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Chapter 1823 Akai Shuichi: Are there other forces dealing with Poison King Chopper?

Listening to the invigilator's words, the strange light in Koizumi Hongzi's eyes gradually disappeared, and her expression became as cold and indifferent as usual, and she said softly:

"Really? I'll hand in the paper now."

After Koizumi Hongzi finished speaking, the invigilator immediately said "Ah": "What? Are you handing in the paper now? This is a national mock test, and it has just started less than ten minutes ago. What are you..."

Before the invigilator finished speaking, he looked at Koizumi Hongzi's test paper. Only then did he realize that the paper had been filled up at some point, and he suddenly looked confused——

By the way, he just noticed Koizumi Hongzi. This girl had been in a daze before. When did she write the paper? Isn't this too weird?

The invigilator began to doubt life, but Koizumi Hongzi stood up without caring, handed the paper to the invigilator, and walked out of the classroom quickly.

Seeing Koizumi Anko leave, the invigilator came to his senses and hurriedly ran out of the classroom to stop Koizumi Anko, but there was no Koizumi Anko anywhere in the corridor?

At the same time, inside the classroom, Kuroba Kaito gently turned the pen in his hand and frowned:

"...Classmate Koizumi seemed to have called that guy Shu Yunwen's name just now..."

By the way, what happened to that cheater Shu Yunwen who called Koizumi Hongzi away?

How strange!

8:40 a.m., inside the Dongdu Tower.

In front of an observation deck somewhere, Shuichi Akai was wearing a hat, holding on to the railing with one hand, and pressing the headset with the other hand, listening to the ambush of each group member on the intercom channel, and finally said:

"...Okay, members of each team should be prepared and pay attention to the surrounding situation. There are still one hour and twenty minutes before the time provided by the headquarters. We must be fully prepared..."

"Understood, Investigator Akai!"

On the intercom, members of each group immediately reported the situation, and Akai Shuichi settled down for a few more words. Suddenly, Judy, who was standing in front of another observation deck, walked over quickly and said to Akai Shuichi: "Shuichi, James

The news he just received, the headquarters said that the meeting time between Poison King Chopper and the Japanese target may have been advanced..."

"What? It's ahead of schedule?" Akai Shuichi was stunned when he heard this, then his expression became serious, and he immediately asked, "The time is..."

Before Akai Hide could finish his words, suddenly a voice came from the headset intercom: "Investigator Akai! We are members of the first team at the entrance to Toto Tower! The target Poison King Chopper has appeared, and he is accompanied by two other people.

Bodyguard confidant..."

"Damn it! Has that guy shown up yet?"

Listening to the voice on the intercom, Shuichi Akai frowned, raised his hand to look at his watch, then directly pressed the intercom button and said: "Attention, all groups! Attention, all groups! The target Poison King Chopper has appeared, the original plan

in advance!"

"...Attention! Chopper is not weak and very cunning. He must be vigilant. We must wait until he enters the encirclement before arresting him. He must not be allowed to escape!"

"Okay, Investigator Akai!"

On the walkie-talkie, people from each group agreed together, and then someone asked: "But Investigator Akai, the Japanese target has not shown up yet..."

"Well, our goal is to capture Poison King Chopper. If the Japanese target appears in time, we can arrest him. If he doesn't appear, then don't worry about it."

Akai Shuichi said casually, and someone immediately said on the intercom: "Investigator Akai, this is the second group! This is the second group! Poison King Chopper is now taking the elevator upstairs. It should be to your floor. Please

be prepared!"

"Understood." Akai Hide nodded, and then ordered, "All teams on this floor should pay attention and prepare for arrest immediately. If necessary, some unconventional means can be used..."


On this floor, all the groups began to act according to the previous plan. At the elevator entrance, two groups of eight people took their positions, occupying the most advantageous position, waiting for the appearance of Poison King Chopper.

Not long after, with a soft "ding" sound, the elevator door opened, and Poison King Chopper and his two men walked out among the crowd.

Near the entrance of the elevator, the FBI agents were observing Poison King Chopper, but they did not take any action. They waited quietly for Poison King Chopper to get deeper into their encirclement. At this moment, Poison King Chopper glanced at him.

Looking around, after seeing an FBI agent disguised as a tourist nearby, he suddenly cursed "Fuck" and wanted to return to the elevator with two bodyguards!

Near the observation deck, Akai Shuichi saw this scene, his pupils shrank, he cursed "hell", and then yelled:

"Damn it! This guy's senses are too keen! Attention, all teams, stop him at all costs!"

"Yes! Investigator Akai!"

Everyone on the intercom agreed in unison, and then the eight people closest to Chopper gathered around Poison King Chopper.

At this time, Poison King Chopper had already walked to the elevator and looked at the FBI agents with ferocious eyes. When he was about to enter the elevator with his bodyguards, he heard a loud "boom" sound coming from the elevator, and then

A series of metal fragments flew out of the elevator, and most of them were buried in Chopper's body.

As for Chopper's two bodyguards, it was even worse. Each group was hit in the head by some debris and fainted on the ground.

The surrounding FBI agents looked at this scene and stopped in confusion. Shuichi Akai and Judy near the observation deck also looked stunned. After being silent for a while, Shuichi Akai said:

"Hmm...what's going on? Is it our work?"

By the way, although he said before that in order to catch Poison King Chopper, some unconventional means can be used...but what the hell is this bomb?

Also, when did these people put the bomb in the elevator? Why didn't he know?

Akai Shuichi was muttering to himself, and the person in front of the elevator answered on the intercom: "...I don't know! Investigator Akai, how could we plant a bomb here..."

By the way, this is Japan, and it’s Japan’s landmark Toto Tower!

They are just trying to catch a drug lord, so do they have to install a bomb? With this method, even if they catch the person in the end, they may not be able to leave - the price is simply too high!

Well, if we arrest the uncle who pulled the lantern, that’s pretty much it!

"Damn it! Then what's going on?"

Listening to his men's words, Akai Shuichi frowned, and Judy quickly walked to the elevator entrance——

By the way, Poison King Chopper was almost killed when he approached the elevator. This situation...

Are there other forces dealing with Poison King Chopper?

Otherwise, who is planting the bomb here?!

This chapter has been completed!
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