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Chapter 1279 Black Dragon

 "Boom~" The huge sound shook the earth and spread all over the country! All the mountains and rivers in the country were shaken at this moment.

This time, an even more terrifying aura erupted, and that aura spread across the sky. It was no longer the aura of the Unparalleled One, but the aura of the Beast King.

The terrifying aura erupted, as if it was about to strike at any time.

Because this is a provocation! Provoking the majesty of the demon clan! Everyone in the country is in horror at this moment. Is this going to start a fight?

No one thought that the unknown person could be so powerful, and even more terrifying, that he would hit the demon clan's territory with a single blow.

After this blow, even though I couldn't see clearly, I didn't know what the damage to that place was.

But it is conceivable that if such a terrifying blow is carried out, many demon clans will definitely not survive.

Everyone knows, and the people of the Monster and Beast Clan also know that the masters of the Monster and Beast Clan are definitely the ones who attack and kill human cities.

But none of this was shown openly, and there was no real openness.

But this mysterious man's blow may very well tear his face apart.

Therefore, people in the country are frightened, because the battle just now in Jiuzhou City was already earth-shattering, like a fight between gods.

If there was a fight with the Beast King, let alone the outcome, many places in the country would be destroyed.

In the void, Luo Chen held the Dinghai Divine Needle and faced off against the Beast King's aura from afar.

Although the two auras were thousands of miles apart, they were already rushing toward each other.

It's just that the beast king's aura just burst out, and when they were about to collide with each other, he withdrew it again.

Luo Chen glanced in the direction of the Beast King with an indifferent expression, then turned into a rainbow and chased after him.

At this moment, the demon general who attacked Longdu was about to escape to the sea, setting off a thunderous storm along the way.

The Japanese side was alarmed. After all, if such a war was happening in China, they would not be unaware of it.

At this moment, countless Japanese cultivators looked solemn. A person of this level could easily destroy a large city with a large population.

If the battlefield is on their side, Japan will definitely suffer a disaster this time.

So almost as soon as the demon general approached the sky above Japan, the entire Japan lit up with a huge barrier! The barrier enveloped the entire Japan in an instant, and then a huge mirror slowly rose into the sky, shining brightly.

That was the eight-foot mirror known as the artifact from Japan! At this moment, the entire mountains and rivers of Japan were fixed by the eight-foot mirror.

"Boom~" A world-shaking blow came across the sky, the breath was very terrifying, and it exploded in a sea area outside Japan.

The sea area was very windy and the waves were hundreds of meters high.

The huge waves crashed away. If it weren't for the barrier and the eight-foot mirror, the nearby cities along the coast would have been submerged in an instant.

It was caused by Luo Chen's casual blow, which did not hit the demon general.

"Even if you escape from the Immortal Burial Star today, I will kill you!"

Luo Chen's voice came from behind.

Attacking Longdu, which is the holy land of the modern human race, even Luo Chen couldn't bear it! And the demon general was still using secret techniques to run wildly, and he did not dare to fight with him.

Because he chose to escape from the beginning, abandoning the unique belief in invincibility of the Unparalleled One.

At this moment, not only Japan, but also people in other nearby large and small countries, and even the whole world will be alarmed this time.

Because the aura of the person who escaped was so terrifying. He was simply a peerless person, an unrivaled being who once dominated the world.

But at this moment, he is actually being hunted.

This scene was immediately photographed by many people, and then spread all over the world's Internet.

"The real Unparalleled One is actually being hunted?"

"Who is the person who is chasing him?"

This time, even Mount Olympus, which had been silent until now, was alarmed.

At this moment, the attention is no longer limited to Kunlun, Penglai and other places in China.

The Great Thunder Sound Temple, Mount Olympus, the banks of the Nile, Atlantis and other places are all paying attention.

Because this is the first open battle between the Unparalleled Ones.

But in such a battle, it is simply unimaginable that a peerless person is being hunted down.

Because strictly speaking, as long as they survive that catastrophe, the Unparalleled One will not run away even if he dies in battle.

Because without invincible faith, how could we survive that disaster?

The huge noise continued, passing through the sky in many areas.

"Who is this?"

The experts from the famous mountains in the Taihang Mountains really couldn't sit still at this moment.

This person must be from the human race, but who in the human race has such terrifying strength?

He actually ran out of the country chasing a peerless person, and now he has even traveled half of the world.

At this moment, the demon general was also feeling chilled. The other party was determined to kill him! Otherwise, why would he not hesitate to chase him so far and still continue to chase him?

But he started to slow down at the end because he had reached his destination.

It's a city on the seaside, on the American continent.

But at this moment, the city has become a scorched earth.

Even the reinforced concrete and other materials melted, as if they had been scorched by the extremely high temperature.

Before the demon general even got close, he roared loudly.

"Black dragon save me!"

At this moment, a huge head suddenly popped out of the huge city that had turned into scorched earth! The head was huge, as huge as a commercial complex, and its densely packed dark scales shone like metal.

It has such a lustrous luster that the whole body seems to be made of fine iron.

And those eyes were even more terrifying, evil and cruel to the extreme.

Just blinking his eyes, a thunder and lightning flashed across the sky.

Black Dragon! One of the several unparalleled monsters raging on the earth today, it is also an unparalleled one.

But recently it has attacked and killed many human cities, and the most important thing is that no matter how it plunders in human cities, no strong person dares to provoke him.

Even beings like Mount Olympus have always turned a blind eye.

Because the Black Dragon is the descendant of the Black Dragon King! How terrifying the Black Dragon King is. He is one of the most ferocious beast kings on the earth since the spiritual tide struck.

Even the Iron Ox King and others can't compare. After all, the Iron Ox King and others did not massacre the city.

But the Black Dragon King is different. He can destroy a country at every turn.

Nowadays in the world, no one dares to provoke any big force, let alone people.

And this demon general obviously knew Black Dragon, the Black Dragon Prince's heir, so he fled all the way here to seek refuge.

"It belongs to my family, I protect it!"

The black dragon suddenly opened his big mouth and said.

This chapter has been completed!
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