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Chapter seven hundred and seventy-fifth the true character of the bandit

While giving soup, the Shen family began to hand out registration cards made overnight by head of head. As long as you fill in your name, gender, age, family members, original household registration address, etc., you can register on the spot.

Zhou Sen discovered that in addition to a dozen wooden tables for registration, there were many people in front of Shen's house guiding or helping illiterate victims fill out cards.

Of course, this level is not a casual level. The process is very rigorous to prevent victims from using false identities. Zhou Sen secretly admired it because this kind of identity screening is very important. Usually, victims who leave their true identities will be scrupulous and dare not


At noon, thousands of victims gathered in front of Shen's house had been registered and taken to subordinate shops to wait for news.

There are 2,370 people registered, including more than 400 old, weak, sick and disabled people, and nearly 2,000 able-bodied laborers.

The Shen family first counted the people according to their age and place of origin, and then divided them into groups to avoid causing trouble due to too many fellow villagers and to facilitate management.

Nearly 2,000 people were divided into twenty groups, one hundred people per group. The more than 400 old, weak, sick and disabled were also placed in twenty groups and were assigned to do some light work, such as cooking, washing, sewing and mending.


At this time, the Shen family demonstrated the shrewdness and efficiency of a businessman.

On the second day, 15 of the groups of victims started working and were taken to the barren mountains where the Shen family belonged to camp. About 600 people from the other 5 groups began to do logistics work, transporting daily supplies and agricultural tools, etc.


On the third day, 15 camps were set up in the wild. Although they were not comfortable, they were able to shelter from wind and rain, which was countless times better than sleeping on the streets.

Winter clothes and bedding are distributed according to the head of each person, and they can eat white steamed buns every day, and occasionally meat. The victims are very satisfied. For them who have experienced the cruel cold and hunger, this is already a paradise.


On the fourth day, 15 groups officially started work, and a vigorous winter land reclamation movement began. The victims were very enthusiastic about work, because the Shen family promised that all the land being reclaimed would be rented by the victims with priority.

At the same time, the Shen family's purchase of grain at high prices was also in full swing.

At this time, there are still ten days before the Chinese New Year.

Niejiaqiao has returned to calm, and the victims who gathered on the streets have disappeared. Occasionally, there are victims who wander to Niejiaqiao, and the Shen family will immediately resettle them.

The other wealthy families in Niejiaqiao all sneered at the actions taken by the Shen family.

Everyone knows what it means to feed more than 2,000 people. If a person eats two kilograms of grain a day, then the Shen family now consumes at least more than five thousand kilograms a day, not including winter clothes, bedding and other daily necessities.


More than five thousand kilograms a day, more than fifty thousand kilograms in ten days, and five hundred thousand kilograms in one hundred days. Until spring, the Shen family will consume at least half a million kilograms of grain, and they will not plant seeds until three months later. In other words,

The harvest season for the Shen family is at least half a year away.

In half a year, one million kilograms of grain will be consumed.

Each disaster victim has two sets of daily necessities such as winter clothes and shoes, which costs even more money.

The most deadly thing is that the number of victims in the Shen family is increasing every day.

Everyone is watching the Shen family's jokes.

While the Shen family was buying grain on a large scale, some large households took the opportunity to raise prices, especially the Zhao family, the largest family in Niejiaqiao, who even raised the price of grain.

Although the Zhao family has a large business, because the Zhao family is engaged in high value-added business, its influence in Niejiaqiao is actually not as good as that of the Shen family. They have long been jealous of the Shen family, especially the recent salt scandal.

, because the Shen family rescued the market, the Zhao family accumulated a large amount of salt, which conservatively estimated would not be sold for several years. The most important thing is that the Zhao family was nicknamed a "black-hearted businessman."

It seems that intentionally or unintentionally, the Zhao family began to intervene in the fields run by the Shen family, taking the opportunity to crack down on the Shen family's business activities in Niejiaqiao.

The Zhao family began to cut prices and even sell some non-short supplies at a loss, making it impossible for the Shen family's east courtyard's inventory of supplies to be turned into cash.

The Shen family's funds began to have problems.

There is no doubt that the Shen family is rich. For a large family like the Shen family, purchasing one million kilograms of grain is not a problem. However, the reality is different from the past. In the past, the Shen family could purchase grain without cash at all.

