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Chapter 270 Brother Zhou meets his parents

While the little Loli was busy taking photos in Country YI, Shenliu and others were also busy sending messages and collecting information about the Little Loli.

Two days before the dance started, the media had already begun to expose the news, and pictures were exposed one after another, but not too many.

Young Master Yan went to inspect the terrain with personnel from certain departments and did not return to the capital until Wednesday. He was too busy and asked his brothers to keep an eye on the news in the media.

He worked overtime to finish his work and went to the park early on Saturday morning to help the little Lolita as a garden keeper.

As a result, as soon as he arrived, Young Master Xuan and Young Master Hua arrived at the rear with four guards. The two Young Masters also pulled a cart of things, not only oil, salt, soy sauce and rice, but also a double-door refrigerator.

Put it in the west kitchen.

They will often come and go to the park in the future, so naturally they can't ask the little beauty to prepare everything. They will also prepare what they need to prepare.

Judging from the attitude of Young Master Xuan and Young Master Hua, it was clear that he was staying here for a long time. Young Master Yan was in a very depressed mood and had to pretend not to care.

Young Master Xuan Shaohua didn't know what Young Master Yan was thinking. They moved the things they brought into the western kitchen and put them in place. In a good mood, they went to the big study room to sit and practice.

Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, who lives far away in Jiudao, E, didn't know that his daughter had also become a fragrant steamed bun in a villa in Beijing. He went to their home to visit the Ji family who were staying with friends, stayed there for a week and then went back.

The couple harvested rice and took back sweet potatoes and other crops. They either went to the orchard to pick fruits or collected firewood. After drying the straw, they carried it home and stacked it in piles.

Taking advantage of the good weather, Dad Le went to buy a rubber hose and installed it in the water outlet of the water supply pool at the foot of the mountain. The pool is a reservoir. Mountain spring water is led from the mountains to the pool for storage. There are also water pipes connected to it.

There are several small reservoirs in the village, which are then distributed to each household.

When the water level in the reservoir reaches a certain height, it will overflow. The overflowed water will flow along the water pipe to a pit, and then along the excavated ditch to the large canal for irrigating farmland.

Leba cut a hole around the pool outlet with bricks and built a pipe. The rubber hose was installed in the pipe. The water inlet of the pipe was blocked with a bamboo cover to prevent sediment and leaves from clogging the pipe.

Even the hose mouth is equipped with a floor funnel, and safety measures are in place.

After finishing the work at the water source, the hose was placed along the ditch. The hose continued all the way to the rice field behind the Lejia South Building.

Le's father installed the water pipes and fenced the field, and then he went to collect firewood and cut grass in peace.

Brother Zhou's family had enough firewood to burn, so he worked hard to move bricks at the construction site. Grandma Zhou and Grandma Zhou Man looked forward to the end of the month every day, urging Zhou Xialong to bring his partner back to meet him every now and then.

Brother Zhou was driven crazy by his family. Fortunately, he finally waited for the last weekend of November. He told the foreman that he would not work on weekends.

Jiudao, a high school student in the county town, finishes his Friday classes every week too late. He has no car to go home, so he stays at the school one night and returns on Saturday morning.

When Meng's wife goes home, instead of taking the bus from Fang County to Jiudao, she takes the bus to the town adjacent to Jiudao. That bus is closer to the line and can save six yuan.

Of course, the bus on that route did not pass through her village, and she had to walk more than ten miles of mountain roads.

Because her mother had to take an uncle home on the weekend, she took half a day off on Friday afternoon to go home early to wait for her mother with her grandma.

Grandma Zhou knew that her son was going to his partner's house on Saturday. She got up early in the morning, caught a chicken, packed a dozen eggs, and went to the street to buy a dozen pounds of meat and a piece of fish, and packed the things in bags.

OK, put it in the big basket with glutinous rice, seal it in a big red envelope, and cover it with a towel.

Brother Zhou couldn't resist my mother, so he didn't say anything. He did as his mother said. After breakfast, he drove his brother-in-law's covered e-rickshaw, carrying gifts, and set off.

Mrs. Meng did not do temporary work on weekends because she wanted to go home to see her daughter and mother-in-law. She waited at the fork in the road home. When Brother Zhou arrived, she got into the car.

Brother Zhou drove the car onto the natural dirt road.

The dirt road is full of potholes. There is a pothole here and there is a pothole there. Sometimes the bumps make the car jump up and down. The sound of "bang bang bang bang" is just like the song "There is a basin in the car, and there is a bottle in the basin."

, bang bang bang, it’s not the basin that hits the bottle, or the bottle that hits the basin.”

Brother Zhou's skills are quite good, but the platform is not good. He has no choice but to bite the bullet and move forward. His heart beats very hard like the bumps of a car.

The natural dirt road is unavoidable, and Meng's wife often gets bumps and backaches when riding her bicycle back and forth. She often needs a night's rest to recover.

As a person involved, she would naturally not be so petty as to think that Brother Zhou deliberately rolled over the potholes. Besides, her eyes were not just for decoration. She could tell just by looking at them. There were big potholes and small potholes on the road, and some places were unavoidable.

Jiudao Township is the most remote township in Fang County. It is a mountainous area, and the place where Meng's wife lives is even more mountainous. In the past, the small roads could only accommodate people, cattle and horses.

Later, when there was timber in the mountains, a road was dug to allow tractors to transport the timber, and this was how the natural dirt road became.

