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Chapter 4819: Myriad Creation Realm

“Don’t want to recognize you as Lord?

This couldn't be simpler, just wipe out the original weapon spirit and then forcefully recognize its owner.

After you recognize the master, a new weapon spirit will be born over time.

The relationship between treasures and weapon spirits has always been that the weapon spirit relies on the treasure for its existence. If the treasure is destroyed, the weapon spirit will also perish, but if the weapon spirit is destroyed, the treasure will not be damaged.

At most, it’s just a little troublesome to recognize the Lord, but it’s not difficult.”

The fifth floor of the Prison Tower.

When Lin Chen finished speaking, Shang Yan looked unconcerned. Obviously in his eyes, this was simply not worth mentioning.

"The weapon spirit, in the final analysis, is just a soul body that relies on treasures to exist.

I will teach you a soul method that can destroy the weapon spirit of the Chaos Treasure.

First destroy the weapon spirit, and then wait for the Chaos Treasure to give birth to a new spirit, and then forcefully recognize its owner."

As the system of cultivators has developed to this day, it is natural that it has special means to deal with weapon spirits.

Although it is difficult to destroy the weapon spirit of the Chaos Treasure, it is actually very easy for the dominant master. They only need to master the corresponding methods and spend some time.

Lin Chen looked happy: "Please master, please teach me!"

This method of erasing weapon spirits is not very precious, but if Shang Yan did not exist, if he wanted to master this method, he would probably have to at least return to his station outside the world first.

At this time, a sound came from inside the Blood Dragon Armor, which was suppressed aside.

"Don't mess around, give me some time to think about it."

Not only was the previous resentment gone from his voice, but it was also filled with unconcealable fear.

Lin Chen ignored it at all.

Shang Yan stretched out his hand and touched Lin Chen's eyebrows. Immediately, Lin Chen's mind suddenly received a message, which was exactly the method used to destroy the weapon spirit.

The weapon spirit in the blood dragon armor was not calm at all, and said again: "I promise you! That's all I promise you.

I am willing to be used by you!"

After a while, Lin Chen opened his eyes and looked at the Blood Dragon Armor.

"I don't know whether you mean it or not.

Am I really giving in out of fear, or am I planning to try my luck and help those guys from Canglan Universe bite me in the future?

But now, none of that matters."

Lin Chen formed a seal with his hands, and his fingers were flying up and down like butterflies dancing in the flowers. Wisps of dark flames jumped out from his fingertips, intertwined, and in a moment, turned into a black fire cauldron.

The method that Shang Yan taught him was not difficult for the master to learn. In terms of technique, it was very similar to the manipulation of flames during alchemy. He didn't need to practice it specially, he could master it directly.

A powerful force surged out from the fire cauldron and incorporated the blood dragon armor into it.

The weapon spirit of the Blood Dragon Armor first begged, then cursed, and finally lost his voice.

It doesn't take long to destroy the weapon spirit of the Chaos Treasure. Lin Chen can do it in just a few days.

However, although a few days is not long, it is not short either. Therefore, when fighting against a strong person, it is absolutely impossible to use this method to deal with the enemy's Chaos Treasure! A few days passed, and the Fire Cauldron dissipated.

The blood dragon armor fell from mid-air. Lin Chen reached out and made a move. The blood dragon armor flew in front of him uncontrollably. The weapon spirit in it had died, but there was still a faint trace of spirituality left.

Relying on this trace of spirituality, as long as time is enough, the Blood Dragon Armor will give birth to a new weapon spirit! Lin Chen released his spiritual thoughts and tried to communicate with the spirituality that has no self-awareness. This process is actually very troublesome. The Chaos Treasure will

It will isolate the spiritual thoughts that try to enter it, so if you want to communicate with that trace of spirituality, in addition to needing that the spiritual thoughts are strong enough, you also need to be skilled enough! Lin Chen spent several more days before finally connecting that trace of spirituality with

Their consciousnesses were connected together, and they successfully identified the owner of the Blood Dragon Armor.

