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1076 Stepmom

 He ​​was once a little bully who wanted wind and rain, but now he has become a pitiful little person who no one cares about.

The gap is huge.

This gap has left an indelible mark in the hearts of half-grown children.

In addition, my father, who is the eldest brother, is always drinking at home.

When he was drunk, he cursed the old man and cursed heaven and earth. Of course, the one who cursed the most was the villain brother.

As children, the period is when adults say whatever they want.

In the past, my father was very high-spirited, and everyone in the family followed his orders.

Flattery and humility are the norm in front of him.

But now, those children who always coaxed him to play and were just his little followers can now scold him in turn.

This kind of gap is really unbearable for the younger generation.

If this child had been an ordinary child from the beginning, he probably wouldn't have been able to feel any difference.

The bad thing is, he has enjoyed the best in the past, so he naturally feels that his current life is the worst.

Then this kind of life lasted for more than ten years.

By the time the next generation of villains has grown up, the seeds of hatred have been buried deep.

This child didn't grow up very well. After all, by the time he reached adulthood, other people's families had already developed on a very large scale.

He still lives on the travel planet, and capable people have already developed and purchased some leisure satellites.

In comparison, he is like an ordinary person on the traveling planet.

If you just live your life in such an ordinary way, there is actually nothing wrong with it.

There is a lot of resentment, but at least I can go along with it.

But after arriving in the starry sky, there are many more dangers than life on earth or life on a habitable planet.

As a tourist star, I don’t have much resources.

But there are powerful entertainment activities, beautiful cultural environment, and comfortable service types.

It can still attract a lot of tourists to come for sightseeing.

The temperature here is also suitable for people of multiple races to live and relax.

Plus this is not a popular spot on the interstellar network.

So it is a place that is both livable and relaxing.

Belongs to the type of people who steal wealth.

But under this starry sky, being rich is the original sin.

If this kind of wealth does not have matching force to protect it...

Then it will be like Mianyang, which has always been weak, being torn into pieces by the jackals who are eyeing it.

It was an ordinary morning. The son of the eldest brother of the Mai family went to the Star School to submit his graduation thesis as usual.

This is the third time he has submitted his graduation application.

But if he fails the final evaluation, he will need to pay a high fee for another year.

At that time, the drunkard father in the family would directly call him a waste, throw his things out, and not give him another penny.

It was while walking on this road.


Suddenly there was a huge explosion outside the planet's rain cover.

As soon as Maiyu raised his head, he saw that the outside of the planet's protective shield was surrounded by dark starships.

It looks like these starships have all been modified.

There is a circle surrounding the starship, all of which are heavily equipped cannon muzzles.

Countless weapons that he had seen before or had never seen before were piled on every ship.

This is a modified interstellar pirate ship.

They are savage and rude, without good or evil, and are extremely cruel to their enemies.

They will certainly not be kind to the planet they are about to rob.

Mai Yu was so panicked that his first reaction was to run towards home.

But he saw his father hiding in the basement like a mouse.

He wanted to go over and follow him.

But he was pushed out by his father: "Go to your mother's side."

"My emergency cabin only has supplies for one person."

Due to years of drinking and uncontrolled squandering, the heir to the Mai family has basically been unable to leave any money.

A mansion like this should be equipped with a large emergency room.

But they don't have it at home.

A few years ago, I couldn't stand this person's degradation.

Maiyu's mother took the initiative to leave the Mai family and start a new life on another planet.

Asking Maiyu to find his mother at this time is equivalent to asking him to die.

Maiyu was very desperate for this reason.

He ran out of his home and planned to seek shelter at the nearest garrison, but found that with a roar, the planet's native guard spacecraft was shot down one by one by the enemies outside.

If you run over at this time, you may not be protected and will be attacked first.

Mai Yu ran among the panicked crowd for a while before he remembered.

The Mai family has a fleet here that can sail far away.

And there are many people from the Mai family still on this planet.

They are capable of evading the pursuit of pirates and reaching a safe place.

Thinking of this, Maiyu ran towards the Mai family's old house.

Sure enough, we saw a few familiar figures in the noisy crowd.

"I'm here, wait for me!"

The situation was so chaotic that no one heard Maiyu's shouts in the distance.

Several people of the younger generation, with the help of mercenary guards, successfully boarded the jump ship.

Everyone moved things up there, pulled people in, and counted supplies.

No one noticed that Maiyu was knocked down and stepped on several times while running here.

Wait until he got up despite the pain.

That huge, high-end aircraft carrier that had the ability to jump directly into the starry sky without the need to slowly fly out from the protective shield disappeared from Maiyu's eyes with just a swipe.

Star jumping does not require any preparation time.

You only need to determine the coordinate point in the starry sky where you want to go, and then start the spacecraft.

This process really takes place in the blink of an eye.

The outer wall of the spacecraft is not damaged, the functions of each area are perfect, the cabin door of the spacecraft is closed, and you can set off directly.

Before setting off, the Mai family deliberately counted the number of people.

There are not many members of the Mai family in the old house.

Most of them were servants from the Mai family.

The young adults of the Mai family are all busy on other planets and basically no longer live on the travel planet.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with his home, the old man of the Mai family asked people to take off.

At this time, the villain's mother is quite capable of causing trouble.

A few years ago, the eldest brother of the Mai family was the former heir.

The old man's first wife passed away.

With her considerate personality and the fact that she has had no regrets for so many years, she does not ask for money but only for emotional companionship...

Finally got a chance to make things right.

Now the wife of the Mai family is the villain’s mother.

As a stepmother, of course she has to care about her nominal children.

"Why don't you call the boss over?"

The old man frowned as he looked at the constant roar on the protective shield, and then looked at the Mai family's defense captain.

This chapter has been completed!
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