Now, following the Zhao family's example, some tenants not only want cash, but also take the opportunity to drive up prices.

In fact, the Shen family not only needs to buy food, but also needs to buy a large amount of winter clothes and bedding. These things are more expensive than food. After all, they are nearly 3,100 poor and ragged victims. In this cold season, they need a full set of clothes.

Warm winter clothes and thick bedding.

In fact, it's not that the Shen family doesn't have money, it's that Niejiaqiao doesn't have much liquidity, and the Shen family's property exists in various forms, not cash.

In the Shen family, there are also some value-preserving items such as gold, silver, jewelry, energy stones, but now the transportation is inconvenient and the market is not smooth. In a small market town like Niejiaqiao, it is impossible for those things to be turned into cash, even if they are sold.

, the buyers are also very limited, they are only wealthy families like the Zhao family and the Xiao family.

The Zhao family, the Xiao family and other big families are adding insult to injury. They hope that the Shen family will collapse, so naturally they will not help the Shen family to tide over the difficulties. In fact, many big families are already ready to carve up the Shen family.

Nowadays, cash is required to purchase food and other supplies, which is a headache for the Shen family.

Zhou Sen did not know that the Zhu family was already in dire straits. He overestimated the financial resources of the Shen family and underestimated the intricate relationships of the Nie family.

Today was already the seventh day he had diarrhea. Zhou Sen lay on the bed early and waited for that heart-wrenching moment.

This is the last day.

Zhou Sen, who was lying on the bed, breathed a long sigh of relief. The feeling of life being worse than death was finally over.

It was two o'clock and Shen Huimin hadn't come yet, but Zhou Sen started to feel pain. He rushed to the toilet to relieve himself for half an hour. When he returned to the room, Shen Huimin was already sitting quietly by the bed.

Although Zhou Sen noticed something strange about Shen Huimin, he was in so much pain that he managed to climb onto the bed and urged Shen Huimin to massage his meridians quickly.

Shen Huimin didn't say anything, and quietly used superpower massage to unblock Zhou Sen.

After more than ten minutes, Zhou Sen felt a little more comfortable. He found that Shen Huimin had not said a word since she came in and was in a very low mood. This was very different from the previous chatter.

"Are you interested?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Uncle Guangyuan is here."

"Who is Uncle Guangyuan?"

"My uncle."


"My mother wants Uncle Guangyuan and I to leave Niejiaqiao."

"Where to go?"

"Go to Sun Mountain."


"Blind date."

"Blind date!" Zhou Sen's heart beat inexplicably.


"The Chinese New Year is only a few days away, why go at this time?" Zhou Sen was silent for a while and asked.

"That's right." Shen Huimin sighed and said, "I don't know why, and Uncle Guangyuan doesn't know either. It seems to be a temporary decision made by my mother."

"when are we leaving?"

"Zhou Sen, what should I do? I don't want to get married, I don't want to get married..." Shen Huimin suddenly lost control and screamed.

"Don't make any sound." Zhou Sen sat up suddenly and covered Shen Huimin's mouth.

"Woo...Zhou Sen, you have to help me, you must help me, I don't want to get married..." Shen Huimin lay on Zhou Sen and cried.

"Don't cry, don't cry, there will be a way..." Zhou Sen carefully patted Huimin's shoulder, his heart beat wildly again, and he felt the warmth radiating from Huimin's soft and delicate body.

"What can you do?" Wan Lingren sat up suddenly, with tears in his eyes.

"Let me think about it... there is something wrong with this matter. If you want to go on a blind date, few women will take the initiative to go to the man, and it is without the man knowing... Hey... now is the time for the Chinese New Year again

...By the way, your mother must not want you to stay in Niejiaqiao and wants to drive you away!"

"Why do you want to push me away?" Shen Huimin wiped away her tears with a confused look on her face.

"Why should I push you away...unless...unless...unless you are in danger!" Zhou Sen's body trembled.

"What danger am I in?"

"Maybe it's not you who is in danger." Zhou Sen thought for a moment and said, "The Shen family is in danger, and your mother wants you to leave first. By the way, what happened in your family recently?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Nothing happened. Everything went smoothly. My mother just said she had no money and took away all my private money..."

