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Chapter 3334 Tianzun

 We have control over our bodies, but we do not have absolute control!

It’s like we can’t decide when to be hungry, when to fall asleep, and when to wake up!

It even determines the growth of our body shape, whether we gain weight or height, whether we become handsome or something else!

This is the genetic shackles in the human body!

Either control the body or be controlled by the body!

If you are controlled by the body, you are an ordinary person; if you control the body, you are the pinnacle of humanity!

In Luo Chen's memory, that neglected detail, that forgotten detail, was remembered by Luo Chen because of the memory erasure this time!

When he climbed Mount Tai, there was actually no way to reach the top of Mount Tai. He could only go to another mountain. So how did he reach the top of Mount Tai?

And there was a huge bump in the road. It would be difficult for a normal person to get over that bump. How could he, a disabled person, do it?

When Luo Chen remembered the moment when he climbed off the cliff with his hands, it seemed that everything had the answer!

This answer connects many unreasonable places together.

Can Luo Chen, a cripple, climb to the top of Mount Tai?

This is very unreasonable!

No matter how strong your willpower is, you cannot lift a mountain!

Can a normal person jump off Mount Tai to reach the immortal world? Can he obtain the Taihuang Sutra?

Obviously impossible!

All of this is now answered from those moving hands!

It’s just that the analysis and memory of all this is very short, because the sword of heaven has come to erase Luo Chen’s memory!

But at this moment!

In Luo Chen's self-awareness, the Immortal Lord who belonged to the previous life, the long-haired Luo Chen, stepped forward in one step at this moment!

"Do you understand?" He looked at Luo Chen!

The sword is behind Luo Chen!

Then he blocked it with one hand!

The sword was very powerful, after all, even the king was amazed.

However, at this moment, we can't make any progress.

The sword of heaven, which had cut off many of Luo Chen's memories, was blocked by one hand at the moment. No matter how bright it burst out, it was useless!

Luo Chen looked at himself!

Suddenly, happiness comes to my heart, and suddenly I feel enlightened!

He got it!

When people are in trouble, they will burst out the hidden power in their bodies, and this burst is to break the shackles of humanity!

Just like a mother can lift a car with one hand to protect her child!

Moreover, he always had an idea in his subconscious mind.

The Taihuang Sutra is important, but not that important.

This belief comes from Luo Chen's subconscious mind. The reason for this subconscious mind is probably why Luo Chen was able to reach the top of Mount Tai with a disabled body.

There is a hurdle there, a hurdle that a disabled person cannot climb up no matter what!

But Luo Chen went up, not by external force!

Then there is only one explanation!

At that moment, the shackles in Luo Chen's body might have been broken long ago!

At that time, he had already reached the pinnacle of humanity!

Therefore, Luo Chen was able to climb to the top of Mount Tai because of his peak human nature!

He was able to obtain the Taihuang Sutra because he had awakened to the pinnacle of humanity!

Of course, the memory after jumping off the cliff has always disappeared. That part of the memory has really been erased or taken away!

Luo Chen couldn't remember it, so Luo Chen had no way of knowing where the peak human power he had awakened after he jumped off the cliff went!


Now is not the time to dwell on all this!

Because, Luo Chen looked at himself, at himself hidden in his consciousness!

The two figures merged again.

The integration this time is different from the last time. The last time seemed not perfect enough, but this time!

It can't be said that they are integrated, Luo Chen has completely found himself!

That consciousness is guarding this part of memory, guarding this secret, in his body!

The answer lies in the details of mountain climbing!

next moment!

The shackles of humanity that bound Luo Chen melted instantly like snow meeting the scorching sun this time!

It was like going back to the moment when Luo Chen climbed the mountain, lying on the ground, trying to control his body again and again!

Is it harder than that time?

No, never!

The universe belonging to the pinnacle of humanity in Luo Chen's body has already exploded!

However, after the explosion, inside Luo Chen's body, the exploded universe finally revealed its true appearance after it collapsed!

It turns out that the exploding universe was wrapped in an even larger universe.

And that universe, that power is the power of the pinnacle of humanity that Luo Chen awakened very early on, but it is just a leaf that blocks the view of Mount Tai!


Does Luo Chen need a breakthrough?


He has walked the path of Immortal Lord.

The same is true for the shackles of the pinnacle of humanity, which he has broken long ago.

Everything just fell into place!

In other words, the canal has been dug long ago and is just waiting for the water to come!

At this moment, the suppression of heaven and earth became meaningless!

Because what destiny suppresses is breakthrough, it is a kind of shackles!

But, Luo Chen, he has no shackles!

Luo Chen's aura fell back in an instant!

The previous state was the Great Sage, which was equivalent to the fourth level of transcendence!

But now, Luo Chen's realm has fallen and he has become a human, a saint!

At this time, Luo Chen's realm reached the third level of transcendence!

At this moment, Luo Chen also understood that maybe he was not the first to practice this method of regressing his realm!

Otherwise, why on the ancient Immortal Burial Star, the ground-breaking legend and the prehistoric saint would be so powerful, so terrifying, and their power so exaggerated!

However, this is just a guess!

But at this moment, saint, contaminated with a human character, has a different meaning!

At the same time, as the realm fell, Luo Chen's aura was shaking the sky and exploding!

But it is rising upwards!

The sword of heaven that erased memories in Luo Chen's body was retreating, and was instantly forced back by Luo Chen's eyes!

Just a glance made the terrifying sword of heaven retreat, and Luo Chen's dissipated memory rushed towards him!

Amidst the brilliance of the galaxy, the universe in Luo Chen's body became even more vibrant!


Between heaven and earth, Luo Chen's long hair is flying, and his long hair is moving with the wind!

At this moment, the aura of the Immortal Lord broke through the heaven and earth!

There are beams of light all over the sky concentrated together between the heaven and the earth, and the vast pressure sweeps everything!

Even the king's breath is clashing!

No scruples, no fear!

Luo Chen opened his eyes, and the shackles of humanity shattered into pieces.

Although not everything, it is not the ultimate either!

However, at this moment, Luo Chen no longer needs to be restrained!

And the chain of heaven that bound Luo Chen shattered at the same moment!

I can't hold it down at all!

Luo Chen slowly opened his eyes and looked around in all directions!

Luo Chen raised his hand and looked at the back of his hand!

"This familiar sense of power is so good!" Luo Chen's eyes were very dull!

He has stepped into the realm of Heavenly Lord, although it is still equivalent to the seventh level of struggle, the lowest level of Heavenly Lord.

Although it is not the pinnacle of the previous life, fighting for the ninth level! But!

This chapter has been completed!
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