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Chapter 251 Different Values

Facing Zhou Sen's miraculous skills, Chen Boyan and a group of sheep tribesmen were already lying on the ground in despair.

Now, they completely believe in the saying "The Xia clan will be prosperous and King Zhou Sen will be king". The skills Zhou Sen has shown can only be achieved by gods. In fact, when Zhou Sen made a lot of gold leaves before, everyone was stunned.

I suspected that Zhou Sen had the Midas touch, because Zhou Sen and the woman each carried a backpack, so it was impossible to carry a lot of gold leaves.

Now, Zhou Sen's miracle of melting gold bricks into thousands of gold beads has confirmed everyone's speculation about the power of turning stone into gold.

Zhou Sen received a large wave of pure power of faith.

What shocked Zhou Sen was that the purity of the power of faith contributed by Chen Boyan and others actually caught up with the purity of the power of faith contributed by Olin.

Why is this happening?

Olin was able to contribute the power of pure faith because she had followed Zhou Sen for a long time, and her admiration and worship for Zhou Sen was the result of accumulation over time, while Chen Boyan and others had only known Zhou Sen for less than two days.

Could it be that this is the true power of faith?

Zhou Sen immediately guessed that Aolin could only admire him, not his believer, and the scope of the power of faith he contributed was completely different. The sheep people were his true believers, and their level of piety was naturally beyond what Aolin could match.

, so, even though it was only two days, the purity of the power of faith was catching up with Orin.

It seems that my decision to get deeply involved in the dispute between the Sheep Tribe and the Headhunter Tribe was right!

The previous guess was also correct. Gods also need to work hard if they want to gain the power of faith. There is no such thing as sitting back and reaping the rewards while lying on the bed and reaping the power of faith. Only those ancient gods can enjoy it.

Death, wait and see...

On the road!

After a night of repairs, the injuries of the five wounded had been treated. In order to avoid affecting the march and subsequent military operations, Chen Boyan decided to leave one person behind and lead the five wounded to another secret base to recuperate.

Rudong Town.

On this technologically backward planet, a distance of fifty kilometers is not a short one.

Fortunately, it is much easier to have Chen Boyan lead the way, because he will arrange for the sheep warriors to take turns to open the way and overcome obstacles along the way. It is very easy for Zhou Sen and Olin to follow behind them.

"Why do you want to enact the law of killing Lien?" Olin took the time to ask while everyone was clearing the way.

"I believe that the billions of dead souls of the sheep tribe who were killed by the headhunters will agree to this law." Zhou Sen said lightly.


"Olin, you grew up in a time of peace, and you always use a Madonna perspective to measure others. You must remember one thing: don't persuade others to do good without suffering others' suffering! Many things can only be painful to the person involved!" Zhou Sen

He said with a serious face.

"Don't forget, you also grew up in a time of peace!" Orin frowned.

"But I was sentenced to death and imprisoned in Mogan Prison! Have you experienced my despair?" Zhou Sen glanced at Olin and said coldly.

"I don't need to experience it, because I won't break the law! I won't become an interstellar gangster!" Olin said word by word.

"Do you think everyone in Mogan Prison is a bad person?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Otherwise?" Orin asked.

"Then may I ask, what crime did the underground warden commit?"

"..." Olin opened her mouth and couldn't answer.

"Is it a crime to unify the five star regions and fight against the MS organization?" Zhou Sen stared at Olin with his deep eyes, as if he wanted to see through her internal organs.

"He...he may rule the five star regions forever..."

"Haha, just because he has the possibility to rule the five star regions forever, and then, before things happen, put him in prison?"


"Dear Ms. Olin, this world is not black and white. I don't know if the underground warden is a good person, but before he was imprisoned in the prison, he was indeed a human hero in the five star regions. He was responsible for his actions.

He created the human interstellar federal government, and as a result, he was imprisoned for more than seven hundred years. It is difficult to tell the right and wrong of this. Everyone has their own reasons and positions, and morality is contrary to the law. Similarly, the sheep people

The Headhunters and the Headhunters also have their own positions. Now, I stand on the side of the Sheep Tribe and choose to drive out the Headhunters!"

"But you targeted the weak ones of the sheep tribe."

"No, they are not weak, they are cowards! I can foresee that when the heroes of the Sheep people shed their lives and blood to establish the country, the descendants of those who are greedy for life and fear of death will gradually become the mainstream, enjoy the benefits, and then turn the Sheep people into

Leading into an abyss of eternal destruction.”

"But none of the things you mentioned happened." Orin shook her head.

"Are there many similar incidents in history? Many heroic families have dedicated their lives for several generations, only to end up making wedding dresses for others!" Zhou Sen said lightly.

"No matter what you say, I won't agree with your actions."

"Do I need your approval? Don't forget, you are just an insignificant reporter. In my eyes, you are like an ant. I have thousands of ways to kill you, and I don't even need to do anything. If I want

, I can let you fall into the hands of the headhunters. I must be smart enough to think of the consequences of a pagan like you from an alien planet falling into the hands of the headhunters."

"Are you threatening me?" Orin bit her lip.

"Haha, you take yourself too seriously, what value do you have for me to threaten you?" Zhou Sen burst out laughing, causing the sheep tribesmen in front to turn around.


"Ms. Olin, your job is to be a reporter. Just do your job well and there is no need to intervene. You must have often conducted combat interviews when you were in the five star regions. Could it be that you would take up arms and intervene on both sides because of justice?


"No..." Orin pursed her lips and said.

"My opponent, dear Ms. Olin, you are a reporter, and I am the most violent gangster in the universe. It is impossible for our two identities to have a common language, and our values ​​​​cannot come together. Naturally, the same is true for our behavior.

They are completely opposite, so please remain objective or neutral. If you cannot be objective, impartial or neutral, then remain silent."

"Sorry, it's me..."

"Don't be sorry. Once you leave here, your follow-up interview will be over. When the time comes, you take your Yangguan Road and I'll cross my single-plank bridge." Zhou Sen said with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid of my pen?" There was a hint of cunning in the corner of Olin's mouth. In Olin's interview career, very few interviewees would maliciously offend her. After all, no one wants to be with a well-known reporter from the five star regions.


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