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Chapter 921: The world moves with just one thought, and the mantra overwhelms all directions

 Tang Dehan's head was tilted to the side by the slap, but he kept the posture of his head being slapped and did not move at all!

Is this really settled?

Suddenly everyone in the audience focused their attention on Luo Chen. "

How is that possible?" Li Guanzhe said again in a loss of voice. He

He has been forced to practice these basic spells diligently since he was three years old. He no longer needs to recite spells at the age of ten. Now, with any basic spell in his hands, it is definitely not an exaggeration to say that he is proficient! But!

He had just tried it himself, and this body-fixing technique would definitely not be able to fix the strange man Tang Dehan! This

It has nothing to do with cultivation, it’s just that this simple immobilization spell won’t work! This

He was absolutely sure of one thing!

So even he can only admit defeat! But

At this moment, Luo Chen used this simple, even the most low-level and basic spell to immobilize Tang Dehan?

How is this possible? And

The Doctor with Super Powers also showed a look of astonishment. He is a Doctor with Super Powers. To say something unpleasant about Hua Xia's magical attainments is not necessarily lower than that of Li Guanzhe, the legendary heir!

After all, he is old enough and has been researching for many years. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an expert in this field.

Today, allowing practitioners from China to use the most basic techniques is actually making things difficult for these people!

After all, he knows better than anyone else that basic magic is basic magic. Even if you mess up, it is just basic magic, and it is impossible to win!

But at this moment, Luo Chen really had Tang Dehan immobilized? Luo Chen

Chen Chen ignored the surprised looks in the audience and looked at Tang Dehan. "

Bang!" Luo Chen threw away his hand and slapped Tang Dehan on the face again."

Is this what Chinese magic is?"


"Now, tell me, is this Chinese magic nothing more than that?"

"Chinese magic is just a charade?"

Luo Chen slapped Tang Dehan in the face again. Tang Dehan

Not to mention fighting back, Dehan doesn’t even have the ability to move and say a word right now!”

The pretense you are talking about can prevent you from even having a chance to do it. How dare you, a mere stranger, say that Chinese magic is just a pretense?" Luo

After Chen said this, he pressed Tang Dehan's head violently, then buckled down, and at the same time Luo Chen raised his knees!

"Crack!" The harsh sound of bone breaking sounded. Tang

Dehan's face hit Luo Chen's knee hard!

Luo Chen picked up Tang Dehan's hair and threw it away. Tang Dehan's entire face was deformed and sunken, and he no longer looked like a human.

But Tang Dehan, who was abandoned in the field, was still unable to move.

The severe pain has almost made him faint. After all, he is also a seventh-level alien. With the full burst of supernatural powers, ordinary practitioners will not be his opponent! He

How could he be helpless to fight back? But

At this moment, he was really desperate and scared. As soon as that word came out, he couldn't activate any of his powers. He was even more fragile than an ordinary person! And

At this moment, Doctor Ability's face was extremely gloomy. He

Unexpectedly, this basic technique can really immobilize Tang Dehan."

Okay, not bad." Dr. Anomaly suddenly spoke loudly.

"I would like to personally learn this Chinese technique." He said.

After saying these words, the superpowers all over the Doctor's body suddenly exploded, and arcs of electricity even flashed across his body!

The power of the ninth-level alien suddenly set off a violent energy in the whole place!

At that time, everyone's expressions suddenly changed, especially the practitioners from China!

How can a simple basic immobilization technique be able to compete with the power of a ninth-level stranger?

This is clearly a rogue act.

Apparently, the scene where Luo Chen violently beat up Tang Dehan just now angered Dr. Supernatural!

"Dr. Supernatural, this is just"

Shut up!" Dr. Anomaly shouted violently, and the entire venue almost exploded.

Everyone's eyes went dark and they almost fainted from the shock.

Only Luo Chen looked at the superpower doctor on the podium with a sarcastic look.

"Okay, that's as you wish."

Let you experience the so-called Chinese magic!"


As soon as Luo Chen said these words, the entire venue trembled! Accurate.

The expression of Dr. Superpower, who was about to take action, suddenly changed, and his face showed the same look of horror as Tang Dehan just now. He

He stood up with one foot already hanging in the air, ready to attack Luo Chen personally. But

But at this moment, the foot was hanging in mid-air, unable to move, and remained in that position.

Not only him, but also Mr. Tang and others' stunned expressions froze. Li

Guan Zhe's expression of shock and disbelief froze. Zhang

Qi stood up and froze while keeping his body leaning forward. No.

Just them! And

Everyone in the audience was froze by this single word at this moment! In the end,

What was most horrifying was that the fountain in the venue was actually frozen at this moment.

The water lines that originally formed a line were flowing, but now they are completely frozen!

At this moment, the sky became still.

The whole world seemed to be completely frozen with the word "fixed" spoken by Luo Chen!

The clouds above our heads, the south wind blowing slightly!

Every plant, every tree, everything is frozen.

Although everyone could not move, they were all frozen.

But everyone's hearts were horrified to the extreme. This

Is it definitely the lowest level and most basic body-holding technique?

Li Guanzhe couldn’t believe it! Strange

Dr. Neng can’t believe it!

Everyone present couldn’t believe it! Especially

Especially the practitioners present were even more horrified.

Body-fixing technique!

Which one of them doesn’t understand this spell? He

Which of us has never learned this?

This is the most basic, entry-level, and simplest technique! But

No one would think that this spell is so powerful!

At this moment, even the fountain was frozen, and even the ninth-level stranger was frozen.

Only Luo Chen in the venue looked around with disdain, scanning everyone."

Huh, Chinese magic is so terrible?" "

If Chinese magic is really unbearable, it can only mean one thing."

It’s just that you are not good at studying, and you simply don’t understand the profoundness and mystery of this magic!”

“I haven’t even reached the entry level yet!”

You haven't even mastered the most basic techniques, and you dare to talk about my Chinese magic?"

Then Luo Chen suddenly turned his head and looked at Li Guanzhe, Tan Guanlan, Mr. Tang and others.

"If you are not good at it, why should you blame this technique for not being good enough?"

"Although this body-fixing technique is only the most basic technique, if it is really practiced to the extreme, it can fix mountains and rivers, the sun, the moon and the stars!"

Any basic magic technique is all-encompassing and simplified!"

"As a practitioner, how dare you despise this technique?" Luo Chen said coldly. "

You haven’t even learned the basics well, yet you dare to represent the Chinese Dharma community and embarrass yourself?”

If you lose, you still blame the magic itself?" Sui

Hou Luochen looked at the supernatural doctor who was frozen on the rostrum."

You haven't even touched the threshold of the most basic magic skills, who gave you the courage to despise my Chinese magic skills?"

"My Chinese magic!"

One thought makes the world move"

The truth is overwhelming!”

Who dares to look down upon it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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