Tractors are great at climbing mountains. There are many steep slopes on the natural dirt road, which is not difficult for tractors. For electric three-wheelers, it is as difficult and dangerous as ordinary people face on the sky road to Z province.

Therefore, sometimes when the car cannot be driven up a steep slope, Mrs. Meng acts as a human tracker and pushes the cart from behind, driving and pushing the cart up the slope.

The two of them enjoyed working together.

Meng's wife's house is about twenty-five miles away from Xiang Street. Brother Zhou drove the car with the courage to pass five passes and kill six generals, rolling over countless pits, climbing numerous slopes, and crossing more than a dozen roads.

Xijian, after a lot of hardships and trembling with fear, it took more than two minutes to finally reach the destination.

Meng's wife's village is halfway up the mountain. The area where the village is located is relatively flat, with terraced fields, some of which are dry land.

The village is very small, with less than twenty households.

Most of the houses in the village are still mud houses. Only a few families used tractors to pull bricks from Jiudao Township to build brick houses after natural mud roads became available.

Ignoring transportation factors and only talking about the environment, it is a paradise that seems to be isolated from the world. Only the telephone poles and plastic items can tell that it has not completely derailed from modern civilization.

Rice, sweet potatoes, sorghum and other crops have been harvested. Apart from radishes, winter beans and vegetables, the fields are basically free. There is no need to keep an eye on the cattle and sheep grazing. The villagers' cattle and sheep are in the fields, and they are free in the wilderness.

Find grass to eat.

The chickens raised by the villagers have a wide range of activities and can sometimes run a mile or two, so they can easily be mistaken for pheasants.

The young people have all gone out to make a living, and those left behind are the elderly and a small number of children. The children are either small children who have not yet gone to school, or those who are in junior high or high school and can live on campus.

The small village is 17 or 17 miles away from the village committee with a primary school. When the children in the village reach primary school age, they are either taken by their parents to study where they work, or they are sent to relatives' homes for foster care so that the children can study.

There are few people in the village, and it seems very peaceful. Someone's dog barks a few times, and someone's chickens and ducks respond with "cluck, quack, quack," and it's full of local flavor.

Mrs. Meng showed the way, and Brother Zhou drove his electric tricycle, which was covered in dust and mud, through most of the village and arrived at a mud house.

There are three mud houses in a row, covered with colored steel tiles. There is a wing room on the right side of the entrance that is used as a kitchen. There are bamboo poles under the eaves, where clothes can be dried, and strings of chili peppers and dried vegetables can also be dried.

There is a small patch of land in front of the adobe house, and behind the house there is a short adobe house for housing pigs, chickens and ducks.

The house is very old and the surroundings are kept very clean, which shows that the owners are quite particular about it.

Grandma Li and her granddaughter Li Xiaoyan cleaned the outside of the house in the morning, tidied up the guest room, and put on their best down jacket.

Li Xiaoyan has medium-long hair tied into a ponytail, an average face shape, and wears a medium-length semi-old red woolen coat. She is relatively tall, 1.64 meters tall.

The grandfather and grandson had been waiting since early in the morning and looked around many times.

Hearing the noise of the electric tricycle, I ran from the kitchen to the front floor of the house. When the family's yellow-haired native dog saw the unknown car in the distance, it also helped to call it.

When the car drove towards her home, Granny Li knew that it was Xiaomeng and her new date, and she habitually rubbed her hands on her clothes and shouted with a smile: "Xiao Zhou, you're here, you had a hard time on the road.


Sitting in the back, Mrs. Meng was very surprised to see her daughter coming home before she did. She also thought about picking up the girl halfway when she got home.

"Hello, aunt, the road is not easy to walk. I kept you waiting for a long time. I don't think it's hard. The hard part is the tricycle." Brother Zhou drove the car to the ground, parked first, and quickly got out of the car to say hello to the old lady. When he saw

The girl on the side, not sure if she was Mrs. Meng's daughter, looked at Mrs. Meng who opened the car door and got out of the car.

The young man seemed to be a very talkative person, and Granny Li smiled widely, revealing her gums that had lost a few teeth and the remaining teeth that were a little yellow from the smoke.

Mom's new partner is quite humorous. Li Xiaoyan called "Uncle Zhou" and then "Mom".

"It's Xiaoyan. I didn't dare to recognize you just now. Your mother said that you might not arrive until almost noon. I thought that your mother and I would pick you up near the village committee later. You were faster than us.

Could it be that you also have scuds?"

The girl called "Mom", and Brother Zhou also realized that the girl was a girl from the Li family. It was not his fault that he couldn't recognize her because she didn't look like Mrs. Meng.

When Mrs. Meng got out of the car, she called her mother-in-law first, and then went back to pick up the things. She bought fish, meat, and fruit, and packed them in two big bags.

"I came back yesterday afternoon." Li Xiaoyan was a little embarrassed. When she saw her mother buying something, she ran away from her grandma and went to help her mother carry the bag.

Granny Li wanted to help, but her granddaughter refused, so she asked the young man to sit in the main room.

When a guest comes, he first has to sit in the main room. In summer, he will sit in the main room. If he is eating in the kitchen, he can go to the kitchen. If he is eating in the main room, there is no need to enter the kitchen.

It's cold in winter, so the fire is burning in the kitchen all day long. I first go to the main room to sit down, and then I go to the kitchen to warm myself by the fire.

Mrs. Meng lifted the lighter things, and Brother Zhou picked up the big basket he brought and followed Mrs. Meng.

This chapter has been completed!
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