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1069 Choose Different

 And miraculously, he survived to the end.

The kind of age at which one comes to the end of his life.

It’s just that the judgment on the final mission was appalling.

The villains in this world are only given a D-level rating.

But in this world, with such a low rating, his grandfather gained a lot of experience and points.

His shabby tavern was packed with the diary, stuffed into the blind box of points, and opened by his grandfather.

Probably after winning this big prize, all the luck of Mai Fan's grandfather Mai Mantun was absorbed.

Since then, people seem to have evaporated and disappeared inexplicably.

Now, Mai Fan wants to see what Mai Fan's grandfather experienced in this world that allowed him to survive successfully.

Memories entered Mai Fan's mind piece by piece.

It was intermittent, but at least he figured out the context.

Then it’s time to look at the villain’s original life trajectory.

It's not complete, it's still broken, but when the two lives come together in the middle, Mai Fan knows what migration means.

This is really a life that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Because the technological level of the people on earth is poor to a certain extent.

They are just primitive civilization on the resource planet.

In the eyes of the high-tech, high-latitude civilizations that helped them migrate out, their technology was basically the product of uncivilization.

They can't wait for the people on earth to evolve, research, and develop through their own efforts.

As an advanced civilization that discovered their planet.

They have absolute control over the earth.

The people on earth are also part of their property.

In a starry sky where workers are in short supply, or in other words, obedient workers are in short supply.

Earthlings, a race that currently seems to have no offensive power and is very obedient, is the best cheap labor force.

Since it is a labor force, it must be put to work immediately and bring benefits to the upper civilization.

So from the beginning, what these civilizations want to do is full of purpose.

They want to put batches of Earthlings to work.

Of course not all.

Be effective and capable of doing that part of the job.

As for the remaining ones who are still underage and those who are too old.

People of this ethnic group will find ways to support themselves, right?

And this ticket is actually a chain given by this civilization to the people on earth.

On the one hand, it is unlocking, which means having the ticket.

The road to powerful racial evolution is opened.

At the same time, the ship ticket also covers the people on earth with a film that is both protective and controlling.

Through the guidance of this membrane, humans can quickly master many skills, learn a lot of knowledge, and gradually practice and develop the hidden potential of the body.

A small number of people have even evolved to a higher level.

Most people will learn knowledge that they will never know or realize in their lifetime.

This can certainly promote the evolution of people on earth.

As long as there is enough time, they can tap into their greatest potential.

But at the same time, this also guided their behavior and thinking patterns in disguise.

Because the people on earth who have just migrated to the habitable planet will find that the planet they are about to start a new life on is a barren planet that cannot produce anything.

Here, everything needs to be replaced with labor.

What they want to do is to work for higher civilizations and produce parts that they cannot understand.

Produce some plants and flowers they have never seen before.

Raise some weird livestock and provide various services to higher-level tribes.

No matter what class of person you are on earth, whether it is an elite, a big shot, or a star.

In the new environment, everyone has only one identity, that of a worker.

Of course, doing this will definitely cause some dissatisfaction.

Even other civilizations would not allow such blatant acts of slavery to exist.

Therefore, in addition to work, this civilization also gives people on earth some other choices.

For example, joining the army, exploring, opening up wasteland, and traveling in the service industry in the travel corridor.

These look much more promising than working on a living star.

It seems that it is not a position that ordinary people can participate in.

But it is so equal. As long as you sign up for these positions and pass the test, you can participate, participate, and make a career in it.

Because the ticket given by this high-level star, in addition to telling everyone what to do...

It also has the ability to promote species evolution.

When humans make contributions to higher-level ethnic groups, they will definitely give corresponding rewards.

These are the rules of all galaxies in the universe, they are rigid and cannot be violated.

No matter how low-level and barbaric a group of people are, they have the right to get the rewards they deserve.

Mai Fan knocked on his head, and a control screen appeared directly in front of his eyes.

But now, there is no release of any tasks, nothing, just one sentence...

Wait where you are, wait where you are.

This is the initial primary guidance, and it will wait until the people on earth adapt to this kind of control and guidance.

This ticket will be extended to more complex and diverse functions in the future.

Oh, by the way, this ferry ticket is just a popular term.

It has a common name among galactic creatures and groups.

That is the humanoid SII starry sky assist device.

Many groups are using this instrument. First, it is convenient. After inputting a fixed program, it also has reminder and auxiliary functions.

The second one is safety. When encountering star storms and some harsh environments, it can form a protective cover, which can at least last for a period of time.

The auxiliary instrument now distributed on a large scale by people on earth is the basic model of this auxiliary instrument.

It is also the cheapest and most common style.

This was originally one of the products mass-produced and sold by that advanced civilization.

Just like plastic bags produced on Earth, plastic bags are a bit exaggerated.

Just like the long johns produced on earth, it is not difficult to get one pair per person if the quantity is large enough.

After the people on earth figured out that they were not the only group that needed to rely on this kind of thing, they no longer resisted this kind of machine.

They effectively use this tool to benefit their own tribe.

There are even many ambitious people who have accumulated wealth and want to exchange for higher-level humanoid creature auxiliary devices for themselves.

Once everyone accepts this high-tech tool, they will naturally move to the next step.

Make money by working with this tool.

At this time, there were initial signs of differences among the ethnic groups.

Some people think that we should just evolve step by step.

Work hard and live seriously.

Save some money, take good care of your family, and then slowly improve the cultural level of the entire group.

Evolve and develop in a natural environment.

And some other people think.

This chapter has been completed!
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