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Chapter 266 The Disaster of Blood Light

The Blood Corpse King really stood up and stood beside Luo Chen honestly.

Luo Chen vomited [51 Novels www.51xs.info] a smoke ring and said.

"I'll give you two choices. I'll slap you to death!"

"Or follow me from now on!"

The Blood Corpse King didn't hesitate at all. When Luo Chen said these words, the Blood Corpse King knelt down.

After Xue Hu and others finished cleaning up the ordinary zombies, Luo Chen asked Xue Hu and others to find some spare clothes.

Then he put it on the Blood Corpse King and wrapped it tightly, leaving no part exposed except for a pair of eyes.

Some of the Blood Fiends were also injured, but fortunately the corpse poison was no longer a serious problem, and the injuries could only be bandaged.

When they were halfway up the mountain, Wu Qiming and others were preparing to leave.

"Wait, monk!" Luo Chen suddenly called out to the group of people.

Master Danba turned back to look at Luo Chen, and suddenly felt guilty.

"Do you still remember that I just gave you a fortune?" Luo Chen smiled.

Although Master Danba was beaten to a terrible state by the Blood Corpse King just now, he was not injured because of the secret protection of the Tantric Sect.

Xue Sha and others also looked at Luo Chen with curious eyes.

Because Master Danba was indeed fine and his skin was not broken, why did Luo Chen mention this matter again?

"My predictions are always very accurate. Do you know why?"

Xue Sha and others looked puzzled. Isn't this over?

Where did this bloody disaster come from?

Master Danba is also wondering.

But the next moment, Luo Chen arrived in front of Master Danba.

With a flick of his hand, Master Danba was slapped on the face with a big ear-scratcher. Two of Master Danba's teeth were knocked out.

"Look, what I said is accurate, bloody disaster." Luo Chen sneered.

The monastic world naturally has its own rules.

Even if you say to ordinary people that you have a bloody disaster, they will probably slap you, let alone a fellow cultivator.

There are two sentences that should not be said lightly in the monastic world. One is a bloody disaster, and the other is "fellow Taoists, please stay."

Saying these two sentences may lead to death.

Master Danba will not understand.

But at that time, he didn't take Luo Chen seriously at all, so he just said it.

But his words were not fulfilled.

But Luo Chen's words came true.

Xue Hu and others looked at Luo Chen in astonishment. This was indeed a bloody disaster, and it would definitely come true.

No wonder Luo Chen vowed at that time that this monk would suffer a bloody disaster.

Luo Chen must have been ready to whip him at that time.

And it's not over yet.

Luo Chen went up and hit Master Danba in the face with a big ear-scratcher again. Master Danba was hit so hard that his mouth and nose bled.

"Now tell me, who among us will suffer a bloody disaster?" Luo Chen sneered.

"I'm sorry, Donor Luo, I was lying." Master Danba knew the current situation, and he didn't have the integrity of a monk at all, otherwise he would have run away just now without realizing that something was wrong.

He immediately gave in to Luo Chen.

He has now thought clearly that the person in front of him is definitely not a master, he is definitely a spiritual person, or even a higher level!

Wu Qiming, on the other hand, frowned and was about to say something.

A big mouth was slapped in his face.

"I'm sorry, I forgot just now. Leader Wu, I did some calculations for you. You are also in danger of a bloody disaster, but I just forgot to tell you." Luo Chen sneered.

Wu Qiming was beaten until his mouth was full of blood. Just as his men were about to take action, they were stopped by him.

If Master Danba could defeat Luo Chen, he could go crazy, but Master Danba was beaten until his face was covered in blood.

He was beaten at this time, and his teeth were broken and he could only swallow it in his mouth.

Because now if you say a word more, you will be slapped more often.

"Remember from now on, don't make irresponsible remarks about the blood evil spirit in front of me!" Luo Chen snorted coldly.

Just now Wu Qiming mocked the blood demon, but Luo Chen still remembered it.

Wu Qiming left with a dark face, but Master Danba was so shameless that he had the audacity to ask for Luo Chen's contact information.

