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Chapter 1025 Speech

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Those translucent light balls had occupied every inch of space in the sky. The moment the angel flew into the sky, the tide-like light balls suddenly accelerated and crashed towards the angel at lightning speed.

There was no earth-shattering noise.

There were no heart-rending screams.

The arrogant angel was submerged by the translucent ball of light and disappeared silently...

In the sky, the huge spaceship whose head and tail could not be seen suddenly disappeared without warning. The originally dark ground also became suddenly bright and clear, with light wind and clouds. It was as if that huge metal object had never appeared before.

More than average.

More than 200,000 Crusaders and Russian soldiers still knelt on the ground and did not dare to move, with pious expressions on their faces.

The atmosphere is depressing and dull.

Zhou Sen stared blankly at the sky, feeling an inexplicable chill running down his spine.

As early as Bing Lingxing, Zhou Sen heard Bing Ling mention mechanical warriors. When he saw the man in black robe, his intuition told him that the man in black robe might be a mechanical warrior, because low-level awakened humans,

He will never be able to fly at will like a person with super powers.

Moreover, if the opponent does not have strong strength, he will not appear directly on this killing battlefield. What's more, there are two god-level figures here.

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Zhou Sen had guessed the power of the mechanical warriors countless times, but in his heart, Zhou Sen always disagreed. After all, the opponents were just ordinary humans. He never dreamed that they could really kill gods easily.

No one knows the power of that angel better than Zhou Sen, because he and the angel have been fighting for half an hour.

Such a powerful spirit disappeared out of thin air without any resistance.

Zhou Sen had a shuddering feeling.

Suddenly, Zhou Sen thought of a question.

Why can't the mechanical warrior discover the possessed spirit?

Theoretically, since the mechanical warrior can detect the Nine Heavens Xuannv, he should be able to detect the breath of the gods.

Could it be that the spirit possessing the female soldier could disguise itself?

Well, this possibility is very high, because this is not the first time Zhou Sen has fought against gods, and the divine powers that have fought against him have not been attacked by awakened humans.

Perhaps, the gods also know the existence of awakened humans and know how to disguise themselves.

This possibility is very high, because after Bing Ling and the mechanical warrior appeared, the murderous god became quiet and even restrained his aura. It seems that the Nine Heavens Xuannv should have pointed out the identity of the god...


An earth-shattering cry of death broke the suffocating silence.

He is the king of corpses.

The King of Ten Thousand Corpses spit out a monstrous black mist, and the black mist instantly covered the entire wasteland. The bright and clear sky that had just been exposed was immediately shrouded in the black mist that blocked the sky and the sun.

Just before people could react, an astonishing scene appeared.

The long-dead corpses in the wasteland suddenly started to move.

Corpses without heads, corpses with chests stabbed, corpses with missing arms and legs, including some with severed hands and feet, seemed to suddenly come back to life, standing up tremblingly in front of everyone.

"Hahahaha...Zhou Sen, I have an idea! As long as we kill all the Crusaders, even if the gods kill you, she will not have the troops to control Vaal City." The King of Corpses seemed to be worried about his own plan.

And happily, he let out a harsh and weird laugh.


Zhou Sen was speechless.

The method of the King of Corpses is indeed good.

As long as all the Crusaders are killed, even if the god kills him, the Orr army will win. However, now that the gods have been killed by the mechanical warriors, the method of the King of Corpses seems to be a little late.


"You grew up eating shit?!"

Because of Jiutian Xuannv's departure, Shen Huimin, who was already in a bad mood, slapped the King of Corpses on his bald head.

"In hindsight, in hindsight, I'll kick you to death, kick you to death..." Mingxian Mingkong was also in a bad mood. He immediately added insult to injury and kicked the King of Corpses indiscriminately, making the King of Corpses scream.

Just as a few people were entangled, the battle on the earth broke out again.

The soldiers fell into a crazy fight again, but this time, there were many corpses with horrific images, and their attack targets were very clear - the Crusaders.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

Because the gods were killed by mechanical warriors, the female general Tatiana who was possessed by the gods kept fainting, and coupled with some terrifying attacks from the living dead, the Crusaders immediately collapsed like a snowy mountain collapsing.

