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Chapter 2926 Rotten Ke Chess Game

 Tianhai’s body was sent to Beidazhou and Fuyao!

It was thrown directly by someone!

With a bang, it rolled down from the high altitude, and the body was already cold.

When Fuyao and others arrived, they were all shocked!

Fuyao, in particular, was stunned at first, and then became furious!

That scornful aura broke out instantly, the former Heavenly Lord!


She was furious at the moment!

His whole body was almost on fire, and Tu Su clenched his fists tightly!

That's too much!

This is no longer as simple as bullying others too much.

A breath of rage, but they couldn't do anything with this breath.

The entire army of the Third Era was silent, and their anger was ignited again at this moment.

The first time was when Tianze was beaten to death, but this time it was because of Luo Chen!

War seems inevitable.

There is simply no way to resolve this hatred.

At this time, this matter finally attracted the attention of Prince Gu.

Because Tianhai is one of the twelve gods!

Among the twelve gods, some of them have been lost here.

"They must feel the wrath of the gods!"

"Yes, we must avenge the gods!"

"Everyone in my era can be bullied?" someone yelled angrily. They knew very well that they were people from the third era and were intruders.

But at this moment, on the contrary, they felt that they had been violated.

One of the twelve gods actually fell. This is simply unbelievable!

The overwhelming anger spreads in the heart of almost every third era person.

The Nine Heavenly Lords were silent again, and the Immortal Mountain issued the last decree!

There are only two words, Zhige!

Obviously, this has touched upon the most core interests of the Immortal Mountain.

If we go one step further, there's no telling what the Nine Heavenly Lords on the Immortal Mountain will do.

Nowadays, the atmosphere in the fairy world itself is very tense. With the death of the god Tianhai, the atmosphere has become even more tense.

A terrifying aura surrounds the Immortal Mountain, and the aura from the Nine Heavenly Lords is very heavy!

The situation at the Heavenly King's Palace seems to have changed a bit.

Here, the world is obviously different, and it feels like it will collapse at any time.

"Time seems to have slowed down." The prince frowned.

"This should be some kind of seal, but it shouldn't be from the Third Era."

"The gravity around us is increasing!"

"Someone has taken action secretly!" Luo Chen slowly drank tea.

The surrounding gravity is indeed increasing, and the increase in gravity means that the density is also increasing.

This is pressure from heaven and earth.

The Eastern Universe, especially the Great Universe where the Heavenly King's Palace is located, seems to be shrinking at the moment!

This is a strange sight.

The stars seemed to be collapsing inward, but it didn't look like they were collapsing. It was an uncomfortable feeling.

"The surroundings are sealed." The prince had just sent people out, but they couldn't get out.

"It seems that the Nine Heavenly Lords took action in the end." Ye Shuangshuang guessed.

The Nine Heavenly Lords took action, but they didn't know how to deal with it.

At this moment, Dongdazhou and the Heavenly King's Palace are gradually changing.

The rest of the fairy world was not aware of this incident.

Fuyao is already thinking of ways to get the rest of the Twelve Heavenly Gods to come too.

Even if you have to pay some price, this matter needs to be like this!

Because this anger really cannot be calmed down.

However, Tianzun quietly took action at this time.

Time is getting slower and slower.

The prince has already noticed it.

This is some kind of grand formation, probably the work of Heavenly Lord.

When Tianzun takes action, he can almost dominate the world, control all things, and can also influence the great ways of heaven and earth.

This is Tianzun.

Silent and breathless, formless and formless!

The surroundings were changing silently, without any traces of other spells, but the Palace of the Heavenly King was completely sealed.

"What exactly is this formation?" The prince walked out, but he went out from the east. He kept going out, but he would return to the west as he walked.

The surrounding space is like a sphere. No matter how you move, you will always return to the starting point.

And it can't be touched, there is nothing, which makes it impossible to break through.

Wu Chi also realized the seriousness of the problem.

This is some kind of large formation, the purpose is to trap them.

"But what's the use of trapping us?"

"Sooner or later we will find a way out."

"Time!" Luo Chen reminded.

"Time?" Wu Chi's female disciple was suddenly startled.

"The Nine Heavenly Lords need time. We have been blocking them. What should they do best?"

"It's not just about trapping us, it's about slowing down the flow of time here."

"Then the time outside will speed up relative to ours!"

This is a theory of relativity of time!

"In other words, when our time slows down enough, for us, one day may have passed!"

"But a year has passed in the fairy world." Luo Chen said again.

"What?" Wu Chi's expression changed!

If this is really the case, if they stay here for ten days, wouldn't it mean that time has passed outside?

It's not that they traveled through time, nor that the time outside has sped up, but that the time of everyone in the Heavenly King's Palace has slowed down.

There will be a relative time difference!

This is the time difference that the Nine Heavenly Lords want!

Because what they lack is the time difference.

Moreover, they did it in a very subtle way. In fact, Wei Ziqing and others did not feel it.

The only ones who could feel it were Luo Chen and the Crown Prince.

Because the prince is proficient in formations, it feels normal.

Luo Chen was keenly aware of it.

"Then what should we do?"

"There is no good solution at the moment!" Luo Chen looked outside the Heavenly King's Palace.

The stars there are moving faster and faster.

This is also an illusion. It's not that the stars are moving faster, but that their time is slowing down.

This method was done by the Nine Heavenly Lords, but this method should not be used casually.

But Junlin Mountain!

Moreover, Luo Chen was very suspicious that this method was not necessarily done by the Nine Heavenly Lords.

But the king of a certain time and space!

At a certain point in time, Wang and Junlinshan did it together.

That is to say, this method may be the king's method!

But now, facing the king's methods, they may not be able to do it.

Just like the Lanke chess game, when Wang Zhi went into the mountains to cut firewood, he accidentally saw a few boys playing chess in the mountains.

Out of curiosity, Wang Zhi, who knew a little about playing chess, stood aside and watched, but as he watched, it seemed that he didn't even have time for a game of chess.

But after a while, the boy asked, "Why don't you leave?"

Wang Zhi woke up, looked at the ax in his hand, and found that the wooden ax handle had long been broken. After going down the mountain, he found that his contemporaries had died long ago.

Today, the Heavenly King’s Palace has become such a situation!

This chapter has been completed!
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