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Chapter 628: Being a guinea pig is also negotiable~

Xiaolan had no choice but to joke with Yuanzi, picked up the phone in the guest room, and called the police.

After Conan and Shu Yunwen had an awkward moment, they approached Shu Yunwen again and asked with a frown, "Hey, how did you know that Masahiko Michowaki had the murder weapon in his pants pocket?"

Shu Yunwen turned his head and glanced at Conan, not bothering to explain, and said casually: "You guess!"

Guess? You’re just guessing!

Conan rolled his eyes at Shu Yunwen, then held his chin and muttered: "...Speaking of which, brother Yunwen, don't you find it strange?"

"Strange?" Shu Yunwen was stunned for a moment, "What's so strange?"

Conan replied seriously: "It's the matter of Masahiko Michowaki sneaking into this room tonight and stealing the roll of negatives. There are obviously no photos that are detrimental to him in the roll of negatives. Why did he come to steal it? This is simply too strange.


"...If he hadn't done this, he wouldn't have attracted our attention, and naturally he wouldn't have been exposed..."

"Then who knows?" Shu Yunwen was too lazy to think about this, his head hurt, "...well, after this guy wakes up later, just let this guy say no?"

"Yeah...that's right."

Conan nodded, while Shu Yunwen looked down at Masahiko Michowaki, and then remembered that there was Yin Qi and ghost Qi left on the dagger——

Speaking of which, if this guy only killed two people here in Izu, and the gap between the two murders was as long as a year, the yin and ghost energy on the dagger should have dissipated long ago! Since there are still traces of ghost energy on the dagger,

Yin Qi, ghost Qi, then he must have killed someone in the near future...

Shu Yunwen was thinking about it in his heart. When Conan saw Shu Yunwen's expression, he couldn't help but ask: "Hey, what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." Shu Yunwen shook his head, "I just think that this guy should have killed someone in the recent past, no more than a month at most..."

"Have you ever killed anyone?" Conan was stunned for a moment, and was about to ask when he suddenly heard Sonoko's voice coming from outside: "...Hey, who are you? What do you want to do in our room?"

After Sonoko finished speaking, Shu Yunwen and Conan hurriedly walked outside the living room, and then saw Sonoko and Tsukamoto Sumi standing in front of a short, fat man, with wary expressions on their faces.

The short, fat man spread his hands and explained carefully: "...Don't be nervous, I'm not a bad person. I'm a detective from Chiba Prefecture. I've been following Masahiko Michowaki for a while. I saw him just now.

I entered your room and never came out, so I came in to take a look..."

"Chiba Prefecture detective?" Tsukamoto Sumi, Sonoko and the others were stunned.

The short and fat man took out his police ID card from his body: "...My name is Shoji Terabaro, I am really a policeman, and Masahiko Michowaki is a murder suspect I have been following. This guy is in Izu, Chiba

They commit crimes from time to time, and including the person who died last night, four people have been killed!"

"He killed four people?" Xiaolan looked surprised, while Shu Yunwen frowned and asked:

"When did this police officer commit the last case that threatened Masahiko?"

"Did you get together? It was half a month ago." Shoji Terabaro immediately answered, "That case happened in Chiba Prefecture. The deceased also had brown hair and died from a knife in the abdomen. After that, this guy came

Here in Izu..."

Shu Yunwen narrowed his eyes when he heard this - well, that's true! Masahiko Michowaki has indeed killed someone recently. No wonder there is Yin Qi and ghost Qi left on that dagger...

Shu Yunwen was thinking, and Shoji Terabaro continued to ask: "...By the way, you haven't told me yet, how is Masahiko Michowaki..."

"Michiwaki Masahiko?" Tsukamoto Sumi, Xiaolan, and Sonoko looked at each other, and then Tsukamoto Sumi said: "Yunwen-kun exposed his identity, and when he tried to escape, he was knocked unconscious..."

"Really?" Shoji Terabaro quickly walked into the living room, looked down at the unconscious Kyogoku Shin and Michowaki Masahiko, turned to look at Shu Yunwen and said:

"This gentleman, Daowei Masahiko, although he is a murderer, but if you beat someone like this, it will be difficult for our police to explain..."