The wasteland became a battlefield of killing.

Thousands of Orr cavalry wearing superpower armor plowed the land repeatedly like iron plows, like a giant iron comb, and countless crusaders fell under the iron hooves.

The Russian army poured into the city of Vaal like a tide without any resistance. Rivers of blood flowed from the streets, and corpses piled up like mountains. The Crusaders only hated their parents for losing two legs and fled in all directions.

In less than an hour, the war was completely over.

In this battle, the Russian army won a complete victory with a small number and a large number. They annihilated more than 40,000 Crusaders, captured more than 70,000 Crusaders, and collected mountains of military supplies.

The female general Tatiana was captured. This was the highest general captured by the Han since the Crusaders invaded the Han Empire. Her capture dealt an extremely heavy blow to the Crusaders.

Zhou Sen's flag was placed on the city tower of Vaal City. At this point, the prosperous Vaal City fell under the control of the Han Empire.

Satsuma and Xiaoyu's sister and brother-in-law were released from the Shentai World. When they came out, the entire Val City had become the territory of the Han Empire.

The war is over.

Zhou Sen was not happy.

After the city was broken, Zhou Sen stayed behind closed doors.

"Brother Zhou Sen..." Mingkong cautiously shouted to the silent Zhou Sen.

"Yeah." Zhou Sen raised his head and glanced at Mingkong who was holding hot soup, nodded with a forced smile, and then shouted to the door: "Come in, everyone."

As soon as Zhou Sen finished speaking, Ming Xian and Shen Huimin walked in furtively.

"What are you doing? I'm fine." Zhou Sen smiled.

"Sister Fairy, she..."

"Don't worry, she will be fine. My friends have ensured her safety."

"Can we still see Fairy Sister?" Shen Huimin looked sad.

"Yes." Zhou Sen felt that his tone was not very sure.

"Is that man in black robe very powerful?" Mingkong asked softly.

"Yes, he is very powerful. You must not provoke him." Zhou Sen's eyes were solemn.


The three girls looked at each other. They are all smart people, so they can naturally feel the power of the man in black robe.

"What's the situation outside?" Zhou Sen didn't want to delve into this topic. He knew very well that the three girls had established a deep relationship with Jiutian Xuannv, and now that Jiutian Xuannv suddenly left, they couldn't adapt.

"The people in Val City are very enthusiastic. Many people sent flowers... Should you go out and say a few words?"

"Do you think I should go out and say a few words?" Zhou Sen looked at Mingxian. He had a feeling that Mingkong seemed to have grown up suddenly.

"Yes." Mingkong nodded.

"Well, let's go out and have a few words." Zhou Sen stood up.

"Zhou Sen..." Mingkong stopped talking.


"Let Fannie'er come too."

"Thank you." Zhou Sen nodded and took a deep look at Mingkong, who seemed to have suddenly matured. He had an illusion that Mingkong had become the Mysterious Lady of the Nine Heavens.

An hour later, surrounded by the eighth prince of the Er Empire and a group of women, Zhou Sen climbed onto the city tower. In the square were thousands of people from Var City, including people from the Han Empire and people from the Er Empire.

People of the Empire.

Zhou Sen's cheap sister-in-law, surrounded by a group of Satsuma people, shouted desperately.

Zhou Sen became the pride of the Samo people.

It wasn't until they came out of Zhou Sen's shrine world that the Satsuma people knew that their Satsuma people's son-in-law was not just the owner of the Spark Trading Company, he was the undefeated God of War of the Han Empire. This news made all the Satsuma people happy.


Now, on the high platform, stood Shen Huimin, Mingxian Mingkong, Fannier and Xiaoyu, five women of heavenly fragrance and beauty, making the people of Val City crazy.

"Hey, why don't you call me..."

Just when Zhou Sen was about to speak, the bald-headed King of Corpses squeezed in through the dense crowd of guards and squeezed directly to Zhou Sen, pushing aside Shen Huimin who was next to Zhou Sen.