Luo Chen was not that stingy at all and actually gave it to him.

Then Master Danba left happily.

This is the case in the monastic world, sometimes the stronger is the king.

It was already midnight when we went down the mountain.

Before Luo Chen and his group had completely walked out of the mountainous area, someone in front of them was calling out to Luo Chen.

"Xiaochen, Xiaochen~wuwuwu~"

Jiang Tongran's voice was very anxious, tears streaming down her face, and her face was full of panic.

Jiang Jiang Tongran has always been strong. In Luo Chen's impression, this situation would never happen, but at this moment she was crying like this.

Something big must have happened.

Luo Chen jumped up and jumped directly to Jiang Tongran.

"What's wrong?"

"Woo, Xiaochen, something happened to my aunt." Jiang Tongran cried and said.

It could be seen that her face turned pale and she was really anxious.

And she has been looking for Luo Chen for a long time.

Something happened to Shen Yuelan not long after Luo Chen left. But by that time, Luo Chen had already gone into the mountains and the phone call couldn't be reached at all.

Jiang Tongran could only notify others and wait. When he couldn't wait any longer, he went into the mountain alone to find Luo Chen.

"What happened?" Luo Chen asked.

"My aunt has been fine since you left."

"But Jiang Yifei said a few words to her, and it seemed that the two of them had an argument. Then Jiang Yifei tore off the string of Buddhist beads in his hand, and the string of Buddhist beads around my aunt's neck suddenly broke."

"Then, then, she fainted." Jiang Tongran squatted down and cried weakly.

"Where is she now?" Luo Chen asked.

"I notified her family and took her back to Yanjing by plane for treatment. But I know the matter is definitely not that simple, so I came to see you."

"Xiaochen, sister Ranran, please, please save my aunt, okay?"

"Xiaochen, I beg you." Jiang Tongran was still crying.

Luo Chen said while wiping away Jiang Tongran's tears.

"There's something wrong with her string of Buddhist beads and it's very troublesome. I've warned her a long time ago, but she just didn't listen." Luo Chen frowned.

"Xiaochen, it's not what you think. That string of Buddhist beads is too important to my aunt." Jiang Tongran explained.

"More important than life?" Once Shen Yuelan's prayer beads break, I'm afraid it will be extremely troublesome.

It was a complicated poison-like technique, and not even Luo Chen was sure of saving it.

If you don't pay attention, you will really die.

"She prayed for that string of beads for her son. She always told me that she owed her son a lot, so she believed it even if it was just a superstition."

"She said that her friend told her about the string of prayer beads, and it was very effective. No one can persuade her when it comes to matters involving her son."

"For her, that string of prayer beads was one of the few things she could do for her son."

"Over the years, she has built countless orphanages because she wanted to pray for her son."

These words made Luo Chen unable to answer. After all, this is maternal love.

Just at this time, Luo Chen's phone rang.

Luo Chen took a look and saw that it was Luo's father's phone number.

Why would my father call me in the middle of the night?

Luo Chen answered the phone.

"Hey, Xiaochen!"

Luo Chen suddenly frowned, because he could clearly feel that his father seemed to be choking.

"What's wrong, Dad?"

"Xiao Chen." Luo's father choked even more heavily.

"Xiao Chen, I want to tell you something. I lied to you about something before, about your mother."

"Before, I was afraid that it would be dangerous if you went to find her before you had the ability, but now, no matter what, I hope you go to her."

"Because I just had a dream. I dreamed that she was standing in front of me covered in blood and smiling at me."

"Dad, it's just a dream, don't worry too much." Luo Chen comforted, but he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"No, that's definitely not the case. I have rarely dreamed of your mother over the years, and the piece of jade I begged for with her was broken for no reason." Luo's father said anxiously.

"Okay, Dad, I'll be there right away."

"Okay, go find her quickly and see if something happened. Your mother's surname is Shen, and her name is Shen Yuelan!"

The surname is Shen, and the name is Shen Yuelan! Luo Chen’s cell phone fell to the ground in an instant!

This chapter has been completed!
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