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Chapter 857

"What?" Li Libing was stunned when he heard this sentence.

Sister Xiang’s family controls almost all domestic media.

If Sister Xiang's family really did this, things could escalate into a big mess in an instant.

"Sister Xiang, you have to think clearly." Li Libing reminded. "

Forget it, there is nothing to think about. In fact, compared with Luo Wuji and Qin Changsheng, I think Qin Changsheng has a greater chance of winning. After all, his qualifications are there, and you also know what happened back then."

And you should also be aware of this matter. Once you do this, many families who are preparing to attend the banquet will catch wind of it in an instant, and then it will really embarrass Luo Wuji."

With the strength of Sister Xiang's family, once they do this, it will be equivalent to a letter number. After all, many big shots in the country know Sister Xiang's family.

"The most dignified person in China, he invited so many people in the country to attend the banquet, but in the end not many people went!"

"Isn't this a slap in Luo Wuji's face?" Li Libing analyzed.

"It's like this. As long as I arrange this matter, I'm afraid not many people will go to the banquet." Sister Xiang said confidently, and she was still confident about this.

"But this is what Qin Changsheng means, to embarrass him, Luo Wuji, this time!"

Moreover, Mr. Qin wants me to tell everyone in the world that tomorrow, Qin Changsheng will come back and will hold a banquet in Longdu!"

As soon as he said those words, he was clearly telling everyone in the world that he was going to confront Luo Chen.

All the big guys in the country have to choose their own camp this time."

Sister Xiang, have you thought about it?" Li Libing said. "

Where are you standing?" Sister Xiang looked at Li Libing."

I'll choose Luo Wuji." Li Libing finally sighed, he wanted to take a gamble!

"Okay, then I wish you good luck!" Sister Xiang stood up and left, obviously choosing to side with Qin Changsheng.

When she left the office, Sister Xiang had a sneer on her lips. Now that she had made a choice, she would firmly believe in her choice!

That afternoon!

The whole country was shaken violently!

Because a piece of shocking news was released by media across the country.

"Luo Wuji hand over all his property and get out of China, or you will be responsible for the consequences!" This

As soon as the news came out, everyone was shocked! "

Are they crazy?"

Dare you talk to Luo Wuji like this?”

what's going on?""

Why did media across the country unanimously publish this news?”

The three knights are attacking, but the one is as skinny as a camel and bigger than a horse. Aren't they afraid of angering Luo Wuji?"

Have they forgotten the bloody lessons of famous mountains?" But

Soon, another piece of news was released!

Shi Qin Changsheng returns home! "

Who is this?" Many young people looked stunned.

Many figures from the older generation frowned! Very

Soon the major media directly disclosed some news!

With one sword, he can defeat the masters of thirty-six countries alone, and on the East China Sea, he can suppress the masters of all countries by himself!

This eye-catching title made everyone who didn’t know it immediately start asking about it like crazy!

Soon, under the instruction of major media, all of Qin Changsheng's achievements and achievements were exposed in an instant.

Suddenly everyone was stunned. "

Is this an old hero?”

This record is better than Luo Wuji's!" Xu

Many people looked at the news in shock.

And being able to alert the national media to mention this matter together shows how powerful the other party is!

But the matter was not over yet. Within half an hour, another piece of news was released by the national media!

The scholars of the country will be having a banquet in Longdu tomorrow! This

This news is naturally not for ordinary people, but for bigwigs from all walks of life across the country!

"Didn't Luo Wuji invite big names from all walks of life to celebrate Lan Beier's birthday?"

"Is this provoking Luo Wuji?"

This is completely targeted at Luo Wuji!"

Everyone could see it clearly, and everyone was stunned for a moment.

The three knights are coming fiercely, and it is said that they have almost arrived in Xinzhou. This

At this moment, another figure from the older generation jumped out to target Luo Chen!

In an instant, the whole country was boiling.

The wave has not calmed down yet, but another wave has risen again! Net

The Internet is the busiest, and it is overwhelmingly filled with all kinds of news and information. And

And the most important thing is those domineering words! "

Turn over all your property and get out of China!" He

Has anyone ever dared to say this to Luo Wuji so blatantly? "

Sigh, I don’t think he can handle what happened to Luo Wuji’s three knights.”

"For God's sake, the three of them can't stop the three knights, and there were rumors before that Luo Wuji's cultivation was abolished. Although the rumors may not be true, when Luo Wuji killed several famous mountains, he relied on the three fierce men.

, this is a fact!”

Even if he can take on the three great knights, judging from the signs he is showing now, he is definitely not someone to be trifled with!"

"Look, none of the three great knights dared to speak to Luo Wuji like this, but the national warrior dared to do so. How could he speak like this if he had no confidence?"

The whole country is in turmoil!

In an instant, this matter was pushed to a new level! "

I have long said that Luo Wuji is so sharp that sooner or later he will provoke people who cannot be provoked. Has it come true now?" Someone ridiculed him on the Internet.

Luo Chen naturally knew the news, and Lan Beier immediately told Luo Chen the news. "

It doesn't matter." Luo Chen smiled and looked at Lan Beier's worried expression."


It doesn't matter, it's the big guys from all walks of life in the country who should be worried and embarrassed." Luo Chen said with a smile.

Indeed, the big guys from all walks of life are really hesitant now.

One is Luo Wuji, who is currently in the limelight in China and has just emerged!

One is the veteran figure Qin Changsheng! This

But no one can be offended!

Once you offend anyone, the consequences will be miserable! This

Big bosses from all walks of life in the country are really worried.

Over in Sichuandu, more than a dozen people gathered together. These people included Sichuandu's leader, the richest man in Sichuandu, the first family in Sichuandu, and even the top master in Sichuandu.

"Everyone, what should we do about this matter?" the richest man in western Sichuan asked. "

Everyone knows the name of Mr. Luo and Luo Wuji, so we don’t need to say more.”

But on the other hand, although we are not familiar with the name Qin Changsheng, if we ask around among the older generation, everyone should be familiar with it."

"Mr. Pang, why don't you tell me." The richest man in Sichuan looked at the top master in Sichuan. He was the oldest and one of the older generation here.

Mr. Pang sat on the chair and hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed again.

"I have to say it."

Then Qin Changsheng is even more unprovoked."

This chapter has been completed!
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