise, pointed at his nose, and opened his mouth to ask silently:

"Yunwen?! Can you see me?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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