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Chapter 2588 Waiting for the Rabbit


“So, why does this era sound so complicated?”

 “It feels like everyone is meddling in it!” The prince said with a worried expression.

 Indeed, this era is too confusing and too complicated.

  Not to mention the horror games on the Hidden Immortal Star, the Immortal World alone is already chaotic enough.

 The second era, the third era, and future enemies!

 In addition to literary and martial arts, various layouts and layout methods.

 The entire era now can be said to be a mess!

“There must be something wrong with the Third Era itself, otherwise we wouldn’t have thought about this era.” Luo Chen said casually.

 Live on the same day forever!

 This itself is a matter of reversal for all things in the world, and problems are bound to arise.

 “Where is the First Era?” asked the prince.

“It’s probably difficult to trace back the First Era. It involves the beginning of the world and the origin of all things. I’m afraid it’s at the level of the Creator.” Luo Chen explained.

“My understanding is that there is a problem with the Third Era itself. If they don’t solve it, they will disappear because there is no longer their place, right?” the prince asked.


“In this case, they must be very anxious, otherwise they wouldn’t start many wars.” The prince also learned about the situation.

 But what went wrong in the Third Age?

 Leading the Third Age to what is now called the Fifth Age?

 And there is a Fourth Age!

 Why did this era disappear?

That is not a disappearance in a certain sense, but a disappearance from the long river of time.

“Could something go wrong in the Fourth Era like the Third Era, and then it could not be controlled, so it disappeared?” the prince asked.

“I suspect it has something to do with the Second Era.” Luo Chen continued to speculate.

“First of all, these immortal holy places today are probably closely related to seeds.”

“And they were sealed by the Immortal Emperor, who was the pioneer of this era and the successor of the previous era!”

“Strictly speaking, the Immortal Emperor belongs to the people of the Fourth Era, but these immortal holy places that opened up the Era with him are related to the seeds, that is, the Second Era.” Luo Chen’s meaning has been made clear.

  But all this is based on the premise that the speculation is correct.

 If the speculation is incorrect, then it is wrong, and Luo Chen only speculated based on the information he currently has.

As for the Immortal Emperor, he is a pioneer of the Fifth Era and a survivor of the Fourth Era. He has a close relationship with the people of the Second Era!

 This has already made people think a lot.

Even why the Immortal Emperor wanted to seal these immortal holy places, there may be more than one simple reason.

“So to solve the puzzle, we have to start from these immortal holy places?” the prince asked.

“Yes.” Luo Chen said.

“Dad, this is your real purpose, right? When you separate people and infiltrate them, it’s not to promote them, but to gather information?” The prince guessed.

 There is usually a deeper reason behind what Luo Chen does, and it’s not that simple!

 What Luo Chen is doing now is peeling off the cocoon.

“Dad, what do you want to do?” The prince was a little frightened.

 Because he smelled something unusual.

“In this world, whether it is an era or something else, it seems that there is a force that controls everything and affects everything!”

“If you just focus on the current world, it’s actually very boring. For me, it’s nothing more than conquering the fairy world again!”

 And for Luo Chen, there is no longer any challenge!

 Because in this life, he will be stronger than the previous one.

 So what Luo Chen wants.

“Don’t you think it would be more interesting to participate in every era, and even compete with those who really affect the world?”

“The Emperor, the Heavenly King, the Immortal Emperor, and even more powerful people like them have not managed to settle everything!”

“That’s my goal!” Luo Chen’s eyes were filled with fighting spirit and raging fire.

 Set everything aside, give it a try, and compete with the power that controls the era!

This is not only a competition of strength, but also a game of mind!


“Tao is exploration and seeking knowledge. The process of turning ignorance into knowledge is to cultivate Tao!”

 As the goal becomes bigger, the pattern will naturally improve.

 What Luo Chen wants is not this life!

 It takes the whole time!

The prince cannot understand it, but Wei Ziqing and others went to the various immortal forces to find out the news.

“So, those who hinder our progress can only be trampled to death mercilessly!” Luo Chen looked at the prince and waved.

 They have been teleported away.

That place is Taichu Grassland.

 Taichu Grassland is located in an unknown world within the Mesozoic Universe.

 But because Taichu Grassland is so famous, it is directly called Taichu Great Realm, or even Taichu Dayu!

 The reason why Taichu Grassland is so famous actually comes from a legend.

 A true legend, the Holy Land of Taichu!

 The true holy land of the beginning!

  It is not the sects that used this name to whitewash themselves before.


 This is the power of the Five Supreme Beings, and it is also a state earlier than chaos.

   Taichu, before Taishi!

 The beginning, that is, the state before the beginning, before the beginning of all things and the universe.

 That is an unimaginable state.

 If it must be explained, then it must be under the premise that the modern scientific hypothesis is correct.

  In other words, when the Big Bang is established, the beginning is that point!

Singular point!

  Or we can say that the beginning was actually earlier, and existed before the singularity, because the singularity was actually chaos.

 The singularity does not have the previous state of nothingness, it is the beginning!

 It is rumored that the Taichu Grassland was the site of the real Taichu Holy Land.

Now it is an endless prairie.

 There is no trace of the Holy Land of Taichu at all.

 The reason why we can be sure that this is the Holy Land of Taichu is because a corpse was dug up here during the period of the Immortal Emperor!

 And there was a jade slip engraved on the corpse!

 The jade slips record the past glory of this place. This is the beginning of heaven and earth!

Moreover, the Immortal Emperor once stayed here for three months, closed his eyes and meditated here, and it seemed that he had gained something.

There is now green grass all over the place, and Luo Chen, together with the Crown Prince Hong Biao and others, are currently outing.

Three people were walking boredly and casually on the Taichu grassland.

“According to speculation, I’m afraid that the Great Sun Immortal Seed will be in this place, right?” Hong Biao was deceived once, and this time he learned to use his brain.

 Otherwise, Da Ri Ju Tian and Da Ri Jiu He would not let their disciples meet here. "So we can just sit back and wait here?"

This chapter has been completed!
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