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1049 The end of the world

 And those who belong to the light, no one can guarantee that their whole body will be clean and pure.

Basically, there are some bad thoughts that arise.

Then there is only one result waiting for them.

Severe direct death is not considered severe, the mildest is loss of memory, and the most severe is dementia.

As for the person who tore the scroll and used it.

Because his body will directly face the impact...

What he did was the most thorough.

The high priest went, and although many people died with him, even more people were saved by him.

Especially since it has solved such a huge hidden danger for a country and the heart of an alliance.

The large crack was directly sealed and petrified during the purification of this scroll.

The cracks that emerged were directly sealed and resolved.

This contribution is absolutely huge.

Therefore, any loss of personnel caused previously is a small matter.

His merits deserve to be remembered and praised by all.

This is the hero of this era.

A great hero who is recorded in the annals of history and can be praised by others.

So, this is the protagonist of this book?

So what is his position in this book?

Mai Fan flipped back and finally found the position of the body he was attached to in that world in this book in an inconspicuous paragraph.

He is a person who has been purified by a priest.

In fact, he had already had some doubts.

It's not that he doesn't have the blood of the Willick family.

After all, his bloodline talent is there, and it is a talent skill that no one needs to identify.

A skill that only true blood people can possess.

What he suspected was that his maternal side of the bloodline was fused with something.

The cheap mother of this body is strange.

Ever since he inherited the Willick family, he seemed to have disappeared and never appeared in front of him.

There is still news about her in Witch Town.

After all, she is the leader of the Witch Union and a sister-like existence.

The other party has been avoiding meeting him.

She had never avoided meeting the head of the Willick family before, and she even relived her old dream.

But for this biological son, he was clearly raised by his own hands before, but then he disappeared completely.

This in itself is suspicious.

Because of his suspicious nature, Mai Fan disguised himself as an ordinary businessman and went to a town under the jurisdiction of a witch to take a look at his mother's body from a distance.

After seeing the annotation on the mother's head, he understood why the other party tried to avoid meeting him as much as possible after he became the great magician.

Because this mother has demon blood.

And he is the direct bloodline of the Great Demon for three generations.

As a neutral group, witches' attitude towards any race is related to their strength.

Strong ethnic groups will have corresponding respect.

vice versa.

They are like gentle versions of harpies, taking matriarchal society as the main body and never depending on men.

In addition, although they have weird personalities, they are pretty enough.

This reduces many obstacles when they are looking for a strong male group.

It also provides many possibilities for growing your own tribe.

Mai Fan was a hybrid born under such circumstances.

Experimental product mixed with the best blood.

In the original "Demonstration" book, he was the failure of the experiment.

His demonic nature was not hidden during this crack explosion, it completely exploded.

In this book, he did not inherit the Willick family.

It was the later head of the family who used some means to bring him back from the dark realm in order to continue the bloodline of Wei Like.

He has no real rights within the family.

However, this family provided him with a good life and countless beauties with good qualifications.

He has only one mission in the family, and that is to try to produce as many next generations with good qualifications as possible.

As for the qualifications, of course they are the qualifications that can awaken the innate bloodline.

If it weren't for their generation, only Mai Fan would be the only one left.

The entire family is facing the embarrassment of severing their bloodline.

It is impossible for Mai Fan to be rescued and allowed to comfortably serve as the young master of the Welik family.

It was under this situation that Wei Likefan in Slayer of Demons was discovered and eliminated by the priest.

It is the demon's bloodline that is cleared, not his life.

But when the demon's bloodline was eliminated, his talent also disappeared.

This is because Willick's bloodline has become thin to a certain extent.

If it weren't for the particularity of the devil's bloodline that inspired it... this Wei Li Kefan should be just like the other members, a mediocre and unmanifest member.

After getting this result.

The Willick family will have no thanks to this pastor.

This is equivalent to telling everyone that the blood talent of the Welik family has been cut off.

The point of them raising Willy Kefan is gone.

And their family is also facing the biggest crisis since its establishment.

Everyone's heart was heavy. Wei Likefan went from being a son of a noble family that everyone held high, to becoming nothing more than a waste again.

He has experienced this gap several times.

Now that he is not young, he can no longer bear failure.

So the evil villain took a desperate risk and failed in the assassination attempt, but died under the knife of the priest guard.

He is just an inconspicuous little villain, his name left in history, and he also stayed with the Demon Slayer.

Is this the story of the villain of this world?

It is indeed an insignificant little role.

But just because of this small role, the Willick family declined.

People on the mainland discovered demon blood and the phenomenon of atavism.

The bloodline will not decrease as it is passed down from generation to generation, but will instead slowly strengthen.

After losing a character like Mai Fan who existed like a plug-in.

The process of people fighting demons in this world is not so smooth either.

Everyone tried their best, but in the end, they were just in a stalemate with each other.

If they didn't have a priest on their side who was getting stronger and had cracks in the seal.

Judging from the current situation, at least half of the territory of the light side will be covered by the devil's rift.

It is precisely because there is no complete means of checks and balances.

This resulted in this war to eliminate demons that lasted for decades.

The entire Bright Continent was devastated, and in the end, there was even another theory.

There is nothing wrong with being ruled by demons.

It's just another form of living thing.

A creature with dark attributes but not afraid of sunlight.

In addition to beguiling people to believe in the devil's gifts, it also transforms some species into their vassals.

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