"You want to sleep on your own, and you won't wake up even if you scream." Shen Huimin was in full view of everyone and it was difficult to get angry. However, she still raised her foot and gave the King of Corpses a hard kick.

"Hehe, I'm tired... I am the hero this time, I should stand here." The King of Corpses said with a proud look on his face.

"Damn bald donkey!" Mingkong cursed.

"Pfft..." Mingkong cursed like this, and Mingxian, Fan Ni'er, and Xiaoyu all covered their mouths and laughed.

"Ah...I...I'm not scolding Zhou Sen..." Mingkong suddenly understood, glanced at Zhou Sen's bald head, and argued with a blush on his face.

"Ahem...it's okay...I really want to become a monk, which is just in time." Zhou Sen touched his bald head and smiled awkwardly.

"No!" several women said in unison, their faces changing color.

"Don't worry, even if you want to become a monk, you will have to get married with everyone before you become a monk."

"Who will marry you?"

Several women suddenly looked shy and scolded in unison, then looked at each other with a trace of sadness on their faces - how wonderful it would be if the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl had not left!

"Let me say a few words." Zhou Sen did not dare to dwell on this issue and quickly changed the subject, raising his arms slightly toward the sky.

The sound of a needle dropping could be heard in the huge square. Only Zhou Sen's sonorous and powerful voice could be heard echoing in the square, and several women fell silent.

"Human society advances in accordance with the laws and laws of history. It is no accident that we were able to win the victory in Vaal City and defeat the invaders whose economic strength and military equipment were far stronger than ours with backward weapons and equipment.

The soldiers and people of the Han Empire, with their firm will and exemplary actions, played a mainstay role in the entire nation's war of resistance. During this long war, the soldiers and people of the Han Empire persisted in the war of resistance, opposed compromise, insisted on unity, and opposed division.

Adhere to progress and oppose regression, becoming a banner that guides the entire nation to victory in the War of Resistance, mobilizing the entire nation's military and civilians to the greatest extent to jointly resist the War, and becoming an outstanding organizer and encourager that unites the strength of the entire nation. The Han Empire will adhere to the comprehensive line of resistance and formulate correct

strategic strategy, implement the line policy of mobilizing the people and relying on the people, put forward the strategic general policy of protracted war and a set of strategies and tactics of people's war, open up vast battlefields behind enemy lines, and become the backbone of the resistance war. The army and people of the Han Empire will use their best

Patriotism full of sacrificial spirit and exemplary actions that were not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice supported the hope of the entire nation to save the nation and became the national vanguard to win the war of resistance.

The great national awakening, unprecedented national unity and heroic national resistance of the Han Empire were the decisive factors in the victory of the Han army and people against the Crusaders. The Han Empire has always advocated justice and loved peace, and has never been afraid of violence or succumbed to any external pressure. The great Han Empire has always advocated justice and loved peace.

The war of resistance against aggression aroused the sense of crisis and mission of the entire nation. In the history of the Han Empire's national resistance to foreign aggression, there has never been such a profound national awakening, such extensive mobilization, and such tenacious fighting will as in the resistance to the Crusade War.

Combining the army with the people, combining armed struggle with unarmed struggle, combining front struggle with rear struggle, combining open struggle with covert struggle, especially the ingenious tactics and operations of guerrilla warfare such as ambushes and raids carried out widely by soldiers and civilians behind enemy lines

The method created a miracle in the history of human war, plunging the crusaders who were rampant for a while into the vast sea of ​​people's war. The war tempered the great people, and the Han Empire would eventually win a great victory..."

This passionate speech was recorded in the history of the Han Empire and made people crazy about it. Countless passionate young people participated in the anti-aggression war, and Zhou Sen's bald image became the fashion and style of the Han Empire.

According to the trend, countless sons and daughters of the Han Empire have shaved their heads, especially some soldiers, who spontaneously shaved their own hair. Now, even if they don’t shave their heads, they are embarrassed to say that they are men...

When Zhou Sen got up the next day, he was surprised at first by the bald heads all over the streets, and then he was overjoyed. His bald head was such a big target. Since bald heads were all over the streets, then, his bald head,

It doesn't look so dazzling anymore.

