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Chapter 1718 After the Conferred God

 Shenxiu actually delayed saying these words until now on purpose.

Because even though they were thrown in, the biggest crisis for them was not how to get out of here.

But how to get rid of Luo Chen.

They were firmly held in Luo Chen's hands because of the sacrifice.

But whether it is Shenxiu or others, which one is the good one?

The reason why I have been waiting here is to find an opportunity to get rid of Luo Chen.

And they also knew that if Luo Chen didn't get rid of Luo Chen, even if Luo Chen allowed them to grow, they would only be accumulating strength for Luo Chen.

So Shenxiu has been planning this matter since he fell.

"We have found a suitable obsession, and we can share it. We can even ignore other people and take the people from Longhu Mountain with you."

"But, it depends on whether you, Luo Wuji, dare to do it or not!"

Shenxiu spoke again.

"And, we must enter the same era!"

He was certainly confident in saying this.

And in fact, if Luo Chen really wanted to save people at this time, he would have no choice but to agree.

They may not be able to do anything because of Luo Wuji, but by taking advantage of Luo Wuji's desire to save people, they can contain Luo Chen.

Especially in the same era, this sentence itself has a lot to say.

In the same era, different people have different identities. Once they enter the same era, the life or status that Shenxiu and others will obtain will be higher.

Then in that era, they could easily kill Luo Chen.

This is actually not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy! The most important thing is that Shenxiu actually has a lot of confidence, because the era he wants to enter is the era after the Battle of the Gods.

And his obsession is Shenxiu! Because in that era, Shenxiu lived not only one life, but two lives! Today is his second life! In that life, he died once, and there was still something left behind

There is a trace of obsession here, so he wants to go out. This is actually very simple.

But the reason why he waited for so long was just to wait for Luo Chen to come.

The era after becoming a god can be said to be his era entirely. If he returns to himself, he can find Luo Chen no matter where he is.

And once he finds him, Luo Chen can only have one result, and he will directly kill him! After all, in that era, his reputation as a brilliant man was unrivaled in the world! "Lead the way."

Luo Chen didn't even hesitate and agreed directly.

More than a hundred people from Longhu Mountain immediately stood up with Luo Chen.

As for the remaining people in the Kingdom of Heaven and others, they were directly abandoned by several sons of gods.

One of the people from Heaven wanted to fight with them, but Yasuo rushed over and slashed out with his sword, splitting him in half.

The blood was dripping and the body was steaming white, which was shocking.

With this lesson learned, everyone else could only watch with dumbfounded eyes as Luo Chen and his party walked towards the depths of the Gate of Hell.

This long journey lasted about three days.

And ahead is a vast desert! There are many wandering ghosts in the sky above the desert, and pairs of eyes are constantly staring at Luo Chen and his party, but they are imprisoned in another world and cannot take action against this vast team of living people.

"Everyone, this is the only way. Whether you can get out depends on your luck."

Shenxiu waved, and a huge bridge suddenly appeared in front of him.


Shenxiu pointed forward.

Of course he wanted the more than 100 people from Longhu Mountain to go first.

As long as more than a hundred people enter Longhu Mountain, Luo Chen will definitely go.

Luo Chen nodded to Zhang Shuo and others, and then Zhang Shuo and others slowly walked onto the bridge one after another.

Finally, several of the Sons of God, including Wu Qi, also stepped onto the bridge.

"You will definitely come."

After Shenxiu said these words, he immediately ran straight to the bridge. The Buddha's light there was astonishing, and even in this gloomy underworld, there was a dazzling light.

That was his own obsession greeting him! Shenxiu returned to his first life! And Luo Chen also guessed that the era after the Conferred God War was indeed Shenxiu's era, and it was extremely eye-catching.

If I go back, I'm afraid I'll be in big trouble.

But just like Shenxiu planned, this was a conspiracy. In order to save others, Luo Chen had to jump into the fire pit even if there was a fire pit in front of him.

Moreover, what Shenxiu left to Luo Chen was probably just an extremely ordinary ordinary person for Luo Chen to experience.

But just when Luo Chen stepped onto the bridge, Luo Chen suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Because he once received a bit of luck and the things in the True Dragon's Nest when he was in the True Dragon's Nest.

He had always carried that thing with him. At this moment, the thing suddenly glowed and seemed to be pulled.

The terrible light drowned everything.

When Luo Chen reached the end of the bridge, he was suddenly stunned.

Because there were countless obsessions and ghosts there, but at this time, the place was completely empty.

There is no obsession or ghost, just one old man.

The old man stood there with an astonishing evil aura and a terrifying pressure, as if he had committed a heinous crime.

And that old man was none other than the strongest guardian who walked out of the earth when he was in the True Dragon's Nest.

"I lent my life to you, and you fulfilled a wish for me."

The only difference between the old man and the real Dragon Nest is that his eyes are no longer empty, but full of regret and guilt.

"Are you from the era after the Conferred Gods War?"

"Stop a period of regret for me."

The old man sighed and rushed towards Luo Chen before he could answer Luo Chen's words.

At this moment, Luo Chen's eyes flashed with flowers, and the scenery before him suddenly changed.

Only at the end of the bridge, over the sea of ​​flowers on the other side, is a long sigh floating leisurely.

It is a kind of regret, a kind of guilt! That kind of regret makes the flowers on the other side continue to wither, and that kind of guilt makes everyone in the world shed tears.

That day, you happily showed me the dragon tendon. I slapped you in the face with a black face, telling you that you had caused a big disaster, but I forgot that you were only seven years old and still a child.


On that day, you will cut off your bones to return to your father, and cut off your flesh to return to your mother. I said that it would be unworthy if your body, hair, and skin were harmed by your parents! But I forgot, you just want to settle the matter and not involve your parents! You do it

I did what a man should do! On that day, when you were about to run away from home, I told you to get out and say that you would never come back again. I severed the relationship between father and son. You smiled and said, "Daddy, stop joking."

You turned around and walked away, taking firm steps without looking back. I thought your wings were hardened, but I didn't notice the tears in your eyes that were holding back the moment you turned around.

Three years later, you came back with your tired body, and you said, Dad, I got into trouble again.

I punished you by kneeling in front of my ancestors for three days and three nights, but I ignored the gift you brought to me hidden in your waist, and I also ignored how you lived outside for the past three years.

I ignored that you were wronged outside, and whether you had enough food and clothing, or were you bullied?

After you die, I will slay all the real dragons in the world for you. From now on, there will be no dragons in the world! But I can't give you the hug you want most! Before Luo Chen opened his eyes, he heard the sound beside him

Someone was crying.

"Master, stop fighting!"

This chapter has been completed!
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