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Chapter 4707 Pathfinder

"Master Dao, once a war starts, there will be damage!"

"It's not me who died, so what does it have to do with me?" Daoxuanjing said it so blatantly.

This sentence shocked people so much that even the commander was stunned.

Should he be angry? Should he be angry?

But does he dare?

This madman can do anything.

You can kill him at any time.

And one sentence left him speechless.

"Let your subordinates take action and kill them all."

"My aunt died. She died miserably. She was a beautiful woman, so beautiful, but she was tortured and killed by these beasts."

"You don't have a sense of justice, do you?"

"Or do you mean you don't have any humanity at all?"

"Understood, Taoist Master!" The commander sighed.

He is very smart. Speaking of this, he has done what he should do, but there is really nothing he can do. If he continues to talk, he will die.

War will still break out, Daoxuan realm will still cause war.

His death will also become worthless.

So since you can't change the outcome, at least change the outcome that he will die.

So the commander went back with a sigh.

Daoxuanjing is right, he is not even a chess piece, so why should he consider the overall situation?

The entire Tianren Dao Palace is prepared for the Dao Xuan Realm, and in front of the incarnation of Dao like the Dao Xuan Realm, everything in the entire world belongs to him.

Then whatever he wants to do, he can do it.

Reason and the overall situation are of no use.

And the 300 billion enemies gathered together are actually waiting for the result.

They are more or less bluffing.

As long as they stand together, even if the Daoxuan realm is crazy, they will not do anything stupid like starting a war with them!

However, they underestimated the madness and willfulness of the Daoxuan realm.

In the eyes of the Daoxuan realm, these people are just a bunch of ants.

Kill a group of ants, is there any problem?


Therefore, at this moment, the hundreds of billions of troops that came from the Heavenly Man Dao Palace suddenly received the order.

Kill, kill all these people!

Whether it's people from the Imperial Clan, people from the Human Desolation Saint Clan, or people whose identities are unknown.

"Hey, that ancestor of the Imperial Clan."

"You go through the tribulation first, and I'll clear the field first, and then we'll play slowly."

"Seeing that you have a lot of background in this Heavenly Punishment, you must be careful not to die in there." At this moment, in the Daoxuan realm, he spoke to Luo Chen, who was once again surrounded by Heavenly Punishment.

"I'll wait for you!" A look of teasing and provocation flashed in Daoxuanjing's eyes.

He is sitting on the throne of freedom, and the nine-wheeled sun unique to the Great Heavenly Throne is carried on the throne.

This makes him look evil and crazy.

It’s hard to imagine how such a person could reach this point!

At least, he is really abnormal!

And with the order given, the war was really about to break out.

At the same time, far, far away, in an ancient secret realm in the Palace of Heaven and Humanity, there was a group of people dressed in white.

They are studying and observing the movement of stars, the birth and death of all things, and the passage of time.

Their breaths are all very peaceful.

Although Daoxuanjing has already killed the person who came to inform.

But other information still arrived.

"The Holy Mother of Gods died in battle." A young man also wearing white was reporting this to an old man in white.

"Do you know about the Daoxuan Realm?" The old man in white didn't care whether the Holy Mother of Heaven and Humanity died in the battle. Instead, he asked about the Daoxuan Realm first.

"I already know about it, and I've already rushed over."

"The situation over there is complicated. With his personality, I'm afraid he will mess things up."

"There are also some problems on Zisheng's side." The man in white said worriedly.

"Let him do it himself." The old man sighed.

The entire Tianren Dao Palace knew that Daoxuan Realm liked his aunt, but no one said anything.

Even the higher-ups of Tianren Dao Palace.

"But what about this?"

"Since he wants to become a human being, he will have human feelings."

"Do you know that among human relationships, the most difficult thing is love?"

“Only by breaking away from love and attachment can one become an adult.”

"Love is close, love is persistent?" The young man in white seemed to understand.

"Not being able to love is love and attachment."

"Love is not necessarily the love between a man and a woman. Many loves will become attachments. Love will not be painful."

"Only needing to be loved is painful."

"He needs the world to accept him!"

"But what if he commits murder and causes chaos?"

"We can't help!" the old man in white suddenly said.

"You have to understand the relationship between superiors and subordinates. We are not in charge of him, but he is in charge of us!"

"Moreover, if he doesn't commit murder, how can he have the idea that life is precious?"

"Everything must be understood and experienced by oneself."

"This is the one who is closest to success. So many people before him have failed. Although he has flaws, he is the one who is closest to success." The old man said.

"Destiny is not that easy to replace."

"Once he succeeds, will he return to the ruins or use the methods and plans of other eras?"

"Those are just floating clouds and dogs."

"The initiative is in our hands."

"The reincarnation plan is just around the corner."

"What if he doesn't succeed?" the young man in white asked again.

"He won't die."

"As for others?" The words of the old man in white seemed to have already told the ending.

"Sacrifice is always necessary. Our opponents all have this awareness. How could we not?"

"The top level of the Human Desolation Saint Clan, but they know that their heirs may die in battle."

"Isn't it the same?" the old man in white said.

"No one can avoid the sacrifices that should be made."

"Watch what's going on over there!"

"The war has already begun."

"Let people find out what is over there as soon as possible."

"And began to station troops nearby to prevent the invasion of things over there." The old man in white said again. "Also, although there is a problem with the Daoxuan realm's character, he is asking for directions and exploring the details over there. Madman

, does not mean stupid!”

Obviously, the Palace of Heaven and Humanity also has its own eternal plan.

Ruining the future is not a plan that can be easily implemented.

The only one that succeeds may be the so-called third era.

At least in that era, a fault was formed and time was frozen.

That's also an experiment.

One day, if necessary, the Fifth Age will be trapped on the same day forever.

In this way, how could the First Age be destroyed?

Of course, this is a backup plan in their plan. Their real plan is to form a circle.

Let the Sixth Age be the First Age.

In this way, the First Age will be immortal!

The end is the beginning, the beginning is the end, this is the real road!

"It's so clear."

"Let him explore the bottom first."

"Let us also see what is there?" The old man said slowly at this moment, as if everything was under control.

After all, just conquering a race like the Human Desolation Saint Clan that was about to be exterminated is not worth mentioning at all.

This is not a big deal!

As for the Daoxuan realm!

This chapter has been completed!
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