Hearing what Templer Shoji said, Shu Yunwen was stunned for a moment, and pointed at his nose: "Me? Hit someone?"

"Huh? Didn't you hit the person?" Teralin Shoji looked suspicious and turned to look at the people next to him - except for the man Shu Yunwen, there were only three weak girls and two little brats around.

Who else could it be if not Shu Yunwen?

"Well..." Tsukamoto Sumi and Xiaolan, two soft girls, lowered their heads together, "Sorry, we were the ones who knocked out Masahiko Michowaki. He had a knife in his hand at the time, so we struck harder..."

"Uh..." Shoji Terabaro looked at the unrecognizable Michioki Masahiko, twitched the corner of his mouth twice, coughed slightly, and changed the subject:

"Who is the man next to Masahiko Michowaki? Is he an accomplice of Masahiko Michowaki?"

Conan quickly explained with a smile:

"No, he is the owner of this hotel and our friend. He fainted accidentally just now... Well, maybe it's anemia..."

Shu Yunwen's eyelids twitched twice and he turned to look at Conan——

Damn it! Anemia? Kyogoku was obviously knocked down by you, okay? This kid is getting more and more skilled in taking the blame!

At five o'clock in the afternoon the next day, I was on the train from Izu to Tokyo.

As the whistle sounded, the train slowly left the station. Shu Yunwen, Tsukamoto Sumi, Conan and others sat together, eating snacks and chatting.

The Conan kid sat next to Xiaolan, talking about the information he got from the police:

"... I heard from Police Officer Henggou that Michowaki Masahiko hated all brown-haired women because he was dumped by his girlfriend, and started committing crimes with this as a target, killing four people in succession. Also, he last night

The reason why he sneaked into our room and stole the film was because he suspected that Sister Yuanzi had taken photos of his murder the night before..."

"The night before yesterday?" Yuanzi was stunned for a moment, "The place where he killed was in the woods next to the railway track, right? But, I didn't take any photos there..."

"He just misunderstood..." Conan explained, "When a few of us were passing by the woods, he happened to commit a crime in the woods. At that time, there was a tram passing behind us, and the wires happened to bring out the light of electricity. He mistakenly

He thought it was the light of a flash. After that, he found the camera in Sister Yuanzi’s hand, so he knocked the victim unconscious, and then followed us all the way to the Wawawu Hotel..."

"... Later, the deceased bled to death?" Shu Yunwen continued and nodded clearly -

Well, the reason why the murderer left the scene immediately after committing the murder is now clear~

Conan said a few more words, and then said with a smile: "By the way, the Henggou police also said that Kyogoku Makoto felt that there was something wrong with Masahiko Michowaki before, and he has been secretly protecting Sister Sonoko~"

Yuanzi was stunned for a moment, then blushed: "Huh! Who knows if I'm following you!"

Xiaolan smiled slightly and suddenly asked: "By the way, Sonoko. When we left the hotel before, Kyogoku-san seemed to have talked to you privately. What did he say to you?"

"No, I didn't say anything!" Sonoko waved her hands quickly, then changed the subject and said, "Sister Sumi, when will your cousin return to Tokyo?"

"She? Probably tomorrow, with the people from the program team." Tsukamoto Sumi replied with a smile, "Their filming should be over tomorrow."

"Really?" Xiaolan smiled slightly, and then seemed to have remembered something, and said with a smile, "Classmate Yunwen, we agreed before that you must give me a copy of Conan's videotape!"

"Video tape?" Shu Yunwen was stunned for a moment and turned to look at Conan. He saw Conan waving his hands repeatedly with a pleading look on his face. He couldn't help but feel sympathy for a moment, and then said with a smile:

"Okay! Of course there is no problem! Conan is super cute in the video, Xiaolan, you must watch carefully!"

"Yeah, I will!"

Xiaolan smiled and nodded, and Conan was so depressed that he wanted to die——

Damn it, Shu Yunwen, you cheater, you just want to cheat me to death!

No! We must not let Xiaolan get the videotape! I have to save myself!

Conan thought about this, turned to look at Loli Ai, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice——

Well, being a guinea pig can actually be discussed...

This chapter has been completed!
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