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Chapter 849

Little lolita people don’t need protection in the park, so why does Mr. Yan still follow him every step of the way? Isn’t it just so that when the little lolita discovers a child with special abilities while doing volunteer work, they can grab resources early?

On the first day of her first day at the clinic, Little Loli recommended a potential stock with special skills. Young Master Yan looked as stable as an old dog, but was also a little excited on the inside.

Needless to say, Lan San was so excited that he wanted to book the person immediately to avoid a long night of dreams.

The tool man Liu Dashao was a little excited. Xiao Loli was recommending potential successors to Xiao Xingxing and the others. If there were many people, he would go to Xiao Xingxing to discuss and grab one or two good ones for his team.


The three handsome guys were a little excited, and they slept very soundly at night. They woke up, had breakfast, and quickly took advantage of the time when the little Loli was teaching Le Shan and Mi Lu to learn martial arts in the morning.

Classmate Le was very calm. He went back to the east courtyard of the paradise to freshen up. He didn’t meditate and didn’t go back to look at the crops. He slept peacefully for half the night and replenished the mental energy and energy consumed by the acupuncture treatment for the children yesterday.

She strictly followed her schedule, teaching martial arts to her younger brother and Luke at home in the morning, then going to work at the children's welfare home after lunch.

Little Loli went out in the afternoon and finished work after midnight. This continued for three consecutive days. By the evening of the 12th, she finally completed the treatment for the disabled child who could be cured with acupuncture treatment, and started the surgery mode that night.

The first operation was performed on three children at the same time. The operation took a long time and took nearly four hours. It was even after midnight before getting off work.

For the little Lolita, there is not much difference between surgery and acupuncture. They are both laborious and laborious tasks. Therefore, she does not show off and goes to sleep to restore her mental and physical strength.

The day bids farewell to the night, and a new day arrives on August 13th.

The duty day is Sunday, which is also Jiudao's polder day.

The double rush in Fang County is completed every year no later than early August. Because the most tiring double rush of the year is over, the farmers in the countryside have a little leisure time and are highly motivated to go to the mountains to find mountain goods. Those who rush to the streets

Interested too.

After the double robbery, the polder days in various towns and villages became lively again.

The old men and women who were on vacation at Lejia went for a walk on the street in the morning and picked up a lot of mushrooms, wild fruits and other wild treasures.

The beautiful boy was also dragged to the street by his friends, and he "picked up" a lot of small fish and shrimp. When he ran back to Plum Village, Grandma Zhou Man went to Lejia to teach them how to make fish and shrimp wrapped in flour batter and fried.

Crispy fish and shrimp dumplings.

Young people are all foodies, and every day they are either looking for delicious food or thinking about where to find delicious food. Grandma Zhou Man is used to it, and she agreed to her request and went to Lejia to fry fish and shrimp dumplings for the young people.

Mrs. Wu, Zhou Wei, and Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Chao, knew that a group of boys were greedy again. They laughed and cursed a few times. After the young people helped them clean the mushrooms and put them on the floor to dry, they and Zhou Mannai went into the kitchen to toss.

The old ladies came together so that the group of handsome men and beauties couldn't get involved at all, so they all just sat in the main room and waited for the delicious food.

Before the top students could wait for the food to be cooked, a group of guests arrived - the leaders of the county education bureau, city education bureau and No. 3 Middle School. They led a group of students to Meicun Lejia with thank-you gifts to express their gratitude.

After being a blockbuster in last year's college entrance examination, Fangxian No. 3 Middle School once again became a dark horse in this year's college entrance examination. The reputation of No. 3 Middle School has skyrocketed, and it is well-known throughout the country.

No. 3 Middle School had good results in the college entrance examination, and the county and city education bureaus also benefited from it. Naturally, the city and county wanted to express their gratitude to the real contributors, so this year they negotiated with No. 3 Middle School to go to Jiudaomei Village to visit Le.

The leaders of No. 3 Middle School didn't want to talk about it. After the college entrance examination results were announced, the teachers at the school were laughing in their dreams. Naturally, it was impossible to forget the hero who put the school on the honor roll.

School leaders and city and county bureau leaders are busiest at the end of June and July after the college entrance examination results are announced, and they cannot find time to visit Lejia during that time.

When they had free time at the end of July, they planned to go to rural areas for a double grab. The school leaders also knew that if they went to Meicun, they would only cause trouble to Xiaole, so they still arranged their trip after the county's double grab work was over.

The fresh graduates from No. 3 Middle School did well in the exams, and their parents took the initiative to raise funds to buy thank-you gifts.

The thank-you gifts from students and leaders are still very down-to-earth - they still send live pigs and sheep, and the school leaders also purchased slaughtered pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks to make lunch for their group.


The thank you gift is very affordable.

When a group of leaders, carrying some students and their parents in buses and private cars, followed the school bus from No. 3 Middle School through the rural streets, almost all the villagers who were rushing to see the school bus and the vehicles with livestock tied with red flowers behind them were shocked.

I guessed that County No. 3 Middle School was going to Meicun Lejia.

There were so many people attending the fair that it suddenly became a sensation.

School buses, buses, and private cars stopped at the intersection entering Mei Village. They met up with some students and parents waiting at the intersection of Xiang Street and entered Mei Village together.

Mr. Le was not at home, and there was no helicopter space on the floor of the Meicun Village office building. Even if some cars were parked, there was still room for school buses and buses.