"Brother Zhou Sen, you are really amazing!" Looking at the bald heads all over the city, Xiaoyu had an expression of admiration on her face.

"It's easy to talk about." Zhou Sen chuckled.

"Why do you have to imitate me?" The King of Corpses touched his bald head with a smug look on his face.

"Imitate you?!" Mingkong sneered.

"Hey, my bald head is also bald, okay!" The King of Corpses was very dissatisfied with Mingkong's contemptuous look.

"Yours is bald!" Shen Huimin snorted coldly.

"..." The King of Corpses looked dull.

"We will start taking military action the day after tomorrow." In the meeting hall, Zhou Sen frowned.

"The day after tomorrow?" The Eighth Prince was surprised.

"Yes, the day after tomorrow! Before the Crusaders are ready, we will pursue the victory..."

"But, as the saying goes, don't chase the poor, just in case they jump over the wall..." The Eighth Prince was a little uneasy. Taking military action now would seem too aggressive. After all, the city of Val has just been occupied, and some damaged walls have not been repaired.

time, it should be time to rest.

"That's it. I don't have time anymore."

Zhou Sen stood up and strode out of the meeting hall, leaving a group of generals behind, looking at each other. They didn't understand what Zhou Sen meant.

Why is there no time?

The battle with the Crusaders has just begun. From the city of Vaal to Orange Island, there are still thousands of miles away. If you want to conquer the city all the way, no matter how fast you go, it will take several months. It cannot be solved in a day or two.


According to the speed at which the Crusaders captured the cities of the Han Empire, it would take at least a year for Zhou Sen to regain the territory of the Han Empire...

"Why is there a military operation tomorrow?!" When Zhou Sen returned to the mansion, he was immediately questioned by a group of women. Even Fan Ni'er, who has deep knowledge of military skills, kept asking questions. After all,

Now is not the best time to attack.

Judging from the current environment, as long as the Russian army consolidates the front line and builds the Iron Triangle of Vaal City, the Imperial Grand Canyon and the Mountain and Sea Pass, it will be equivalent to cutting off the connection between the Crusaders and the Kingdom of Heaven, and then slowly closing the door and beating the dogs, allowing the Crusaders to

The army was trapped in the ocean of people's war, and there was no need to take huge military risks and go deep into the hinterland of the Han Empire.

In fact, even if Zhou Sen does not attack, the Crusaders will continue to attack Vaal City. As long as they rely on the city's advantage and wait for the enemy, there is no need to take risks.

"Because, I am about to ascend." Zhou Sen said slowly.

"Ascend!" Everyone said in unison.

"Yes, ascend!"

"Haha, great, great, Zhou Sen is going to ascend." A group of women were ecstatic. For a person with super powers, ascending would soon be a goal.

"...Actually, this is not good news." Zhou Sen hesitated.

"Why?" The women felt that Zhou Sen's expression was a bit solemn.

"If I ascend, I have to get out of here."


"I don't know either." Zhou Sen shook his head, "Jiutian Xuannv said it. She said that after ascending, it is impossible to stay on this planet."



A group of women asked anxiously.

"Actually, I don't understand either." Zhou Sen said with a bitter smile.

"Then what should we do?" Shen Huimin looked distracted.

"Yeah, what should we do?" Mingkong also looked panicked.

"I don't know." Zhou Sen shook his head.

"No, no, we have to practice quickly and we must ascend together with Zhou Sen."

Suddenly, Shen Huimin rushed out in a hurry.

Seeing Shen Huimin suddenly rushing out, everyone was stunned and immediately realized that Shen Huimin had gone to practice. Immediately, Mingxian and Mingkong also disappeared without a trace.

Fan Ni'er and Xiaoyu looked at each other, with a wry smile on their lips.

Although Fannie'er practices the art of shooting arrows, strictly speaking, she is not a complete superpower. Therefore, it is simply an impossible task for her to practice to the realm of ascending to Taoism in a short period of time.

This chapter has been completed!
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