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Chapter 4254 Special creatures of the Five Elements Department

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"Dad, if Long Yi can't stop it, will he send it?" The prince obviously didn't think twice before speaking, so he spoke directly.

But this time Luo Chen didn't slap him, but looked a little complicated and serious.

Because strictly speaking, if someone blocks for Luo Chen, the outcome can be guessed in advance.

At this moment, they have entered the dead universe, and the time here seems to be normal.

But compared with the outside world, time in the outside world seems to be frozen.

If the two universes could look at each other, then everything in the outer universe would look as if it were still, even the battle between the Ancient Emperor and the Qilin Knight.

Even at this moment, the Forty-nine Ancient Emperors are ready to take action against the Eternal Human Court.

Maybe when Luo Chen and the others came out, it would be as if nothing had happened yet to the outside world.

Because the speed of time in the dead universe is too fast compared to the outside, it can take a hundred years in the blink of an eye!

Luo Chen and the others went to the depths of the universe. Here, it was indeed very lonely, with an ancient, desolate and lonely feeling.

It feels like you have returned to the earth 200 million years ago alone.

Everything you know no longer exists, including electronics, concrete roads, and even the human species!

The feeling of loneliness is hard to describe, but it is surrounding Luo Chen at this moment.

The flame creature does not have this feeling. The prince's simulated skin has not been completely covered, so he cannot feel it. He can only sense something through instruments.

"The influence here is so powerful." Luo Chen said, while looking at his skin.

The skin is used to feel and to perceive the outside world.

But ever since Luo Chen entered the deserted universe, he has been enveloped in a sense of loneliness and intense sadness!

No matter where Luo Chen goes, even if they are one hundred and thirty light years away in terms of distance, they can still feel it.

It's like every point and anywhere in the entire universe of space and time is filled with sadness and loneliness.

"Dad, what do you feel?" The prince was very confused.

"Sadness, endless sadness and loneliness!" Luo Chen said.

"Isn't this universe alive?"

"Like the northern border?" the prince guessed.

"Maybe, I'm not sure yet. I haven't felt the curse, but I have felt the sadness, as if the entire universe is immersed in sadness!" Luo Chen said.

"Shouldn't emotion just be a reaction?" The flame creature asked curiously at this moment.

Because emotions are actually reactions engraved in the genes of organisms, such as fear, fear, etc., which are the wits that protect organisms themselves.

Primitive people saw that the tiger had no fear, just like a stupid roe deer, they still stepped forward, but they did not know that they ran away because of fear, fear, etc.

Then this person may not be the one who died, and the entire species may be extinct.

So emotion is actually an instinctive mechanism. This kind of thing should exist in individuals and will not be quantified!

Of course, emotions can also be contagious, especially among similar species, the easier it is to contaminate emotions.

But at this moment, a universe has emotions?

Is this possible and reasonable?

The question about the flame creature made Luo Chen ponder for a moment.

Luo Chen thought that after entering the Kuji Universe, it must be full of all kinds of curses and full of all kinds of mysterious powers.

But now it’s this kind of sadness?

"Actually, this kind of sadness is not impossible. The sadness continues to invade the body and cannot be discharged from the body. Therefore, the people who leave lose hope for life and then commit suicide."

"Is this the so-called curse?" Luo Chen analyzed.

"This must be reasonable." The flame creature said.

"Emotions are the reaction of a living creature and should not be embodied!" the flame creature said.

"But little thing, you have to understand that emotions are also a kind of energy!"

"Energy is energy. If you are sad, if energy passes through you, you will be sad. If you are happy, then if energy passes through you, you should be happy." The flame creature said.

"So, what you are like, what is your reaction mechanism to the world, is what your world is like." The flame creature retorted.

"Then this sadness doesn't belong to me, so who does this sadness belong to?" Luo Chen said.

The sadness was endless, so Luo Chen simply let the coffin in his body release the black power to isolate the sadness.

But that kind of sadness can't seem to be completely isolated.

Luo Chen temporarily gave up his plan to study this sadness and continued to move forward.

"There seems to be a huge skeleton over there!" The prince walked forward and saw a white skeleton streaking through the void.

"How many years has it been?" the prince asked.

"At least tens of billions of years?" The prince looked at the color of the bones.

"Time cannot actually be defined in this way."

"Or maybe there is no time." The flame creature said.

"I discovered that you are a bit similar to Mr. Huo Fu. You are a creature of fire, and you talk a lot about physics. Are you being ridiculous?" the prince muttered.

"I'm just telling the truth of heaven and earth, don't underestimate my wisdom!" the flame creature retorted.

"Here, everything cannot be defined according to normal time." Luo Chen said.

"Normally speaking, these are bones, organic matter, right? Organic matter can exist for more than 10 billion years?" the flame creature said.

"How come you still know about organic matter?" the prince asked in surprise.

"He is reading some information on you." Luo Chen said without stopping. Along the way, the flame creature was reading information on the prince.

"I also know that your online name is Stone Village Boy!" The flame creature said proudly.

"I still know you"

"Shut up, I don't want to say this!" The prince became anxious.

"If we don't follow the passage of time, it will be difficult to judge this thing." Luo Chen said.

"Where does time begin?"

"Where is the end?" The flame creature raised a scientific and philosophical question.

It seems that the creatures in the Five Elements Department all like to study.

After all, he likes to watch Luo Chen simulate how galaxies operate and create. This is not what a normal flame creature should do!

The question it raised made both Luo Chen and the Crown Prince silent. Where is the starting point and end point of time? This is really impossible to think about and answer.

"Shut up!" The prince obviously disliked the flame creatures.

Listen, are these words spoken by a creature from the Five Elements Department?

"This reminds me of the fact that at the beginning of the Fourth Era, top creatures like Demon Master Kunpeng who could control time were born!"

"And the third era has frozen time, so does the power of time have something to do with the birth of the demon master Kunpeng at the beginning of the fourth era?" Luo Chen pondered.

"Then we have to go back to the time-freezing thing in the Third Age."

"This matter is still a mystery at the moment, but dad, when you say it, it seems that many things are connected together and related to each other!" the prince said.

"Explain in detail. I like this puzzle. I'll solve it for you. Use your physics to solve it!" The flame creature seemed to be very interested in this matter. "Why don't you first explain why there is a curse here?"

"The prince rolled his eyes and said.

This chapter has been completed!
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