There were several private cars that couldn't be parked. The owner of the car got out of the car and wanted to say hello to the head of household next to the village office building and park the car in front of his house. Zhou Tianlan was at home and knew that they were going to Sister Le's house, so she readily agreed.

After parking the car, the leaders, parents, and students led the way, followed by the car carrying the thank-you gifts, and drove all the way to Lejia.

Village Chief Zhou didn't have to go to the village committee on weekends. He walked around the fields in the morning before going out onto the street. When he saw the school bus from No. 3 Middle School, he ran back to the village and rushed back to Le's house to report the news to the old men.

The old man and Mr. Li, who were originally enjoying tea and playing chess on the second floor, heard that some school leaders who had been to Lele's house last year came to give thank-you gifts. The old man went downstairs and ordered the boys to go to the main room of the north building and south building.

Set up tables and chairs.

Miss Chao Er and the handsome boys followed the instructions and quickly packed up the belongings in the two halls, moved the tables and chairs and prepared tea bowls.

Le's father took the cow to the foot of the mountain and took it home after eight o'clock when the sun was stronger. He and Zhou Qiufeng went to the field to pull weeds. After receiving a call from Uncle Man, they hurried home.

When they walked outside Zhou's house, they also saw the crowd coming from the other direction. They ran home at a sprint speed of 100 meters, washed their faces, and asked the old man and old lady what to do.

The old man and the old lady are very calm. They are here to thank Xiao Lele. They have accepted the gifts that should be received and just treat her with a simple meal.

Mr. Li also deeply believed that the little girl from the Le family had single-handedly opened a path for so many young people, and it was right for them to come and thank her.

The leaders of the No. 3 Middle School and some leaders in charge of education had been to Lejia last year and were familiar with it. When they arrived at the vegetable garden outside Lejia, they shouted a few times.

Le's father Zhou Qiufeng went outside to welcome the guests.

When the leaders saw the Le family couple, their eyes were as bright as lanterns. They stepped forward to shake hands with the host, and words of thanks flowed out from their mouths like spring water.

Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, was overwhelmed by the words of praise from leaders and parents.

The host and guest chatted for a while, and the guest followed the host to the building. The group arrived at the floor in front of the Lejia Building. The Chao family boy and his friends invited the leaders and parents to sit in the main room. They took a group of students to the living room on the first floor of the south building.


Cao Qingyue did well in the exam. She was among the student representatives and helped greet the students from the same school.

When the school leaders saw the old man and old ladies in the main hall at the door, their hearts beat fast. They entered the main hall and said hello to them all.

The old man and the old lady exchanged greetings with the visitors and invited everyone to sit down and chat.

Because her daughter did well in the exam, Ms. Li was also among the parents. She sat down and stood up to help get the tea bowls and tea sets and serve tea to the guests.

Many parents saw that Ms. Li, also a parent, was the aunt of the Le family's baby. She was very comfortable helping out at the Le family, as if she were at home, which made them extremely envious.

After the leaders drank a few sips of tea, they said they had brought a small gift to Le classmate and asked the host and his wife to come and see it before making arrangements to prevent the piglets from being bored due to the hot weather.

The old man and the old lady also got up to see the thank you gifts.

The leaders accompanied the host, his wife, and the old man and his wife to the village road, and talked about which gifts were given by parents, which were given by the school, and which were given by the leaders above.

The thank-you gift included eight big fat pigs, twelve piglets, ten live sheep, sixty chickens and ducks, ten geese, two slaughtered pigs and two sheep each, and ten chickens and ducks each.

There is a parent who is a fish seller. His ancestors have not been educated for generations. His children’s grades have always been at the lower end. To get into a second-level college, his family has to burn incense. Who knows the test questions given by the girl from the Le family?

He ruthlessly "pushed the disabled" and passed the college entrance examination.

The fish boss and his family were very excited. In addition to raising some money, he went to various villages to buy more than 200 kilograms of pure flower fish and brought them to Plum Village.

The leaders and parents were afraid that the Le family would not accept the thank-you gift, so they kept saying that the gift was bought by the students themselves with their New Year's change, and they divided it among everyone, which was less than 200 yuan per person.

The leaders had a sincere relationship with the parents, and Mr. Chao made the decision and accepted it.

The leaders and parents immediately beamed.

The old man and the old lady invited the guests to sit in the main room again. With the help of several parents, Le's father Zhou Qiufeng drove the big pig into the livestock pen in the backyard. The chickens, ducks and geese were also kept in the backyard of the north building, and the little pigs were transported to the backyard of the south building.

Livestock pens closed.

The slaughtered pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks were taken to the south building kitchen, where they immediately started cooking.

Parents who know how to make big pot dishes or have better cooking skills take the initiative to help in the kitchen.

The beautiful boy and his friends greeted a group of students, and also taught the juniors some university study and life experiences, and they got along very well.

Village Chief Zhou assisted the old men in Yueqing to greet the guests. When it was almost 11 o'clock at noon, he answered the phone and his expression suddenly turned bad.

He hung up the phone and asked Mr. Chao, Professor Wan Qi, for advice: "Mr. Chao, Professor Wan Qi, the mother and daughter who caused trouble last year are here again. What should we do now? Do you want to call Xiao Lele?"

This chapter has been completed!
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