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1096 Recruits report

 Ms. Xing calls for small manned equipment.

Step on the cargo-style disc from your door, and it will send people there along a fixed track.

Because of the help of the auxiliary device, people standing on it will not be affected by acceleration, wind and balance forces.

If you feel that standing is a bit boring, whether you want to sit down or lie down, this load-bearing instrument will convert the corresponding seat.

Of course, Mai Fan and Ms. Xing are really not like that.

Because this load-bearing instrument drives very quickly.

In just five minutes, Yuanpan pulled the two of them to the place where they were waiting for the bus.

There are still five minutes until the next bus departs.

Ms. Xing stood opposite her son, suddenly not knowing what to say.

She just silently pushed a small reagent into Mai Fan's hand.

It's not appropriate to take it out in front of the old man.

This is the first-aid medicine she bought for her youngest son by poaching the corner of the Mai family.

The effect is much better than the basic model equipped by the military.

With the current structure of the human body, as long as the head is not directly knocked off and there is still breath, it can be saved.

This is my mother's love for me. It is a bit awkward to express, but it is real and true.

Mai Fan took a deep breath and gave the other party a big hug.

"Mom, don't bear it if you are angry at home."

"If the old man treats you badly, just move out and I will take care of you."

Mai Fan didn't say such silly things as "do a good job in the army, Guangzong Yaozu".

This is inconsistent with his position as a cold social elite.

But his mother must understand the meaning of these words. She has a very clear positioning for herself and her son.

"I have never wanted anything from that old man, so naturally I won't accommodate him."

No one could believe that when Ms. Xing made such a strange choice, she just thought that the old man named Mai was better than all the men she knew.

Things have changed now.

Maybe the strongest old man would still be the strongest she knew in the future.

I will tell you what happens next...

After all, we are in a new and unfamiliar environment...

If some old relationships don't last, it feels like life is starting over again, without any foundation.

Ms. Xing waved her hand and urged Mai Fan not to worry about him.

The soldiers who came to pick up the new recruits stopped exactly in front of them.

There are not many people as proactive as Mai Fan at reception desks nowadays.

Most people are still in the stage of recognizing relatives, looking for relatives and friends, and studying how to use these devices.

Like Mai Fan, he skipped many processes and came directly to where he is now...

He was basically the only one picked up on this train.

The car door creaked open, and Mai Fan found a seat by the window and waved to Ms. Xing, telling her to go back quickly.

Farewell is a matter of time and it will be even more sad if we look at it like this.

Probably because I thought that my son in the past would often not visit his old house for most of the year.

Ms. Xing did not feel much sadness about this parting.

She saw Mai Fan get into the car smoothly, said hello, and rushed to the Mai family's old house.

Her son is working hard outside, and she must keep her position at the Mai family and dig out more life-saving money for her son who is far away.

Once he doesn't do well in the army, at least he still has the financial resources she saved for him.

You can still have a worry-free life in the future.

Mai Fan didn't know what his mother was thinking. Sitting in the car, he just sighed that it was a good thing that this was an unmanned carrier ship.

If the recruiting office was like his, then the person in charge of driving would probably be furious.

In a job that is directly linked to performance, what I fear most is encountering situations like Mai Fan's.

In fact, one thing about Mai Fan's guess is correct.

The head of the newly established Supernova Recruitment Station No. 9521 has had to pull out several of his tentacles in the past two days.

Their recruitment station is a newly established station to prepare for the recruitment of several rising stars nearby.

When this recruitment point was originally set up, there were objections from the upper echelons of the army.

Because setting up a recruitment point means allocating part of the troops and positions to build an independent department.

Although there are only a few people in this department.

However, the corresponding military rank and salary are not at all low.

This is a rare and good job for a non-commissioned officer who has not been promoted for many years.

Many non-commissioned officers who are about to retire and see no future are vying for this position.

He was lucky enough to find an old senior officer from his past, and after a few rounds of relationships, he was promoted.

The military rank of a second lieutenant officer and the recruitment department of an entire platoon were thus established.

However, the establishment of the institution of recruitment points for new recruits must be linked to recruitment performance.

As a recruiting point, of course, it cannot have the same requirements as the recruitment points in the old and mature star systems.

This year, the Xingyu Alliance has small-scale expansion in three regions.

The number of newly returned planets accommodated in the Star Alliance is 777.

The number of planets that have completed basic placement is 600.

There are 3 recruitment points for new recruits set up in these 600 planet areas.

Each recruitment point is divided according to the direction. Coincidentally, there are 200 new planets and species on the planet in each area for them to recruit.

I don’t know how they were selected. The western recruitment point where they are located has received the lowest number of recruits so far.

When the recruitment points in the north and south have completed 5% of their recruitment quota...

There is only a measly 3% on his side

This situation made the recruiting station commander very puzzled. After he activated his officer authority and checked the information of the 200 new stars within the recruiting range, he was speechless.

This is simply a death trap.

Among the nearly 200 planets, nearly half have a total population of less than one million.

In the remaining half, there are more than a dozen planets that survive as ethereal bodies.

The remaining... countries with large populations basically only account for a quarter.

Almost all of the first three percent came from several chaotic and martial planets.

On those weak, low-level of development, relatively peaceful planets, there are really not many people who voluntarily join the army.

Just like the earth, the number of people coming to sign up now...

There is only 1!!

Although they have only opened applications for less than three days, only 1 is too few.

The main reason is that the number of applications for military conscription is increasing, but only 1 has been reported.

In a country with a population of several billion, what is everyone busy with?

The webmaster who needs to understand the mentality of the creatures on this weird planet will do nothing else today.

Just sitting in the office, waiting for his soldiers to give him feedback.

According to the recruit's movement trajectory, the car carrying him should arrive in five minutes.

This chapter has been completed!
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