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Chapter 4172 Psychological Tactics

These words made those who just said despicable were stunned.

Those who were also blocked were completely speechless.

Go and inform the other party that there is an ambush here and tell them not to come to the rescue?

I'm afraid that if Luo Chen just takes one step, he won't stop him, but he will definitely be killed by his own people immediately.

this is the truth.

"It seems that you are more despicable, or that your lives are more important than the so-called fairness. In order to survive, you can accept this despicability!" Luo Chen mocked coldly.

These words made many people bow their heads directly.

this is the truth!

The people of the water tribe are not that noble, not that great, and don’t look down upon death so much!

"Now, let's wait with you. Will they come to rescue you?"

"Or how long will it take for them to come to rescue?"

When Luo Chen opened his mouth, he waved his hand and a time hourglass was formed.

It's just that it's not sand but water.

"When the time comes, kill without mercy, kill everyone here!"

"Because they are no longer valuable as bait." Luo Chen said again.

The moment the time hourglass appeared, the people in the water department started to panic.

They dare not resist because the opponent is too powerful. The massacre of Xiao Yubu just now is a good example.

But if they don't resist, they will be killed and die again!

"If that doesn't work, let's surrender. I think the great elder is right." Someone from the water department said.

"Shut up, why didn't I notice that you are such a weakling? It's a shame that everyone respected you as our little leader before!" someone sarcastically said.

"It's just that I didn't expect you to be such a weakling. It's a pity that we have misjudged you all these years."

However, the person who spoke was also angry.

"You have strong bones and you are not afraid of death. Why don't you go now?"

"Go, hurry up and tell the army over there not to come to rescue us!" The man pointed his finger in the other person's face and said angrily.

"And you, you have strong bones and are not afraid of death, so why don't you die? What are you still doing?"

"Go and die!"

Several people whose noses he pointed at were speechless.

Even though his face turned red, he couldn't hold back his words for a long time.

"You have strong bones, don't be cowardly, go to hell, I will take care of your wife from now on, and I will also take care of your daughter for you. I don't care about your mother, let her fend for herself!"

"No more worries, don't be cowardly, go and die, hard-core fellows, die for your loyalty and your righteousness!" The man shouted directly in the surroundings.

"It's this damn time, and you still can't see the form clearly. The fifth prince is right, anyone who can't see the form clearly should die!"

Many people in the Ministry of Water also fell silent.

Time passed bit by bit.

The water minister is still very discerning.

He went to fetch a pot of holy water. It is said that drinking it has the ability to strengthen the soul and cleanse karma.

At the moment, I am making tea for Luo Chen.

After all, if he shows more attentiveness, he can bring more people to the secular world, and then there will be more people who can enjoy a good life.

Luo Chen didn't refuse the water minister elder's little thought. After all, there would be no problem in having more.

But we can’t say that the entire Five Elements Department will go.

After all, there are too many causes and effects involved, especially those kings!

Although King Shui Tian and others didn't say anything.

But as Luo Chen displayed the time hourglass, the sense of oppression was still extremely strong.

Time is still passing by minute by minute.

Many people looked at the King of Water and the King of Water and Earth.

Some people also looked at other kings.

At this moment, the kings' breaths finally touched each other, and then they gathered together.

They are not stupid, but asking them to surrender seems a bit too unspeakable.

And this process is actually very torturous.

Many people actually still hope that the Immortal Legion will come to save them.

After all, no one wants to die if they can live!

And as if for effect, the prince activated the mountain and river geography globe that had been hidden there before.

In this way, we can monitor the universe and Dao Zisheng's army from a distant place.

At this moment, Dao Zisheng and the others still haven't taken any action.

The army was always waiting there, but it never moved.

This scene actually really made the people in the Ministry of Water feel a little desperate.

"Are they not planning to save us?"

"You see, if they had that plan, they would also prepare their troops at this time, or send some spies to check it out?"

"There's still no movement?"

"Maybe they don't know we're surrounded?"

"Impossible, wouldn't they know about such a big commotion?"

"Stop looking for excuses, why don't you surrender?" Some people couldn't bear it anymore.

"I still don't understand what you people think. If you follow the Human Emperor's Ministry, do people take us seriously?"

"We didn't help the old emperor, nor did we help the queen, but as a result, we were still liquidated!"

"Being liquidated by the Ministry of Human Rights and suppressed non-stop!"

"Are you loyal to the Human Emperor's Ministry?"

"Is that loyalty to the Human Emperor's Ministry?"

"It was out of necessity!"

At this moment, Luo Chen had already stood up.

In fact, everything here has been placed on the Earth, Fire, Wood, and Metal parts using a geographical globe of mountains and rivers.

This is why only the Minister of Water is with Luo Chen at this moment.

It was impossible for Luo Chen to persuade everyone to surrender one by one.

Therefore, from the very beginning, people from various departments were shown a geographical globe of mountains and rivers.

People in the Fire Department are quite grumpy at the moment.

"What are the people from the water department doing?"

"They surrender!"

"Damn it, they want to die, but we don't want to die yet!"

Although Luo Chen was watched by people from various departments.

However, there is a condition.

That is, if the people from the Water Tribe surrender, then other tribes will be eligible to surrender.

If the Water tribe does not surrender, other tribes cannot surrender either, and they will be killed without mercy when the time is up!

The Mube side is the most pitiful because there are two other tribes on the Mube side.

At this moment, those two tribes are being exterminated.

"Please, please let us go, we surrender, we surrender!"

The result, poof, poof!

That was Wu Zu doing it himself.

There is no chance for people to surrender at all, and they are ruthless!

Whether it's children, the elderly, or women.


A tearing beheading!

Because this is war, and there is no humanity before war.

Everything is just killing and life and death.

So after Kibe was surrounded, many people were trembling with fear.

Because their King of Mube tried to resist, but was almost dead.

Now there is only one last king of Mube left, the Wood God King!

Of course he can only be regarded as a supreme being!

The Wood God King was covered in blood and his energy was confused. He fell into the ruins at this moment.

At this moment, twelve witch ancestors stood proudly in front of him with cold expressions!

This chapter has been completed!
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