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Chapter 3022 Choice

 Luo Chen walked towards the depths of the mist. He didn’t know how far he had walked, and he didn’t know how long he had walked.

Because the situation here is very different, time here seems to be eternal, or in other words, it is impossible to judge the flow of time here.

Luo Chen took out his mobile phone, it was seven thirty-five.

But Luo Chen entered the mist, and Luo Chen had already walked almost a hundred miles.

Before Luo Chen came in, he glanced at the time, seven twenty-nine!

Even if we were walking slowly, we had already walked hundreds of miles, and it was impossible for only one minute to pass.

Either the phone is broken, or there is something wrong with the time here, and Luo Chen is more willing to believe the latter!

Not only is there time, but there are also some issues with perception.

Luo Chen continued to move forward, heading deeper. He did not take Wei Ziqing and others with him, although at the beginning, Wei Ziqing and others insisted on following.

But Luo Chen insisted on coming alone because he didn't know what was going on inside or whether there were unknown dangers inside.

There is a thick fog ahead, and the thick fog seems to be unable to dissolve, and the direction seems to have been impossible to know for a long time.

At this moment, Luo Chen seemed to be walking with his eyes closed. According to ordinary people, no one can walk in a straight line with his eyes closed.

This is a miraculous thing, but Luo Chen, with his strong physical fitness, is still able to walk in a straight line as if he had his eyes closed, instead of walking in circles.

My perception is getting blurry, the fog in front of me flows away, and I can see the situation ahead.

It was a piece of ruins, and an ancient airplane stood there, rusty and rusty, as if it had been lost here for many years.

Just seeing an airplane means one thing, that is, this place is the same as, or similar to, or related to the modern civilization of the earth.

Luo Chen approached the crashed plane, which looked like an old jet plane.

But here, no corpses were found. The plane was empty, with only an empty seat in front of the shattered front windshield.

At the same time, in addition to rust stains, there are also some moss on the plane. I don’t know how old the moss is.

The other end of the plane was inserted into the rock.

The rocks fit tightly together, as if they had grown inside.

This is very strange.

Because first of all, if a plane crashes, normally it will hit the ground head first!

But this plane landed with its tail first. Well, it landed with its tail first. How did it get inserted into the rock?

It's easier to explain if it's inserted into the soil, but it's harder to explain if it's inserted into the rock.

After all, although steel is hard, it seems difficult to penetrate into rock.

And if it was really that powerful, then the damage to the aircraft would not be the same.

So, things started to get weird from here on out.

Luo Chen checked the plane carefully, and after confirming these points, he continued to move forward. Suddenly, his eyes lit up again, because Luo Chen discovered something else.

It was a huge compass, like a huge flying saucer.

But it was really a huge compass, with the Book of Changes engraved on it.

The Book of Changes has Guizang, Lianshan, and Zhouyi!

In fact, only Zhouyi exists in this world, while Lianshan and Guizang have been lost.

Luo Chen had actually seen Lianshan Yi before, although it was incomplete!

But Guizang was never seen.

But at this moment Luo Chen discovered that the Yi Ching carved on the compass in front of him might really be the Yi Ching of Gui Zang.

The compass is really big, as big as three football fields, with half of it inserted into the earth and half of it exposed.

Ancient characters were carved on the compass. Luo Chen identified and confirmed that it was indeed Gui Zang Yi!

Then Luo Chen walked up to the compass and wanted to lift it up. After all, he wanted to see the complete Guizang Yi!

As a result, after Luo Chen exerted his strength, he realized that this good guy, this compass weighs as much as a planet.

Fortunately, this place can use the power of the pinnacle of humanity!

Even if it wasn't the strength of his heyday, Luo Chen could still move it.

As a result, Luo Chen moved with all his strength.


The entire fourth secret realm seems to have been shaken?

Outside the mist, the prince and others felt it all at once.

"What's wrong?"

The ground shook!

"Who made the nuclear bomb go off?" This was everyone's first reaction.

Because only nuclear bombs can make such a big noise.

But then, everyone felt that even a nuclear bomb might not make such a big noise.

Because in the Fourth Little Secret, although the power of nuclear bombs is actually very lethal to people, the damage to the earth and the environment is still weakened.

"Will a nuclear bomb go off?" the prince asked Su Lingchu.

"Will a nuclear bomb go off?" Su Lingchu asked others again.

"Nuclear bombs don't seem to work. I don't know. I haven't really studied this." The man was also confused.

Nuclear bomb went off?

I really haven't heard of this.

Luo Chen picked up the compass and finally opened the door in his body.

Because this thing is obviously a good thing. Although I don’t know what material it is made of, it is obvious that the quality of this thing is here.

The huge portal houses the entire compass.

Luo Chen continued to move forward, and then made a new discovery, because there was an old radio in front of him, and a flag was placed next to the radio.

The flag is like some kind of magic weapon.

This is very confusing, after all, modern products and magic weapons are put together.

There is also a huge round shield that looks like it came from Mount Olympus.

This made Luo Chen more and more confused. What kind of mess was this?

There was no pattern at all, and there was actually a plate of peanuts in front of me.

Luo Chen guessed that this was like an era of turbulent space, and things from all eras seemed to be here.

And there was an old castle ahead. The castle was dilapidated. The key was that there was a black and white TV hanging on the side of the castle.

"Is it really the space turbulence of various eras?" Luo Chen was looking for it, but he never found it.

Because if it is the turbulence of time and space, there will always be a crack-like hole for these things to fall out, right?

Otherwise, would these things appear out of thin air?

But the further you go, the stronger the power of reincarnation becomes.

Luo Chen was surrounded by a force of reincarnation. It was the force of reincarnation here that resonated with the force of reincarnation in Luo Chen.

This power of reincarnation seemed to be endless, and finally, from an unknown depth, Luo Chen saw it!

There is a huge door there!

I don’t know what material the door is made of, but it is very tall, and there are some words carved on the door!

These words are written in ancient characters from the fairy world.

But the words are the same as those on modern earth. "If you could choose your own birth and decide the path your life will take, what would you choose?"

This chapter has been completed!
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