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1016 Family

"Then the next generation of families that are close to the royal family and the aristocratic team that holds real power will not have the Willick family."

"Even the current head of the family has used Willik's current momentum to obtain several ministerial positions."

"But once the king's closeness and trust are not cultivated..."

"In a few generations, the Willick family will be like other families, having to bear the consequences of their own decline or prosperity."

This is what the biological father of Mai Fan's body least wants to see.

This was also the reason why he was unwilling to rescue her again and again.

The question is, has this body shown anything special before?

If so, if he gets in touch with the patriarch of the family, will he reveal the secret?

Judging from the current development, he does not have this talent at all.

If father and son really met, how would he explain that his talent disappeared out of thin air?

Mai Fan pondered.

The bird on the shoulder has told everything he knows.

It's time to say goodbye.

"The first communication is completed. The next routine communication will be scheduled for ten days."

If there are no major breakthroughs, they had originally planned to maintain two or three progress calls a month.

This kind of communication is mentally taxing.

The little bird tilted its head and clicked, as if it had woken up and found that it had landed on the shoulder of a human being.

For this little bird, it might just be a sleepy adventure.

It flapped its wings and flew straight into the sky, flying to the location where the breeder had directed it.

Mai Fan was left alone in the room, packing his luggage for departure and thinking about how to deal with it.

"Amnesia, this is a rhetoric."

But a person's own talent will not be transferred by amnesia.

Just when he was a little worried about how he would get through it when the time came.

Suddenly, the diary in his arms beeped twice.

And this kind of beeping sound is usually only heard from the strongest villain system.

Have you woken up?

Has it finally found its place in this world?

Mai Fan quickly opened the diary, and the familiar voice came from inside.

"Oh my God, it's really hard to replenish energy here."

"I didn't expect that the will of the world would restrain me so harshly."

"If the executor hadn't activated the main mission of this world..."

"I am still in a sealed state."

Mai Fan was curious: "You woke up a long time ago? Why didn't you give me a response?"

The system was also quite aggrieved: "It was the will of the world that locked me up."

"If you haven't activated the main line of this world, then I won't be able to show up for a day."

"Because this is a world without order, or where the protagonist, supporting roles and villains are not determined."

"I need you as the executor to finalize the role."

"And just now, the internal fighting in your family was enough to influence the succession of a country and the rise and fall of a family..."

"The stories in it are enough to be written into a very exciting novel."

"Just now, some of my basic functions were released with just a swipe."

"That's when I realized that I can get in touch with you now."

"However, there is not much help I can provide you...they are all very basic tips."

"The talent of this body can be returned to you."

"Before it is determined, the will of this world is afraid that you will mess up, so it deliberately removed the talents of the original villain that may have an impact on this world."

Now, the script begins...

Mai Fan can also use this talent.

As he spoke, a golden ball floated out from the system.

With a whoosh, it sank directly into Mai Fan's head.

As if absorbed by his spiritual power, it suddenly disappeared without a trace.

And Mai Fan's body seemed to have something inexplicable.

At the same time, the mechanical sound of the villain system marked this feeling.

'The gift of prophecy: what you say will come true.'

'Talent level: level 9, talent rarity: extremely rare.'

'Talent continuation method: blood inheritance, talent promotion method: talent owner self-promotion.'

‘The current owner’s talent level: Level 1, Stage 0.’

‘Achievable prophecy category: success rate 0.05%’

‘Available event level: F- (extremely small, extremely trivial things...the trivial things only increase its value)’

So this kind of crazy talent has some use after all.

He deserves to be protected like a treasure by the Wilik family.

If you want to upgrade, what are the key points...

Mai Fan has no clue at all, but the good news is that this ability has returned to him.

At least when he meets his father or family members, he won't betray him.

So, things here come to an end.

He is not a nosy person. He will not interfere with what the person from Mithril City upstairs does.

Now he just wants to reach the destination he wants to reach most in this world, the City of Secrets.

This is an easy thing to do in the gray area.

Because when they left the hotel, the owner of the hotel gave Mai Fan a piece of identification.

This sign, plus a flag, is enough for them to deal with most troubles on the road.

The flag is the flag of the Magic Academy of the City of Secrets.

And that plaque was pinned to Mai Fan's chest as a medal. It was the temporary identity certificate for the students of the Magic Academy.

As the real controlling force in this area, no desperado would dare to attack the students here.

If so, then the student must be of sufficient value, and the person who wants his life must have enough penetration into the gray area.

Desperados are lawless, but they also cherish their lives.

It was with these two proofs of identity that it took Mai Fan and his party only ten days to reach their final destination.

When they were only one day away from the City of Secrets...

Thousands of miles away in Silver City, a piece of news broke the surface calm.

"What! Wilikvan was found? He arrived in the City of Secrets?"

"What! Wilikvan was found? He arrived in the City of Secrets?"

Although the people who said these two sentences were equally surprised, their final emotions were completely different.

The face of the head of the Wilik family bloomed with a brilliance that had not been seen for many days.

Because I was too worried, my waist, which had not straightened up for a long time, also straightened up.

But the first heir of this family, Mighty Keqiang, Mai Fan's cheap eldest brother, was shocked and angry.

A person who had been dead for more than half a year suddenly came back to life...

Then, what he has to face next will be too difficult.

This chapter has been completed!
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