He turned his eyes and looked at the bronze mirror next to him.

The bronze mirror trembled, like a child trembling with fear.

"Did you also see the fate of the Blood Dragon Armor Spirit?

Do you want to cooperate with me honestly, or do you want me to erase your consciousness and then forcefully claim your mastership?

Take the initiative to help me recognize my master, and I will not take action against you."

Lin Chen had a bit of menace on his face, looking like a big villain.

He released his spiritual thoughts and tried to connect with the spirit in the bronze mirror.

However, the weapon spirit inside the bronze mirror was reluctant and not very cooperative.

Lin Chen's face darkened, and he formed seals with his ten fingers. Wisps of black flames jumped out from his fingers, and in the blink of an eye, they gathered into a pitch-black fire cauldron.

Buzz - Seeing this scene, the weapon spirit of the Bronze Mirror was frightened, and actively spread an idea to guide Lin Chen to recognize the master.

"You guy, you are really dishonest if you don't fight!"

Lin Chen laughed and cursed angrily.

The connection between the Blood Dragon Armor's weapon spirit and the Canglan Universe was too deep for him to trust. Therefore, no matter whether the weapon spirit was sincere or pretending to surrender, he would choose the safest way to destroy it! But the Bronze Mirror's weapon

The spirit has no owner, so Lin Chen has nothing to worry about. If it is willing to cooperate with him and recognize its owner, that would be the best.

From the very beginning, Lin Chen was trying to scare the Bronze Mirror's weapon spirit and never thought of actually destroying it.

With the cooperation of the bronze mirror spirit, Lin Chen quickly identified the bronze mirror as its owner.

As he became the owner of the bronze mirror, the name of the bronze mirror and related abilities appeared in his mind! Its name is the realm of creation of all forms! There are two abilities, one is to restrain the soul; the other is to look at all living beings! The so-called

As the name suggests, the soul arrester can capture the enemy's soul and imprison it in a bronze mirror; as for the so-called image of living beings, it can display the image of any place within thousands of miles on the mirror, and can also turn the image into a mirror.

As a phantom, it appears in another place within a radius of tens of millions of miles! "It is indeed a good thing!"

Lin Chen smiled.

Of these two abilities, "appearance of sentient beings" is more important to him than "soul-binding".

For a strong master, thousands of miles is actually just a very short distance. What surprised Lin Chen was not that the "Ten Thousand Phases of Creation" could project the situation anywhere within thousands of miles to his side.

! But it can do this quietly! According to the information in his mind, as long as there is no one in the projected existence who has a higher realm than him, then the other party will not discover it.

"I remember that the Blood Flame Shura guy has a chaos treasure called the 'Tian Luo Eye', which can be used to conduct long-distance searches.

The scope of the search is comparable to dozens of star fields, far more than tens of thousands of miles! In terms of the scope of the search, the 'Wanxiang Creation Realm' cannot be compared with the 'Tian Luo Eye', but in terms of concealment, 'Tian Luo Eye'

Luo Yan' is not even worthy of carrying shoes for the 'Wanxiang Creation Realm'.

At first, I was searched by him using the 'Tian Luo Eye', but I also immediately noticed the existence of the 'Tian Luo Eye'.

If the 'Tian Luo Eye' was slightly hidden, I wouldn't even have a chance to escape into the Sea of ​​Nothingness! In practical applications, the 'Ten Thousand Phases Creation Realm' would be even more useful! For example, if I discovered Hades Emperor and the others earlier, if I had

With the 'Ten Thousand Forms of Creation' in your hands, you can monitor their every move at all times without them noticing.

The Lord of the Sealing King, after all, is just the Lord, and cannot notice that I am targeting him! And once they separate and go on their way, I can use the ‘Ten Thousand Forms of Creation Realm’ to kill everyone except the Hades Emperor!”

This chapter has been completed!
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