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Chapter 3420 More than avenues

 But Luo Chen raised his hand at this moment, and another star also fell.

Then a few stars fell. One person and one god had already set several stars.

However, the next moment, the chess piece Luo Chen dropped, that is, the star, was shattering.

Luo Chen frowned slightly.

"All things have a beginning and an end, and they begin again and again." The emperor said.

As his words fell, Luo Chen's shattered star actually turned into powder, eventually turned into stardust, and then turned into energy.

As soon as the emperor raised his hand, the energy actually gathered together at this moment, and was condensed again through the strings.

It was a brand new star and a planet, with endless coldness on it.

But among the emperor's chess pieces, there is a huge star that drives the brand new star.

As the stars rotated, various movements appeared, and finally life appeared.

That vitality is the gathering of various energies, and then evolved over a long period of time, but was formed in a very short period of time.

Finally, a living being appeared in the vast ocean.

That creature is just a mist-like creature, but it is not complete in itself.

It's squirming, its existence meaningless.

But at this moment, in the chessboard, the emperor raised his hand a little, and a little light broke through the clouds, cut through the sky, entered the sea, and made a little light-year.

Then the creature began to take real and meaningful actions.

Matter, and soul!

The soul comes from the emperor, and the matter comes from the stars!

At this moment, the entire chessboard was lit up instantly.

That creature was swimming in the ocean, and more lives appeared in the ocean.

But there is no spirit.

The emperor's fingertips are constantly shining, emitting endless light, giving those lives many spirits, that is, consciousness.

And Luo Chen fell again, and a new star appeared.

At this moment, Luo Chen also gave life and spirit to the stars.

But those spirits kept devouring and killing each other in the chaos, until they became extinct.

He even forcibly gnawed planets in order to become stronger.

Luo Chen was thoughtful, then he raised his hand and dropped it regularly. At this moment, everything became orderly.

"This is destiny!" the emperor said.

But this destiny is just a rule, just for order, not chaos!

But when the next chess piece falls, the rules have become self-aware and are completely out of Luo Chen's control.

This is the destiny of the hereafter!

Destiny gave birth to self-awareness and began to lose control.

Luo Chen realized clearly that he originally just wanted the world to be orderly, so he created rules to achieve order.

In many myths, there are actually metaphorical rules established.

For example, Pangu created the world!

From the current point of view, at least from a scientific point of view, it is false and unrealistic. After all, the universe came from the Big Bang, there is no up and down in the sky and the earth, space is naturally there, and the mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars were not transformed by Pangu.

But this is not a subtle metaphor.

It implies that at the beginning of the world, there was chaos. Chaos means disorder and chaos.

Pangu opened the sky and split the earth, which changed everything from disorder to order. From then on, the sun and the moon moved in the same orbit, the sky would not interfere with the earth, and the earth would not mix with the sky.

This is a kind of order, and Pangu is the pioneer of order!

In Western mythology, God created the heaven and earth in seven days.

Isn't this a metaphor for the establishment of rules and the establishment of order?

And who created all this?

Maybe that is the real Creator.

But what is the basis for order and disorder?


The Tao spoken by ancient ancestors, and the physics, quantum mechanics, chemistry, and even mathematics spoken by modern science are all Tao!

They are all ways of explaining Tao from different perspectives.

The road is the road, and it is also the road to the future.

Tao is to enable all things in the world to pass into the future and continue downward.

"The third era means the end of the road." Di said at this moment. He believed that Luo Chen understood.

On that day when the Third Era stayed forever, there was no order and chaos appeared, making it impossible to move forward.

"Isn't there some evil hand that caused all this?" Fuyao said.

Di looked at Fuyao and was very disappointed.

"Even if there is a black hand, it is just a push." ​​The emperor sighed, Fuyao's level was too low, and it was still on the surface of things.

Just like if a person is sick and it shows up, then there must be a problem somewhere internally. This is the essence.

And the external one is just a manifestation.

Fuyao always treats problems superficially, no wonder he suffered losses at the hands of Luo Chen many times.

The third era will always stay on that day because the essence of Tao has collapsed.

This is the real essential reason.

The chess piece fell again, and Luo Chen watched the birth of life and civilization on the planet.

They are struggling hard!

But in the eyes of Luo Chen and others, it is really insignificant. The life they have experienced is too short to even pay attention to or pay attention to.

"The true Creator doesn't care about our life or death, because no matter how long our life span is, it only lasts for a short moment in His eyes. We are too insignificant." The emperor sighed.

He did not confirm the existence of a Creator, but only made a metaphor.

Because just like Luo Chen and others, they are playing chess with the stars at the moment. Their focus is on the chessboard, or even on the many chess pieces, rather than on a specific planet.

The planet no longer pays attention to it, so why pay attention to the fleeting life on the planet?

There are many planets. It is no exaggeration to say that in the universe where the Immortal Burial Star alone is located, the number of planets exceeds the total amount of sand on the earth!

How much sand is there on the earth?

There are more planets than sand in the universe. When a person walks on the beach, will he pay attention to an almost invisible creature on a grain of sand?

And that creature can barely fly out of the sand?

Living things are too small.

The emperor was revealing something, or hinting something to Luo Chen.

He wanted to give Luo Chen something, but he couldn't express it clearly in words.

He has a very high vision and has transcended certain limitations.

Therefore, he will not fight Luo Chen because it is meaningless!

He wouldn't stop Luo Chen, because that would be meaningless.

His lifespan is too long. Looking at the mountains and rivers from his perspective, he is just like a human being. Would ordinary people have any hostility or thoughts about a second of sunshine today?


Because there is too much sunshine like this in a long life.

Just a chance encounter!

This is a true god, a god who completely possesses divinity!

The game of chess was played with great depth, at least Fuyao and the others couldn't understand it. But at this moment, the evil spirit struck, and the terrifying evil spirit struck instantly!

This chapter has been completed!
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