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Chapter 4740 Defense retreats


The ancient star is the ancient star of the golden human race. It is said that this ancient star was once the first golden ancient star in the world.

In other words, this is the first gold in the world.

The gold itself was alive and had some kind of divinity.

It was originally supposed to belong to the Golden Department of the Five Elements Department, but for some unknown reason, this ball later belonged to the Golden Human Race.

The Golden Human Race is indeed in decline, because this ancient star was not only the ancestral star of the Golden Human Race, but also the dojo for top creatures.

But the top creatures of the Golden Human Race disappeared after experiencing the battle of Guixu.

Some people speculated that it had already fallen, while others speculated that it had been suppressed long ago.

However, no matter what, although the Golden Human Race is still considered powerful, it is no longer the peak Golden Human Race it once was.

Nine of the eighteen golden emperors died in the battle at Guixu.

However, this is still the most powerful place, and even though the Imperial Clan is attacking the Golden Human Clan, this is a pure land.

And people here are sitting and getting ready.

The people of the Golden Race are perfect. The men are tall and handsome, with fair skin and naturally muscular bodies.

Women are naturally beautiful, with a three-dimensional appearance and a more concave and convex figure. At a glance, people can't help but be full of sensuality.

For example, the Golden Queen back then was extremely graceful and charming, and even had the title of the most beautiful woman in the entire First Era at that time.

However, the golden human race at that time was too powerful, and no one dared to have any thoughts about the most beautiful woman in the world.

But secretly, all the major forces had hoped to get the golden queen, who was known as the most beautiful woman in the world.

Because the Golden Queen not only looks perfect, but the golden blood in her body is also perfect.

Unfortunately, it is said that the Queen is still alone until now.

And it’s also on this golden ancient star.

Although the Golden Ancient Star is dead, it still has some kind of divinity today.

Moreover, people from the Golden Human Race have raised many Golden Gods.

These gods are their slaves and their weapons!

Therefore, this planet always seems to have some divine power surging.

And precisely because of this, when the corpse of the man in white was crossing the void, he was accidentally blocked.

In the darkness, the corpse of the man in white looked quietly at the huge golden ancient star.

The golden ancient star is very beautiful. Its atmosphere is transparent, completely transparent. You can see the entire slightly golden super star at a glance.

There are magnificent golden halls, sky towers, and golden cities on it.

This is an ancient golden star that is extremely difficult to conquer.

Because here, even the corpse of the man in white cannot approach directly.

The corpse of the man in white stood face to face here, dormant quietly, waiting for the opportunity.

This is also the ultimate fortress that the Golden Human Race is proud of.

Therefore, although the people here know that there is a huge war outside, they still are not worried.

And they are still waiting, waiting for the Imperial Road team to compromise.

Today, the Imperial Clan has conquered a universe three universes away.

It can be said that this is a very close distance.

That universe is now in turmoil, with fighting spirit surging, and the sound of fighting filling the sky.

There were many corpses scattered around, some of them from the Golden Human Race. No matter how handsome the men were, no matter how beautiful the women were, they were just cold corpses at this moment.

And there are also many corpses of the Imperial Clan.

They are not afraid of death, or they have already seen through life and death. They are not afraid, they are killing.

Over the years, the Imperial Dao Clan has cultivated many children, relatives, or persons who were persecuted by the Deserted Saint Clan, the Golden Human Clan, even the Immortal Lineage, and the Celestial Dao Palace.

These people only have revenge in their eyes, and they only have resistance to the injustice of this world.

The fighting is still going on here and has never stopped.

"You still dare to continue, but you know that your ancestor has become a demon."

"Come on, wait for everyone in the world to come and besiege you."

"Just wait until everyone in the world kills you."

"Your Imperial clan is finished!"

"I will cut off your flesh piece by piece with my own hands, you inferior races and blood!" The people of the Golden Human Race were still angry and launched a psychological offensive.

"The higher-ups have told us that we must avoid fighting. If we can block this day, the Imperial Clan will definitely retreat!" The latest battle report came.

On the battlefield of the Golden Human Race, many people began to retreat and no longer resisted.

At this moment, the Ancient Emperor Zijin, who was commanding the entire battle, frowned slightly. "This is a line of defense. Once we get out of the way, the people of the Imperial Clan will gather in three groups and take the ancient star directly.

Now!" The Ancient Emperor Zijin is wearing purple gold armor. He has purple hair, a tall and strong body, and even his eyes are purple.


Moreover, he is very handsome and has a terrifying aura.

His appearance caused huge changes in the battlefield, because here, two ancient emperors of the Imperial Clan died, as well as thirty-seven kings.

These were all killed by him.

It can also be seen from here that the battle here is actually very tragic, far more tragic than imagined.

The two ancient emperors of the Imperial Clan died here, because there was a golden formation here, which was difficult to break, but the Ancient Emperor of the Imperial Clan chose to attack by force!

Two ancient emperors were killed in a direct battle, and now they were only halfway through this defense.

And with the Ancient Emperor Zijin sitting here, the Ancient Emperor Zijin felt that even the next three Ancient Emperors would die here and would not be able to conquer this universe.

Now suddenly let it shrink and just defend.

Then the opponent will most likely take the opportunity to capture this place and break the golden formation.

There are mountains of corpses and seas of blood everywhere, no less than the place in the Death Universe.

Ancient Emperor Zijin hesitated.

"The Celestial Dao Palace has taken action, and the Imperial Dao clan already knows that their ancestor is an extraterrestrial demon."

"So?" Ancient Emperor Zijin said with a serious expression.

"The Ancient Emperor Tianyun has gone to put pressure and talk in person. He will give the Imperial Dao clan one day. If the Imperial Dao clan does not surrender, then the whole world will attack them!"

"At that time, the Imperial Dao clan will be destroyed without any need for us to take action!" the elder who was sent to deliver the order said.

"If we continue to fight to the death, we will die more. If we rely on the number of people, we will definitely not be able to defeat the Imperial Clan." The elder said.

This is a fact. The Imperial Clan is very low-key, but there are too many armies of the Imperial Clan, and they will appear out of nowhere.

After all, the Imperial Clan accepts everyone, and their population base is too large.

The Golden Human Race itself is semi-disabled, and its population is mainly composed of elves. The dead spots of the Imperial Clan have little impact on the Imperial Clan.

But every time a person of the Golden Human Race dies, it will be weakened by one point.

The battle here was so brutal that there are now 300 million soldiers.

The Imperial Clan may be fighting a war of attrition. "It makes sense." Ancient Emperor Zijin sighed.

This chapter has been completed!
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