"The Shen family has no money?" Zhou Sen was stunned.

"What's so strange about not having money? Which businessman have you seen keeping money at home?" Shen Huimin pinched Zhou Sen.

"Yes...it seems that I was wrong in my estimation. Your Shen family's business model is getting bigger and bigger like a snowball. It usually does not require much cash to maintain operation. Now it is different from the past. Social unrest, disaster victims

There are more and more, and a lot of cash is needed to support it. It seems that the Shen family will go bankrupt before long."

"Ah...bankruptcy...no way, our family has a lot of money." Shen Huimin looked panicked.

"This is a very complicated issue. It cannot be said to be bankruptcy or collapse. Think about it, if the Shen family cannot maintain the current situation, it will definitely cause riots and panic. Those victims who are relieved will vent their anger on Shen.

Home... no, I have to go see your mother."

"Meet my mother?"

"Yes, go now."

"My mother should be asleep at this time..."

"If I were your mother, I definitely wouldn't be able to sleep."

"Are you feeling better?"


"Okay, let's go."

Without saying a word, Shen Huimin got out of bed, picked up the long sword beside the bed, and dragged Zhou Sen up. She actually flew with the sword without stepping on it, and flew all the way to the west courtyard at lightning speed.

The main hall of the west courtyard was indeed bright with light.

"Dong dong dong..." Without thinking, Shen Huimin pressed the flying sword, landed in front of the door and knocked on the door.


"it's me……"

Shen Huimin glanced at Zhou Sen, who looked at her with a stupid look on his face, and suddenly understood.

"What should I do, what should I do... I was too anxious just now, so I brought you here. I am dead, I am dead. If my mother sees me with you in the middle of the night, I will be dead...

It's you, it's all you... You didn't remind me... Okay, okay, we are all finished, we are destined to die together..." Shen Huimin was as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

"Auntie, you were too fast. I was dragged up by you. I was in so much pain that I couldn't speak. In a blink of an eye, I was at the door." Zhou Sen looked down at his bare feet and said with a sad face.

It was only a few hundred meters from the East Courtyard to the West Courtyard. In addition, Shen Huimin's Ice Soul Divine Sword was much faster than the Wujin Dagger. It was almost a blink of an eye, and Zhou Sen had no time to react.

"This is how to do ah……"

"Gah..." Just when Shen Huimin was going crazy, the door was opened.

"Huimin, it's midnight, why are you here... why are you together?" Mrs. Zhu's face suddenly changed when she saw Zhou Sen, and she said sternly.

"Ah...I...I...I heard that my mother encountered a problem, so I grabbed this guy from the bed at night to help my mother solve the problem. You see, he didn't even have time to put on his shoes!"

While Shen Huimin was stammering, she suddenly became wise and waved the sword in her hand, speaking righteously.

"Really?" Zhu glanced at Zhou Sen's bare feet suspiciously.

Fortunately, Zhou Sen reacted immediately and pretended to be trembling with fear. Of course, Zhou Sen himself had not fully recovered, and he was barefoot, so it was not entirely fake.

"Get in!" Shen Huimin walked around behind Zhou Sen and kicked Zhou Sen's ass.

"Huimin, be polite."

"Hmph, you can't be polite to this kind of servant." Shen Huimin drew a sword in the air and said with murderous intent.

"Xiao Zhou, sit down, there is a charcoal stove here. Huimin, go help Xiao Zhou get a pair of shoes."

"Hmm. Zhou Sen, if you don't come up with a solution for my mother, don't even think about stepping out of our Shen family!" Shen Huimin turned her back to her mother, winked at Zhou Sen, and then went inside to get her shoes with a long sword.


"Zhou Sen, do you have any idea?"

"No." Zhou Sen's feet were shaking with cold, and he secretly lamented that he was not afraid of the cold when he wore straw sandals, but now he is shivering from the cold just when he doesn't wear shoes for a while. This person is really used to it.

"Then what are you doing here?" Zhu sneered coldly.

"The lady forced me to come with a sword."


"Yes, madam." Looking at Zhu's penetrating eyes, Zhou Sen was shocked. Obviously, Zhu did not believe Huimin's deception.

"No matter what, you should think of a way first." Zhu didn't seem to want to get to the bottom of it. After taking a deep look at Zhou Sen, she said calmly.

