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Chapter 1007 This is impossible

 Jingrong's mouth was bleeding, and it was no longer possible to maintain the airy and fairylike temperament he had before.

And everyone below was also stunned.

This Jing Rong has now exerted all his strength, and he is on the seventh level of awakening! He is a king! Why is it that when he explodes with all his strength, he is not as powerful as not exploding in front of Luo Chen?

At least he could get through two moves with Luo Chen without breaking out before, but now he can't get through a single move! Wu Guandao below had a look of astonishment on his face. The reason why he advised the Wu family not to make mistakes before was because of Jing Rong's awakening.

The identity of the seventh level is that Jing Rong is the youngest king! This identity is too terrifying, otherwise he is a disciple of Li Chunfeng and a person from Kunlun, how would he be willing to follow a young man who is less than thirty years old! But at this moment Jing Rong

With Rong's full strength, he couldn't defeat Luo Wuji?

Lu Shanshan was also stunned, this was definitely wrong.

"This is wrong!"

"This shouldn't be the case!"

Jingrong was also a little confused.

And Luo Chen sneered.

"Isn't this right?"

"Shouldn't this be?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, and there's nothing wrong with it."

When Luo Chen said these words, he was already in front of Jing Rong, he raised his hand and punched again.

Jing Rong instantly felt a strong life and death crisis.

This made Jingrong feel something was wrong even more.

He is on the seventh level of awakening, and he is the king! How could Luo Wuji put so much pressure on him, even making him feel a life-and-death crisis?

He just didn't have time to think too much. Facing Luo Chen's punch, the purple energy in front of Jing Rong boiled and turned into sharp swords in an instant.

The sword was all shot out, but when it encountered Luo Chen's golden fist, it collapsed in an instant.

And the punch finally landed on Jing Rong's chest.


Jingrong was knocked into the snowy mountains again.




At this moment, Jingrong was completely angry and rushed out of the Snow Mountain with disheveled hair.

He thought he could crush Luo Chen by showing his full strength.

But in the end, he was crushed by Luo Chen.

At this moment, blood was no longer flowing from the corners of his mouth, but blood even stained his chest red.

It's just that he just rushed out.

Bang! A big slap fell on his face! Under this slap, Jing Rong instantly felt like stars were shining in his eyes, his face was burning, and his ears were almost deafened.

Even with Yuan Qi protecting his body, he still couldn't withstand Luo Chen's slap! At this moment, Jing Rong lost his master's demeanor in an instant, and in panic, he actually reached out to grab Luo Chen's hand.

Just as he stretched out his hand, Luo Chen pinched his wrist and folded it with his backhand! "Ah~" An extremely harsh scream resounded throughout the world, even a large mountain in the distance collapsed.

"You let me down."

Luo Chen shook his head.

If Jing Rong was suppressed by Yuan Qi, his fighting skills and experience would be like that of a street gangster.

He had already used tricks like reaching out to grab Luo Chen's hand.

In terms of combat experience, it is infinitely inferior to Nile Nachnum.

But when these words fell into Jing Rong's ears, they seemed to have completely touched Jing Rong's self-esteem.

"I am going to kill you!"

Jingrong was indeed angry.

Since he was born, after learning Yuan Qi, he has always crushed his enemies.

I have never suffered such a big loss like today! But Jingrong just raised his other hand.


Luo Chen kicked Jing Rong in the face with one kick.



"This is impossible!"

Jing Rong roared again! Luo Chen shook his head in disappointment.

He originally thought that Jing Rong had the strength to awaken to the seventh level after all, and logically he should have the demeanor of a so-called "king".

But he simply has a heart that doesn't match his strength.

Once you are at a disadvantage, you will lose your order in an instant.

But think about it, Jingrong relied on Yuan Qi, the unparalleled skill of Bajing Palace, along the way.

Although I have reached this point at a young age, neither my character nor my experience can match those who are truly called "kings"! After all, those people have accumulated hundreds of years of experience. How can they be compared in just a few decades?


If Luo Chen had been at a disadvantage in the battle, he would never have lost his mind and panic like this.

At this moment, Jing Rong's body was dripping with blood and he was staring at Luo Chen.

He still didn't understand, and he was even confused.

How did the situation become like this?

"not understand?"

Luo Chen was indeed disappointed.

"You just said you were the youngest king?"

"Now you're not!"

Luo Chen snorted coldly, and his aura was fully activated in an instant.

At this moment, the storm surged, and the entire time and space seemed to have condensed.

And Luo Chen stood proudly in the void, overlooking the mountains and rivers of heaven and earth! His momentum was overwhelming, and the majestic spiritual energy was surging like a vast ocean! At the moment when Luo Chen's momentum was fully unleashed, everyone's expressions suddenly changed! "Do you understand now?"

Luo Chen looked down upon everyone! "You?"

"You are too?"

"You actually!"

Jingrong was completely stunned.

Everyone below was stunned.

Luo Chen has actually awakened to the seventh level! "No, the other side of the Nile River didn't say" "that the battle was a draw?"

"You said you let me go on purpose, but the king over there is not willing to be your sword to kill people?"

Indeed, Jingrong personally contacted the King of Nile River in private.

The king over there told him that the battle between Luo Wuji and Knum was indeed a draw! "Of course he would say that!"

"Not just for the sake of face!"

"You caused them to lose several quasi-kings. He was even seriously injured and was forced to hide by me, not daring to fight with me!"

"Do you think he will tell you the truth?"

Luo Chen snorted coldly.

Indeed, the King of the Nile would never tell Jing Rong the truth, and would even deliberately trick Jing Rong.

After all, Jing Rong wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife, but in the end, Luo Chen was provoked by the Nile River. Not only did he lose several quasi-kings, but the kings of the Nile River were forced into hiding by Luo Chen.

How could the King of the Nile swallow such a breath?

And even without these things, I knew that Jing Rong was going to take action against Luo Chen.

The King of the Nile would not tell Jingrong the truth.

He even wanted the two of them to fight, so how could he tell Jing Rong and cancel the fight?

After all, this is China's business, not his Nile business. It would be better if one of them falls or both sides suffer.

"You cheated him, and he also lied to you to cheat you. Isn't this normal?"

Luo Chen looked at Jing Rong sarcastically.

At this moment, Jing Rong was trembling all over, half angry and half afraid.

The reason why he is so confident is because of his own energy and strength.

But at this moment Yuan Qi was defeated, and in terms of strength, he couldn't crush the opponent at all.

"Your trump card?"

Luo Chen looked at Jing Rong sarcastically.

"I can't compare to you?"

"I, Luo Wuji, will attack you without even using my trump card!"

This chapter has been completed!
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