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Chapter 417

Luo Chen ducked to the side. The aura exhaled by the Parseltongue was not martial arts aura. Then

This is the real Xianjia Gangqi.

This gas is so sharp that it can even cut open a person's luck.

Not to mention the body and soul.

It would actually be possible for Luo Chen to resist a blow, but that would definitely cost Luo Chen a lot of effort.

But in the eyes of the Parseltongue, the Parseltongue thought it was Luo Chen who was afraid. So.

He opened his mouth wide and said. "

Haha, are you scared?" Parseltongue sneered.

Even if the Immortal Family encounters this kind of aura, they may suffer a catastrophe. And

And as the Parsels rolled in the sky, evil winds suddenly burst out, black smoke filled the sky, and heavy rain came instantly, lashing the ground like whips.

The Parseltongue's demonic aura is surging, and he has the aura to cover the heaven and the earth, and press the mountains and rivers. It's huge.

The ground is cracked, and the surrounding mountains are shaking. As for Tianjia Village, it has been destroyed long ago, and all the houses, buildings and villas have been destroyed. "

Let me show you my true strength!" Parselman said proudly. It

No one can escape this move because it is its most powerful killing move! Snake

Lao Lao's aura was rising steadily, like a real dragon, and even the shadow of another horn appeared above his head. Gang Qi was radiating out, constantly stimulating, like a rain of swords, thousands of swords rained directly at Luo Chen. Mi.

It was so dense that it made people's scalp numb, and even the heavy rain was frozen in the sky, as if time had frozen. It was too

It was too terrifying, like a sword fairy using thousands of swords to kill an unparalleled enemy. But

It was Luo Chen's sarcastic smile.

The whole person turned into a stream of light, erratic in an instant.

This is a kind of movement technique in the immortal world, and Pluto walks in chaos!

Luo Chen shuttled through the rain of swords and approached Parseltongue in an instant.

Lao Lao was still steadfast in his oath, but now he couldn't help but his pupils suddenly shrank.

Watching Luo Chen pass through the rain of swords in an instant.

"This is?"

"Is this magic?" Parseltongue was shocked.

"What magic are you doing?" Parseltongue asked in horror, because the rain of swords was too dense, even denser than raindrops. But

Luo Chen actually dodged it without touching him at all.

This is definitely magic!

"It's just a long worm, it doesn't deserve to know!" Luo Chen punched the Parseltongue.

Grandma Snake fell down and hit a hill in the distance.

Suddenly the ground shook like an earthquake.

Everyone looked at Parseltongue in shock, or in other words, at Luo Chen in shock. This

Still human?

If you can fight a Parseltongue to this extent, are you sure this is still a human being? Then

But Parseltongue, even an army can't hurt it at all. But

But now he was beaten to a bloody pulp by Luo Chen, which was horrifying. This

This earth-shattering battle is so terrifying that it is already changing the landscape.

The forest in the distance was instantly razed to the ground. The Parseltongue was showing off his power, but it was to no avail. Every punch landed by Luo Chen was as heavy as a stone. There was no dazzling light or bright light. Every punch was simple and unpretentious.

But it has the momentum to conquer the stars and slay the moon! Ren

Ping Parseltongue roared again and again, but to no avail. He was pressed down by Luo Chen and beaten.

Colorful scales were flying, and one slice cut off a tree that was hundreds of years old.

The Parseltongue was covered in blood, and his black scales were stained red.

"Die!" The Parseltongue seemed to be desperate. This young man was too strong, which made her despair.

It has thousands of years of experience, but unfortunately it was beaten to the point of being unable to fight back.

A sheet of black smoke rose, and the people in Tianjia Village were instantly invigorated, because the black smoke was now truly covering the sky, and it became dark in an instant.

The people in Tianjiacun were waiting for Parseltongue to turn defeat into victory and wait for Parseltongue’s big move. But

It was Parseltongue, but after he used this move, he turned into billowing black smoke and ran quickly towards Changbai Mountain.

It no longer has the arrogance and self-confidence it had before, because until now, it has discovered a clear fact, that is, Luo Chen did not try his best. This

It was terrible. It was beaten so badly that even when the Japanese invaded the village and used large-caliber thermal weapons, it had never been so miserable. It could even be said that it had never been beaten so hopelessly since it was beaten into a spirit.


The people in Jiacun were completely stunned. You

It is Tang Xin.

The existence in her mind that was like a god was not only defeated just now, but was actually running away at this moment.

That was the Parseltongue who was famous in the north. It would not be an exaggeration to call him the best master in the north, or even the god of the north. But

But now she was beaten by Luo Chen and fled. She

His faith and pride instantly collapsed.

She thought before that she could look down on Luo Chen now that she knew how to control fire with her hands.

But the reality is very ironic, Luo Chen's one word "go" made her hurt.

Then she thought that the old grandmother had taken action, and no matter how powerful she was, she would die here. But

It was Luo Chen who slapped the old grandmother away.

In the end, her last hope is also the hope of the entire Tian family, the legendary Parseltongue of the Fairy Family! But

What did they see?

The Parseltongue was beaten to the point of being as embarrassed as a dog, and now he ran away with his tail between his legs.

Tang Xin completely regretted it. None

No matter what she moved, it seemed to be vulnerable to Luo Chen. That is,

Even the so-called immortal family was so vulnerable in front of Luo Chen. Luo Chen

Who is Chen?

She is full of regret now, because if she knew this was the result, how could she be disrespectful to Luo Chen before? Again

How could you look down on Luo Chen. Such as

If she had always stood firmly on Luo Chen's side, she would be fearless even if it was the Tian family.

After all, she and Luo Chen had some friendship before!

At this moment, she suddenly felt as if she had picked up sesame seeds and lost the watermelon.

No wonder Luo Chen was very indifferent, whether it was in the restaurant or just at the entrance of Tianjiacun. Because

I really don't take them seriously. Not to mention Tang Xin, even the Parseltongues will run away. She

What qualifications does Tang Xin have to show off her power in front of Luo Chen and look down on Luo Chen? This

It’s simply a big joke. Tang

An extremely bitter smile appeared on Xin's face, and she looked at Tian Qiqi with infinite jealousy. Tian

Qiqi was also shocked and dumbfounded at this moment.

She knew very well how powerful the old grandmother was, and even the strength shown by the Parseltongue just now was not something that anyone could resist. But

What about now?

Only then did she realize that her brother Luo was so secretive.

So handsome, so charming! This

This is Tian Qiqi’s truest thought at the moment. Because

Because the more she gets to know Luo Chen, the more she realizes that she understands and knows too little. Luo Chen

Dust is like a deep pool, which seems to be nothing at first glance.

But when you stare into the deep pool, you will find that it is so mysterious, it can even be said to be unfathomable!

Luo Chen stood on tiptoe and chased Parseltongue like a flying fairy from the sky. Although

Although Luo Chen didn't get angry, Luo Chen always killed everyone!

So Parseltongue will definitely die today!

This chapter has been completed!
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