"Yes, ma'am."

There was a silence in the hall.

After a while, Shen Huimin took a pair of socks and a pair of cotton shoes and placed them in front of Zhou Sen.

Zhu saw that the shoes Shen Huimin was holding were actually a new pair of shoes. She vaguely remembered that these shoes were made for Shen Wan because they were made small and kept there.

Obviously, Shen Huimin knew the size of Zhou Sen's feet, otherwise, she would never deliberately give Zhou Sen a pair of new shoes in a small size.

"Damn girl!"

Zhu cursed secretly, but remained calm and looked at Shen Huimin coldly. Seeing Shen Huimin's actions, she actually wanted to help Zhou Sen put on his shoes.

"Put on your shoes quickly and find a way for my mother!" Shen Huimin, who was about to put on Zhou Sen's shoes, suddenly realized that she stopped her body abruptly and sat quietly aside. Obviously, she also

I noticed that my mother looked unhappy.

"Yes, the villain is thinking of a way."

Zhou Sen quickly put on his shoes and socks and immediately felt much warmer, without the torturous feeling.

"The villain doesn't know what kind of difficulties the madam has encountered. The lady must tell the villain the details of the matter, so that the villain can come up with solutions according to local conditions."

"Well." Mrs. Zhu cleared her throat, "Currently, the Shen family has a liquidity problem. Of course, this is not the key issue. The problem is that several other big families in Niejiaqiao are adding insult to injury to the Shen family, and they are suppressing them together.

The market price of ordinary commodities, and then hoarding food and driving up food prices. Now, the Shen family's action of purchasing food has encountered great resistance... In fact, it is not just food, the prices of winter clothes, bedding, coal and other materials are soaring.

These things are also some necessities for winter. Although the Shen family has some stocks, they cannot hold on to them..."

"Excuse me, how long can the Shen family's food last?"

"Around March, but if the number of victims continues to increase, things will be in trouble."

"Enough food, ma'am."

"Enough?" Zhu was stunned.

"Yes, that's enough. The Shen family's food is enough to last for a month."

"What about the remaining months?"

"When the time comes, someone will naturally share the responsibility for the Shen family."

"Be clear." Zhu said with a frown.

"Madam, I wonder if there is someone who is leading this hoarding of food and driving up food prices?"

"Yes, headed by the Zhao family. It is said that the Xiao family provides funds for the Zhao family, while some other large families are raising prices, hoping that the Shen family will go bankrupt so that they can get a share of the pie."

"Then, it's very simple, let the Zhao family fall."

"Let the Zhao family fall!" Zhu said with a faint smile: "Our Shen family and the Zhao family have always been at odds. Everyone wants to bring down the other. The last time we rushed to buy salt, the Zhao family was behind it. However, in the past few decades,

No one can do anything about the other, I really can't think of any way you can bring about the sudden downfall of the Zhao family."

"There are only a few days left before the Chinese New Year, and the weather is getting colder and colder. The number of victims in Niejiaqiao has also increased sharply in the past few days, which shows that the days outside have become increasingly difficult. The villain guesses that the weather in the next few days will

One day, there will definitely be a large number of mobs gathering to make trouble. During the trouble, officers and soldiers will naturally suppress it, and the suppression will inevitably cause some mobs to flee..."

"Then what?" Zhu stared at Zhou Sen quietly.

"If a group of mobs suddenly rush to Niejiaqiao, what do you think will happen?"

"Xiao Zhou, I don't have the ability to make a mob listen to the Shen family."

"Madam, since the Zhao family is unkind and unjust, then the Shen family should stop pretending to be gentlemen. At that time, as long as the villains are allowed to sneak into the victims and say a few times that the Zhao family has food, the hungry mob will naturally go to the Zhao family

, Madam, you don’t need to worry.” At this moment, Zhou Sen, the most ferocious gangster in the interstellar, revealed his ferocious nature.

"But..." Zhu's face showed hesitation.

"Madam, if the Zhao family was behind the last salt rush incident, then it is enough to show that the Zhao family is short-sighted and only interested in profit. We must not be merciful to this kind of family."

"What if those mobs don't go to the Zhao family but attack the Shen family?"

This chapter has been completed!
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