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Chapter 3981 Seeing the Essence Clearly

Suppose that the birth time of the First Age is already in the range of 200 million years.

It is only during the First Age that civilization developed into what it is today. Is this reasonable?

Although in the First Era, because the human race was naturally powerful and did not like to use their brains, the development of civilization was very slow.

But this is a human being after all, not a dinosaur.

No matter how hard the human race uses their brains, humans are also intelligent beings. No matter how slow they are, they will always make progress. In 200 million years, there should be some progress.

This does not refer to technology, but to ideas, inheritance, or the overall development of the ethnic group.

But why might there even have been returns?

This is very intriguing.

What really happened in the prehistory of the First Age?

Why did the civilization of the First Age develop for so many years and remain like this?

When Long Yi was reminded by Luo Chen, he immediately fell into deep thought.

Because look at the secular side, culture and civilization are developing at a rapid pace. Although it has not developed to what extent, there must be a driving force behind it.

Because Long Yi also knows that the Queen is also one of the leaders of horror games. But strictly speaking, the Queen seems to be one of the founders. It is better to say that she has inherited the things left by her predecessors and the Guixu lineage. If you have to trace

The lineage of horror games still has to return to the first era in Guixu, and even further.


With the intervention, experimentation and cultivation of horror games, the secular side is indeed developing very quickly.

If you have to define secularity, then secularity is the result of horror games!

Because the Queen only changed the way horror games operate, but horror games have predecessors and even more ancient inheritance.

Calculating it this way, the problem here is huge.

That is to say, the lineage of horror games has always been hidden in Guixu, and then with the departure of Guixu and the experiment on the Immortal Burial Star, civilization advanced by leaps and bounds.

But without mentioning this, what happened to the long time of the First Era?

"There must be a big problem here." Long Yi frowned.

He also didn't believe that in 200 million years, the First Age civilization had only developed into this.

Of course, if there is no secularism, then there will be no problem in all this, but with secularity, there is comparison.

Because Long Yi didn't compare with the secular world before, it was difficult to find problems when they were in front of him.

And Luo Chen comes from the secular world and looks at it from a secular perspective, so there is a big problem here.

"Two possibilities!" Luo Chen said.

"First, the civilization of the First Era was locked and unable to develop or move forward!"

"The second is that a higher civilization was developed, but it was destroyed, even more than once, multiple times. With each destruction, the civilization of the first era started from scratch!"

"So, this is what you and I see now!" Luo Chen analyzed calmly.

"Ignoring the development of the First Era, it is very difficult to do."

"I quite agree with what you said about destroying everything and starting over, and the Old Emperor may have experienced all of this!"

"The top creatures of the First Era may be the remnants of the previous era and civilization." Long Yi said.

This includes the Imperial Lineage, the Eternal Human Court, the Celestial Palace, the Human Emperor Department, and even the Immortal Lineage.

They may have experienced the glory and desolation of civilization, and then started over again after clearing it.

"Including the Old Emperor!" Long Yi and Luo Chen made this bold assumption at the same time!

This hypothesis made the two people’s eyes light up!

"If these assumptions are true, there must be something we don't know about, or something hidden!" Luo Chen said.

As with anything, the more you know and the more comprehensive and detailed the information, the more beneficial it will be to you. Only with enough information can people make more accurate judgments and what to do next.

Knowledge is power, just because you understand but the other person doesn't.

"For example, who destroyed the First Era and started it from scratch?" Luo Chen said.

This point is very important. Who are the enemies in the first era?

"This is too difficult to dig out and verify. After all, there really was a prehistoric civilization in the First Era, so the only people who know about it must be those top-notch creatures."

"The history of the Old Emperor, or ours, is already very ancient and difficult to verify." Long Yi frowned.

"If you can, help me find out something about horror games from the queen. It shouldn't be as simple as I thought." Luo Chen said, his eyes gleaming.

After all, Tuoba's words are sometimes untrustworthy, and Luo Chen would be even less likely to believe the queen's words.

Regarding horror games, Tuoba and Queen may both make mistakes in their judgment, or may not know enough about them.

This is the advantage of Luo Chen, he will boldly overturn everything and try not to let himself fall into misunderstandings!

"No problem, when you say that, I also feel that there are many things that I need to rethink. Maybe for many things, we have been drifting on the surface and have not touched the core!" Long Yi also nodded.

He is loyal to the queen, but this does not prevent him from finding the truth.

And at this moment, he felt more and more sympathetic to Luo Chen.

After all, Luo Chen, like him, likes to explore the essence of things.

"Where is the Imperial Clan?" Luo Chen asked again.

"The Imperial Clan has also been around for a long time, and their lineage is naturally very powerful in the use of runes."

"Furthermore, there are talents from that clan, and there seems to be people from the Imperial clan in Guixu's lineage."

"Yes, there is also the Guixu lineage!" Luo Chen said.

If we talk about ancientness, the lineage of Guixu is equally ancient. Not only does it have top-notch creatures, but it also has an emperor!

It even used to be part of the Human Sovereign Ministry, but later it seems that after the incident of Chen and Gene Shackles, the Human Sovereign of Guixu led Guixu to break away from the Human Sovereign Department, and even broke away from the First Era!

The Guixu lineage is naturally the most mysterious. After all, even if it is as powerful as the Xuan family, isn't it also from the Burial Immortal Star, the Earth, and the Guixu lineage?

The Earth, this small blue planet, is the most inconspicuous of all forces, but it is the most powerful force and the most mysterious force today!

After all, even Luo Chen himself belongs to the Guixu lineage and is a person who came out of the Guixu lineage!

"In the final analysis, the battle now is between the Guixu lineage and other forces. It's just that this war spans too long, spanning five eras." Long Yi sighed. "What did you just say?

Are you saying that someone from the Imperial Clan is returning to the ruins?" Luo Chen had a guess in his mind, but he still needed to verify it!

This chapter has been completed!
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